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4 Overvoltages
Where voltage is applied to a device and the c Break of the neutral conductor
peak value exceeds the limits defined in a Devices powered by the phase with the least
standard or specification, this is an overvoltage load witness an increase in voltage (sometimes
(see "Cahiers Techniques" nos. 141, 151 and up to the phase to phase voltage).
179). c Faults on alternator regulators or tap changer
Overvoltages are of three types: transformer
c temporary power frequency, c Overcompensation of reactive power
c switching, Shunt capacitors produce an increase in voltage
from the source to their location.
c lightning.
This voltage is especially high during periods of
They can appear: low load.
c in differential mode (between live conductors:
ph/ph – ph/neutral), Switching overvoltages
c in common mode (between live conductors These are produced by rapid modifications in the
and the exposed-conductive-part or earth). network structure (opening of protective devices,
etc.). The following distinctions are made:
Power frequency overvoltages c switching overvoltages at normal load,
By definition, these occur at power frequency c overvoltages produced by the switching on and
(50/60 Hz). They have various origins: off of low inductive currents,
c An insulation fault c overvoltages produced by the switching of
When an insulation fault occurs between phase capacitive circuits (no-load lines or cables,
and earth in an isolated neutral system or capacitor banks). For example, the energisation
impedance earthed neutral system, the voltage of of a capacitor bank produces a transient
the heathy phases to earth may reach the phase overvoltage in which the first peak may reach 2r
to phase voltage. Overvoltages on LV times the rms value of the nominal voltage and a
installations may come from HV installations via transient overcurrent with a peak value of up to
the earth of the HV/LV station. 100 times the rated current of the capacitor (see
"Cahier Technique" no. 142).
c Ferroresonance
This is a rare non-linear oscillatory phenomenon Lightning overvoltages
which can often be dangerous for equipment and Lightning is a natural phenomenon occurring
which is produced in a circuit containing a during storms. A distinction is made between
capacitor and a saturable inductance. direct lightning strike (on a line or structure) and
Ferroresonance is often the apparent cause of the indirect effects of lightning (induced
malfunctions or the destruction of devices (see overvoltages and increase in earth potential)
"Cahier Technique" no. 190). (see "Cahiers Techniques" nos. 151 and 179).

2.5 Voltage variations and fluctuations

Voltage variations are variations in the rms value c Slow voltage variations are caused by the
or the peak value with an amplitude of less than slow variation of loads connected to the network.
10% of the nominal voltage. c Voltage fluctuations are mainly due to rapidly
Voltage fluctuations are a series of voltage varying industrial loads such as welding
changes or cyclical or random variations in the machines, arc furnaces or rolling mills.
voltage envelope which are characterised by the
frequency of variation and the magnitude.

2.6 Unbalance
A 3-phase system is unbalanced if the rms value
of the phase voltages or the phase angles between U1i U1o
consecutive phases are not equal. The degree of ∆Ui = and ∆Uo =
unbalance is defined using the Fortescue U1d U1d
components, comparing the negative sequence
The following approximate formula can also be
component (U1i) (or zero sequence component
(U1o)) of the fundamental to the positive Vi − Vavg
used: ∆Ui = maxi
sequence component (U1d) of the fundamental. Vavg

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where Vi = phase voltage i and (or zero sequence) currents produced by
unbalanced loads leading to non-identical
V1 + V2 + V3 currents on the three phases (LV loads
Vavg = connected between phase and neutral, or single-
phase or 2-phase MV loads such as welding
The negative sequence (or zero sequence) machines and induction furnaces).
voltage is produced by voltage drops along the Single-phase or 2-phase faults produce
network impedances due to negative sequence unbalance until tripping of the protective devices.

2.7 Summary

Disturbances Voltage Overvoltages Harmonics Unbalance Voltage

dips fluctuations


Origin of disturbance
c Power system
v Isulation fault
v Switching
c Equipment
v Asynchronous motor
v Synchronous motor
v Welding machine
v Arc furnace
v Converter
v Data processing loads
v Lighting
v Inverter
v Capacitor bank

: Occasional phenomenon : Frequent phenomenon

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3 Effects of disturbance on loads and processes

Generally speaking, the effects of all disturbances c Deferred effects: energy losses, accelerated
can be classified in two ways: ageing of equipment due to overheating and
c Instantaneous effects: unwanted operation of additional electro-dynamic stress caused by the
contactors or protective devices, incorrect disturbance.
operation or shutdown of a machine. The financial The financial impact (e.g. on productivity) is
impact of the disturbance can be costed directly. more difficult to quantify.

