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development and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol and the country.

Second Semester 2020-2021


Instructions: Please read and copy the different astronomical instruments in a long sheet of
bondpaper. Familiarize the astronomical instruments and its pictures.


From Antiquity to the age of modern science, man has observed and analyzed the stars to
measure and understand the universe. The Musée des Arts et Métiers preserves several tools in
its collection of scientific instruments that have marked the history and practice of astronomy.
Prestigious objects that are often exceptionally intricate, also bear witness to the fascinating
adventure that unites man and the Heavens.

Here are the different Astronomical Instruments used by the renowned astronomers:

1.The Astrolabe

The astrolabe is a calculation and pedagogical tool of Greek origin (2nd century BC). It
made it possible to solve astronomic problems without any calculations. It identified, for
example, the time that the sun or the stars would rise or set, and the sun's height at its highest
point above the horizon, etc. From the 9th century onward, the astrolabe was commonly used by
Arab-Persian astronomers, mainly to accurately determine the precise time to pray. It was also an
instrument that was favored by astrologers throughout the Middle Ages. The astrolabe's
popularity only started to decline in the West in the 17th century. The astrolabe of Arsenius
(1530-1580) exhibited at the Musée des Arts et Métiersis extraordinary due its size. The diameter
of the element called the mater (the receptacle) measures almost 12 inches in diameter. Here the
rete (the movable openwork part that joins the stars and the sun) is divided into months with the
signs of the zodiac and it has 43 stars.
2. The Sundial

The sundial dates back to early antiquity when it was a particularly prestigious
instrument. This instrument, which has constantly evolved over the centuries, both in its form, its
precision and its uses, was mainly intended to indicate solar time. It can also give the dates of the
solstices and equinoxes. From the 17th century, it was used to regulate the clocks, particularly
when it was simplified to only indicate midday (the meridian). During this period, several
varieties of luxury sundials were developed, just like this portable sundial made of ivory. During
this period, several varieties of luxury sundials were developed, just like this portable sundial
made of ivory. One of the benefits of the double dial was that it was easy to orientate the device
in the true North-South direction, simply by rotating it. It functions as a sort of a compass.

3. The Sextant

Invented in the 18th century by John Hadley (1682-1744), this instrument makes it

possible to measure, very precisely, the height of a star above the horizon, most notably the sun.
It is a 60° sector equipped with a telescopic sight and two mirrors. One of these mirrors is
adjustable. By taking at least two height measurements and doing a calculation, you can obtain
geographical coordinates of your location (longitude and latitude). Provided that you have a
correctly set watch. So in a way the sextant is therefore an ancestor of the GPS. It was essential
for maritime navigation and it still is to this day. French navigators La Pérouse (1741–1788) and
Bougainville (1729–1811) are among the most renowned users of this instrument.

4. Galileo's Telescope
The idea of combining lenses to lengthen man's viewpoint dates back to 1589. The
telescope is undoubtedly an empirically developed Dutch invention. From 1608 it was sold at the
Frankfurt Fair. Galileo perfected the instrument\in the summer of 1609, even though he didn't
understand how its optics worked. The discoveries he made with his telescope at the end of that
year were published in 1610 in the "Sidereus Nuncius." They turned the world of astronomy
upside down. The four moons orbiting the planet Jupiter were undoubtedly his greatest
discovery. Galileo estimated that his telescope magnified 20 times. The magnification effect
depends on the diameter of the lens. The largest preserved telescopes in France are in the
observatories in Meudon (83 cm) and Nice (76 cm).

5. Borda's Repeating Circle

The repeating circle, invented by Borda (1733–1799), is a graduated circle supported on a

base which can be pointed in any direction. It is an improved version of the theodolite (an
instrument used for measuring angles). It was used to measure an angle by taking repeated
measurements and it was used initially for geodesic calculations then later in astronomy. It is
equipped with two telescopes with reticle eyepieces used to aim at the sides of the angle to be
measured. Most famously, Borda's repeating circle was used by theastronomers Delambre and
Méchain in the 18th century, when they were measuring the meridian of Paris to develop the
standard measurement of a meter.
6. The Orrery

The first orreries were mechanical instruments used for demonstration purposes. They
were common in England from the 18th century. They made it possible to show students and the
public the revolution of the planets around the sun, taking into account the specific orbital period
of each planet. Very often they could also show the planets' rotation on their own axis as well as
the rotation of their natural satellites. The earth-moon system was particularly well demonstrated.
Very often they could also show the planets' rotation on their own axis as well as the rotation of
their natural satellites. The earth-moon system was particularly well demonstrated.

The collection of scientific instruments on show at the Musée des Arts et Métiers makes
it possible to retrace certain major advances in astronomy research. Like the universe it seeks to
study, astronomy offers infinite possibilities, from amateur practices to the advanced major
technologies that define space exploration.

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