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You are asked to produce 100 tons of particleboard You are asked to produce 1 piece of
with density of 0.65 g/cm 3 by using the sengon particleboard size (340 mm x 340 mm x 10 mm)
wood with specific gravity of 0.5 and recovery
factor of 80%. Liquid UF adhesive (RC50%) was
with density of 0.60 g/cm3 by using the Afrika
used in amount of 8%. How much: wood flakes particles (MC 5%). Liquid UF
1. Vol. of wood is required? adhesive (RC65%) was used in amount of 10%.
2. The amount of adhesive should be prepared? How much:
3. The compression ratio of the board? 1. Afrika wood flakes particle is required?
4. Container volume is needed for handling the
2. The amount of adhesive should be prepared?

General Description

{ Fiberboard (FB) is panelboard made from fibers of wood or other

lignocellulosics material, manufactured by an interfelting of the
Fiberboard fibers and consolidated under heat and pressure in hot press.
{ FB is one of wood composites boards

Advantages of FB Compared to Solid Wood

General Description Similar strength on the length and width direction à more isotropic
Hardboard The surface are smooth, hard and strong
Insulation board The panel size is wide
Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Resistant to crack and check
Free from knot
Good insulation property
More resistant to fire

Wahyu Hidayat 1

General Description General Description

Raw Materials for Fiberboard Manufacturing Classification of Fiberboard

Pulp wood and fire wood FP is calssified according to: 1) density and 2) manufacturing method
Low quality of wood or rejected wood
Thinning or small diameter of wood
Fiberboard Density (g/cm 3)
Wood waste (industry waste, harvesting waste,)
Bark wood Non Compressed:
Agricultural waste (bagasse, bamboo, rice husks, straws, etc.) 0.02 – 0.15
● Semi-rigid insulation board
Waste paper
● Rigid-insulation board 0.15 – 0.40
F Raw material is available plentifully
Additives ● Medium density fiberboard (MDF) 0.40 – 0.80
Additives are added to improve certain properties of the board. They ● Hardboard 0.80 – 1.20
● Special densified hardboard 1.20 – 1.45
are added before or after the board manufactured.

Water resistant à paraffin, candle, wax, rosin, coal tar

The initial stage of manufacture are the same for each type of FB, but
the later stage, after mat forming, differ.
Strength à asphalt, emulsion asphalt
Water resistant à linseed oil, tung oil, tall oil (by product of pulping process) By varying the pressure, FB of low, medium and high densities are
Fungi & termite resistant à preservatives (fungicide, insecticide) obtained. Properties and uses of each type differ.

Hardboard Hardboard
Hardboard was developed accidentally in 1924 The manufacturing process:
by Wllliam H Mason.
Standard hardboard The fiber is hold together by lignin. Pulping process Board Pre- Hot- Hard-
Chip (TMP) formation press press board
à the presence of lignin in fiber is important
There are two type of hardboard:
Resin+additives Tempering
1) standard hardboard (ς: 0.8–1.2 g/cm3)
2) special densified hardboard (ς: >1.2 g/cm3). • Pulp is produced from chip with a thermo-mechanical process (TMP) in which
Tempered hardboard the lignin of wood is retained. Lignin is needed as bonding agent.
Standard hardboard has the thickness range
from 2 mm to 6.4 mm. It is mainly used in the • Fibers are formed into a mat by wet-process or dry-process
building industry. Wet-process à water as a forming medium, need wire screen to squeeze out
Special densified hardboard or tempered water (in hot pressing), → one rough surface (S-1-S),
hardboard has higher strength and resistance to evenly distributed density.
moisture than standard hardboard. Dry-process à air as a forming medium, no need wire screen in hot pressing,
→ smooth on two side (S-2-S), less evenly distributed density,
Tempered hardboard is suitable for structural components and other applications lower strength, need more adhesive.
which require high strength. • Hot-pressing (T: 190-200 ºC, P: 500-1500 psi) is employed to bring the lignin
to a thermoplastic condition and densify the fiber mat.
• Tempering à by soaking finished panel in various oil then baking it at high temperature.

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Hardboard Hardboard
Tempered hardboard Application of Hardboard
Standard hardboard is used for:
Housing: floor coverings, floor underlay,
Wall and ceiling linings, paneling, partitions
Automobile: floor, door panel and interior
Joinery, kitchen units, furniture
Television and radio backs
Mirror and photo frame backs
Shoe heel, chalk boards, packaging boxes;
S-2-S In shop fitting, display and exhibition work

F More applications

Insulation board Insulation board

Insulation board is a group of fiber panel Application of Soft board:
products with density ranging from 0.02
Acoustic board: ceiling, wall linings,
to 0.40. Also known as soft board.
underlays in recording studios & auditoria
Its thickness ranges from 8 mm to 25 mm Thermal insulation: wall linings, ceilings,
There is no ligneous bonding. Fibers are and roof linings
hold together by hydrogen bonding. Aesthetical board: display board, window
dressing, notice board
Starch and asphalt are often used for
bond enhancement. Ideal for packaging, and core material for
partitions and doors.
The manufacturing process:
The process is quite similar to hardboard but without hot pressing.
Instead of hot pressing, the mat is brought to desired thickness using
a press roll and then dried.

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Medium-density Fiberboard Medium-density Fiberboard

Medium-density fiberboard (MDF) is a new type The manufacturing process of MDF:
of wood panel developed in the 1960s.
Pulping Thermo-
The density ranges from 0.5 - 0.8 g/cm3. mechanical Resin
Chip process Drying
pulp blending
The bonding of fibers in the finish products is by
the use of synthetic resin (UF or PF) rather than
ligneous bonds.

Hot- Pre- Board

MDF press press formation
MDF is used for many purposes.
The most significant use of MDF
is in furniture manufacture
The first steps in making MDF is very similar to hardboard. Logs are
reduced to chip, then subjected to thermo-mechanical pulping (TMP).
The process thereafter closely resemble that used in making
particleboard. Fiber is dried, blended with resin (and additives), formed
into a mat, and then pressed to a desired thickness and density.
Like particleboard, resin solid compose 6-7 % of the dry weight of the
product. F more application of MDF

Classification of wood composites board

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Hardboard Hardboard: Applications (1)

Tempered hardboard



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Perforated (1) MDF
Perforated (2)

MDF Profiles (2)

MDF Profiles (1)

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MDF Frames

MDF MDF Cabinet’s Doors

Cabinet’s Doors

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MDF Fancy MDF Fancy

(1) (2)

MDF: Fancy (4)

MDF Fancy

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MDF Fancy MDF Fancy

(5) (6)

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