3.1 Voltage dips and interruptions

Voltage dips and interruptions disturb many Rapidly reconnecting (~ 150 ms) the power to
types of devices connected to the network. an asynchronous motor which is slowing down
They are the most frequent cause of Power without precautionary measures may lead to
Quality problems. A voltage dip or interruption reclosing in opposition to the phase between
of a few hundred milliseconds may have the source and the residual voltage in
damaging consequences for several hours. synchronous motors. In this case the first
The most sensitive applications are: current peak may reach three times the start-
c complete continuous production lines where up current (15 to 20 In) (see "Cahier
the process cannot tolerate any temporary Technique" no. 161).
shutdown of any element in the chain (printing, The overcurrents and consequent voltage
steelworks, paper mills, petrochemicals, etc.), drops have consequences for the motor
(excessive overheating and electro-dynamic
c lighting and safety systems (hospitals, airport
force in the coils, which may cause
lighting systems, public and high-rise
insulation failures and torque shocks with
buildings, etc.),
abnormal mechanical stress on the
c computer equipment (data processing couplings and reducers, leading to
centres, banks, telecommunications, etc.), premature wear or even breakage) as well
c essential auxiliary plant for power stations. as other equipment such as contactors
The paragraphs below cover the main (wear or even fusion of the contacts).
consequences of voltage dips and Overcurrents may cause tripping of the main
interruptions on equipment used in the general protective devices of the installation
industrial, service and domestic sectors. causing the process to shutdown.

Asynchronous motors Synchronous motors

When a voltage dip occurs, the torque of an The effects are almost identical to those for
asynchronous motor (proportional to the asynchronous motors. Synchronous motors
square of the voltage) drops suddenly which can however withstand deeper voltage dips
slowdown the motor. This slowdown depends (around 50%) without stalling, owing to their
on the magnitude and duration of the dip, the generally greater inertia, the possibilities of
inertia of the rotating masses and the torque- overexcitation and the fact that their torque
speed characteristics of the driven load. If the is proportional to the voltage. In the event of
torque developed by the motor drops below stalling, the motor stops and the entire
the resistant torque, the motor stops (stalls). complex start-up process must be repeated.
Following an interruption, at the time of voltage
recovery, the motor tends to re-accelerate and Actuators
absorb current whose value is nearly its starting The control devices (contactors, circuit breakers
current, the duration of which depends on the with voltage loss coils) powered directly from
duration of the interruption. Where there are the network are sensitive to voltage dips whose
several motors in an installation, the depth exceeds 25% of Un. Indeed, for a
simultaneous restarting may produce a voltage standard contactor, there is a minimum voltage
drop in the upstream impedances on the network value which must be observed (known as the
which will increase the duration of the dip and drop-out voltage), otherwise the poles will
may make restarting difficult (long restarts with separate and transform a voltage dip (lasting a
overheating) or even impossible (motor torque few tens of milliseconds) or a short interruption
lower than the resistive torque). into a long interruption (lasting several hours).

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Computer equipment the loss of equipment functions depend in
Computer equipment (computers, measurement particular on the restart conditions when voltage is
apparatus) today occupy a dominant position in restored. Certain equipment, for example, has its
the monitoring and control-command of own voltage dip detection devices which enable
installations, management and production. All of data to be backed up and ensure safety by
this equipment is sensitive to voltage dips with interrupting calculation processes and any
depth greater than 10% Un. incorrect commands.
The ITIC (Information Technology Industry
Council) curve – formerly CBEMA curve – shows Adjustable speed machines
on a duration-amplitude scale, the typical The problems of voltage dips applied to variable
withstand of computer equipment to voltage dips, speed drives are:
interruptions and overvoltages (see fig. 4). c It is not possible to supply sufficient voltage to
Operation outside these limits leads to loss of the motor (loss of torque, slowdown).
data, incorrect commands, and shutdown or c The control circuits supplied directly by the
malfunction of equipment. The consequences of network cannot function.
c There is overcurrent when voltage recovers
(the drive filter capacitor is recharged).
U (%) c There is overcurrent and unbalanced current in
500 the event of voltage dips on a single phase.
c There is loss of control of DC drives functioning
as inverters (regenerative braking).
Adjustable speed drives usually trip out when a
200 voltage dip deeper than 15% occurs.
120 Lighting
100 Voltage dips cause premature ageing of
80 90
70 incandescent lamps and fluorescent tubes.
0 Voltage dips deeper than or equal to 50% with a
0 0,01T 10-3 3.10-3 0,02 0,5 10 ∆T (s) duration of around 50ms will extinguish
discharge lamps. The lamp must then be left off
Fig. 4: Typical withstand as defined by the ITIC curve. for several minutes to cool the bulb before it is
turned on again.

3.2 Harmonics
The consequences of harmonics are linked to the error and unwanted operation even during
increase in peak values (dielectric breakdown), normal operation with no overload.
rms values (excessive overheating) and to the v Disturbances induced by low current systems
frequency spectrum (vibration and mechanical (remote control, telecommunications, hi-fi
stress) of voltages and currents. systems, computer screens, television sets).
The effects always have an economic impact v Abnormal vibrations and acoustic noise
resulting from the additional costs linked to: (LV switchboards, motors, transformers).
c degradation in the energy efficiency of the v Destruction of capacitors by thermal overload
installation (energy loss), If the actual frequency of the upstream
c oversizing of equipment, capacitor-network system is similar to a
c loss of productivity (accelerated ageing of harmonic order, this causes resonance and
equipment, unwanted tripping). amplification of the corresponding harmonic.
Malfunctions are probable with a harmonic v Loss of accuracy of measurement instruments
distortion factor of greater than 8% of the A class 2 induction energy meter will produce in
voltage. Between 5 and 8%, malfunctions are current and voltage, a 0.3% additional error in
possible. the presence of 5% of harmonic 5.
c Instantaneous or short term effects c Long term effects
v Unwanted operation of protective devices: Current overload produces excessive overheating
harmonics have a harmful influence mainly on and leads to premature ageing of equipment:
thermal control devices. Indeed, when protective v Overheating of sources: transformers,
devices of this type calculate the rms value of alternators (through increased joule and iron
the current from the peak value, there is a risk of losses).

