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Extended Definition Essay

Google AdSense

Advertising is a type of connection expected to impact a crowd of people to purchase or

make some move upon items, products, or services. It incorporates the name of a product or
service and how that it could benefit the buyer, to influence a target market to buy or to promote
the specific brand. Numerous organizations, nowadays, are using advertisements to attract
clients. It is extremely difficult for an organization to promote new products and services
knowing that there are many competitors that are well established and are well known in their
respective fields.

Advertisement has several forms to choose from such as through magazine,

newspapers, billboards, flyers, TV commercials, and so on. It all relies upon the cost that the
organization is capable of. These days, modern advertising strategies like online advertisement
particularly using Google AdSense is very much dependable. In a time where people are always
on-line this strategy is very effective.

Google AdSense is an advertising placement that allows publisher to display targeted

image, text, or video ads on sites relevant to the content of the website and allow the site owner
to gain cash when site guests view or tap the promotions [1]. This reputable advertising tool is
valuable not only for the site owner, but equally useful to the advertiser and site guests. It is
beneficial to everyone since it does not require major technical knowledge when dealing with it

As site guests enter to a website and tap on a promotion or ad, Google acquires cash
from the ad placements, and pays the site owner a part of what is earned. Marketers using
Google AdWords are creating these ads. Google reviews the websites then targets site guests
with relevant promotions, which originate from the marketers who are utilizing AdWords to
connect the ads to specific keywords [3].

This is why Google AdSense is extremely beneficial to site owners. Each AdWord
advertisement works through what is called Cost-Per-Click (CPC) [3]. Each time a site guest
taps on the promotion or advertisement the advertiser pays Google with a certain amount,
Google, then, takes a portion passes the rest on to the site host who enabled Google to put
advertisements on the site. The value of CPC depends on the popularity of specific keywords
and other elements. Most of the site host aim words with higher CPCs, the higher the CPCs the
higher the earnings.

Much the same as other businesses and organizations AdSense, on the other hand, has
its disadvantages to the site owner which, alternatively, benefits the advertisers. As mentioned
earlier, advertisers use AdSense to promote their products and services inside a webpage of
relevant topic. This implies as opposed to advertising the site owner’s business, unintentionally
promoting the rival’s similar business due to topic relevance. This might send away a
prospective customer from the site host’s page [4] in exchange of few-cent clicks. Nonetheless,
when they make a deal, the advertisers will have significantly more wage than of what they pay
to the site host.

In all of that, costumers or the site visitors receive the most benefits. Google AdSense
provides related links and present further assistance to site visitors in terms of information,
related products, and services. It efficiently assists site guests in searching related topics which
gives customers more productive time [5]. Site guests may engage with both the site host
content and as well as the advertiser’s content which enable them to acquire more information
about the product or services they are searching for [6]. Site visitors will have a wide range of
information available in one site to another.

The success in AdSense relies upon basic principle; it is to serve interesting

advertisements in a way that site visitors would want to click. Proper web layouts, right
advertisement size, and interesting topics are the key. Picking the right keywords is equally
important too, where keywords determine the amount of money a site owner will earn for every
successful tap of a site guest. Understand that success does not happen overnight; it always
needs patience, perseverance, persistence, and a little hard work in improving site content to
achieve such.

AdSense, indeed, is a powerful tool developed by Google. It allows site owners to

monetize their websites that help them earn money instantly with little effort. It, unquestionably,
improved the way people advertise. Moreover, it is extremely beneficial in providing income
which can be a good opportunity for those who are unemployed. Bear in mind that AdSense is
not about launching a sudden website or blog with advertisements then accumulate money
instantly. It is about building a long-term site focused to a particular audience or group that
includes useful and informative contents [7]. Regardless of what topic, competition is always
present. The goal is to be as competitive as it can be. Always think outside the box and deliver
content in a much creative way.


[1] V. Beal, "AdSense - Google AdSense," WeboPedia, 2018. [Online]. Available:
[2] PCITS, "Google AdSense is easy to use for everyone," PCITS, 2018. [Online]. Available:
[3] G. Elfrink, "The Adsense Business Model Explained," Empire Flippers, 2016. [Online]. Available:
[4] H. Agrawal, "Why You Should Not Use AdSense on Your Business Website," Shout Me Loud, 2015.
[Online]. Available:
[5] R. Sihmar, "What is Google Adsense? How can we benefit from it?," Quara, 2017. [Online].
[6] T. Maurer, "Introducing Matched content: a new way to help your visitors discover content on your
site," Google AdSense, 2015. [Online]. Available:
[7] B. Gardner, "Earn money from Google adsense," Money in Easy Steps, 2009. [Online]. Available:
[8] R. Sihmar, "What is Google Adsense? How can we benefit from it?," 2017. [Online]. Available:
[9] S. Benjamin, "Is Google Adsense reliable?," 2012. [Online]. Available:
[10] Google, "Best Practices for Google AdSense," [Online]. Available:
[11] Google, "The AdSense difference.," [Online]. Available:
[12] T. Patton, "Realize the benefits of Web advertising with Google's AdSense," 2006. [Online].
[13] PCITS, "What is Google AdSense? How to Get the Benefits from AdSense?," 2018. [Online].
[14] P. Sharma, "Advantages Of Google Adsense," [Online]. Available:
[15] Google, "Introducing Matched content: a new way to help your visitors discover content on your
site," 2015. [Online]. Available:
[16] G. Elfrink, "The Adsense Business Model Explained," 2016. [Online]. Available:

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