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v Mechanical stress (pulse torque in installation earth, including the metal structures
asynchronous machines). of the building. Third harmonic (and multiples
v Overheating of equipment: phase and neutral of 3) currents will flow through these circuits
conductors through increased joule and and produce variations in potential with the
dielectric losses. Capacitors are especially following results:
sensitive to harmonics as their impedance v corrosion of metal parts,
decreases in proportion to the harmonic order. v overcurrent in the telecommunication links
v Destruction of equipment (capacitors, circuit between the exposed-conductive-part of two
breakers, etc.). devices (for example, printer and computer),
Overload and excessive overheating of the v electromagnetic radiation causing screen
neutral conductor may result from the presence disturbance (computers, laboratory apparatus).
of third harmonic (and multiples of 3) currents in The table in figure 5 summarises the main effects
the phase conductors which add in the neutral. of harmonics and the normal permitted levels.
The TNC neutral earthing system uses the Interharmonics affect remotely-controlled
same conductor for neutral and protection devices and produce a phenomenon known as
purposes. This conductor interconnects the flicker (see "Cahier Technique" no. 176).

Equipment Effects Limits

Power Overheating, premature ageing (breakdown), I < 1.3 In
capacitors resonance. (THD I < 83%),
or U < 1.1 Un
for 12 hrs/days at MRV
or 8 hrs/days at LV
Motors Losses and excessive overheating. HVF i 2%
Reduction of capacity for use at full load.
Pulse torque (vibrations, mechanical stress)
Noise pollution.
Transformers Losses (ohmic-iron) and excessive overheating.
Mechanical vibrations. Noise pollution.
Circuit breakers Unwanted tripping (exceeding voltage peak Uh / U1 i 6 to 12%
values, etc.).
Cables Additional dielectric and ohmic losses THD i 10%
(especially in the neutral conductor if third harmonic Uh / U1 i 7%
currents present).
Computers Operating problems. Uh / U1 i 5%
Power Problems related to waveform
electronics (commutation, synchronisation).

FVH = ∑ Uh2 h (harmonic variation factor)
h= 2

Fig. 5: Effects of harmonics and normal permitted levels.

3.3 Overvoltages
The consequences are extremely varied company, loss of production for industrial
according to the period of application, repetitivity, companies).
magnitude, mode (common or differential), c Disturbance in control system and low current
gradient and frequency: communication circuits (see "Cahier Technique"
c Dielectric breakdown, causing significant no. 187).
permanent damage to equipment (electronic c Electrodynamic and thermal stress (fire)
components, etc.). caused by:
c Degradation of equipment through ageing v Lightning (usually)
(repetitive rather than destructive overvoltages). Overhead networks are most vulnerable to
c Long interruptions caused by the destruction of lightning, but installations supplied by
equipment (loss of sales for distribution underground networks may also be affected by

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stress due to high voltage if lightning strikes considerably higher than that of lightning, with
close to the site. a longer duration.
v Switching overvoltages: these are repetitive They can lead to degradation as serious as that
and their probability of occurrence is caused by lightning.

3.4 Voltage variations and fluctuations

As fluctuations have a magnitude no greater the composition of the spectrum and the
than ± 10%, most equipment is not affected. duration of the disturbance.
The main effect of voltage fluctuations is a There is however a perceptibility threshold (the
fluctuation in the luminance of lamps (flicker). amplitude as a function of the variation
The physiological strain (visual and nervous frequency) defined by the IEC below which
fatigue) depends on the magnitude of the flicker is no longer visible.
fluctuations, the repetition rate of the variations,

3.5 Unbalance
The main effect is the overheating of 3-phase differ considerably. This increases the
asynchronous machines. overheating of the phase(s) which the highest
In fact, the zero sequence reactance of an current flows through and reduces the operating
asynchronous machine is equivalent to its life of the machine.
reactance during the start-up phase. The current In practice, a voltage unbalance factor of 1%
unbalance factor will thus be several times that over a long period, and 1.5% over a few minutes
of the supply voltage. Phase currents can thus is acceptable.

3.6 Summary

Equipment Sensitivity to disturbance

Voltage dips Overvoltages Harmonics Unbalance Voltage
< 0.5 s > 0.5 s fluctuation
c Asynchronous motor
c Synchronous motor
c Actuator
c Speed drive
c Data processing load,
numerical control
c Induction furnace
c Lighting
c Capacitor bank
c Transformer
c Inverter
c Circuit breaker
c Cable

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