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21st Century Literature from Philippines and the World

Third Periodical Exam 2nd Semester

Answer Sheet

Have you ever wondered how the world is built mysterious? Like the superiors can kill two birds with one
stone, unhesitant and adamant? But little did we know that they were up to something tricky and a
Machiavellian manoeuvre behind our backs! The inferiors, contrarily, go on a wild goose chase because
what can they do? There’s nothing left to do, though it actually does…

Customarily, as if it’s a routine, the news being screened on the Television primarily centers new
information concerning that unnamed disease, updating the citizens that a thousand of the population
were tested to potential harm and half are near to death. Win, a 27-year-old Cardiothoracic Surgeon for
nearly 2 years, single and diplomatic, employed to one of the most advanced hospitals in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, was acquainted by his nurse assistance that he’s having a surgery within twenty minutes at
the OR. Win wore his proper surgical attire before executing a 5-hour open-heart surgery.

In the wake of five hours and thirty seconds, the surgery went well. The doctor was outside with his
patient’s relative, receiving ample gratitude for the nth time. Mood reinvigorating due to another
milestone achieved, for saving lives is indeed an honor. The hospital is the only place where he can
breathe – a safe haven. Dr. Win released a puff of satisfaction while stretching his hazy limbs and numb
joints, emitting a loud crack, and the meek action lulls him to yawn audibly. He was about to return at his
office to finish some paperwork when an odd side of the area seems out of sorts.

Three lab doctors were inside. Their subject piqued Dr. Win’s interest. Now he can’t help but to eavesdrop
their conversation. Curiosity really killed the cat. “Oh, by any chance, do you have some updates regarding
that unnamed disease?” Win’s heart raced at that. This is getting fishy.

“Unnamed disease? Can you be specific?”

A laugh was followed, “Oh my, quit playing the ‘clueless’ card, man.”

“I am not.”

“Then… have you contacted that Chinese friend of yours to hand us over the inoculation of that unnamed
disease developed by you and your co-worker?” What does he mean by that..?

“Of course, delivery is by midnight. Business is business; the more people who get infected, the more
money we make. Let’s not waste any more time for the best of both worlds.” What..?

“Great job, son. This is all about the money.” He wickedly laughs, “All about money.”

Sick to death of what he had have heard, he didn’t fritter away time and stood up with an uneasy feeling.
He no longer can recall the drastic joy he felt a while ago. Untold answers were wordlessly erupting as
soon as he’s taking heavy steps downhill with no direction, he didn’t even bothered to greet his fellow
medical colleagues, patients, and staffs. Not until he bumped into a tall, broad figure.

Bright, a 28-year-old Police Officer with the 9th District Police Station apologized first. He was about to
politely request for a spare time with the doctor, but instead, the doctor walked past him with a glimpse
of fear and wrath in his eyes, leaving Bright dumbfounded. Bright was about to follow the doctor as soon
as a hearable communication between a doctor and a patient inside a permeable office was sickly and
wary, making him curious to bend an ear out. His underlying purpose at this hospital was to visit and
inspect the drug dealers they caught yesterday, admitted to the hospital for physical injuries but this was
way dirty instead.

“But my son died because of heart failure, doc, not that unnamed disease. Why would you record such
wrong information?”

“I know. I am very much aware of that, ma’am, but this is the only way that I can help you if you can’t
afford your son’s hospital bills.” A sigh of the old woman goes after.

“All right, I am giving you two options, ma’am: either you pay your son’s monthly hospital bills, or sign this
free contract and we’re good to go. No hassle, no charges, no conflicts; you only have to sign this and
leave your hospital bills to us.” A sound of an expensive pen printing a signature on a paper arose.

“All set! This is solely a matter between you and me, all right, ma’am? If you’d dare try to break one of the
terms and agreement in the contract, no surprise, you need to face the consequences…” A brief silence

“Are we clear?”

“Yes, doctor.” What was that? So this is how a modern hospital runs, huh?

Bright stole a one more glance at that office before joining his companion who recently called him. He was
bothered by it. Yes, it’s his responsibility to serve the greater good in solid hands and offer justice to
people in demand, but there’s a part of him echoing that he’s not capable to do so, that he’s trapped
under a lie, although he has done good things on the society. He should know his limits and place.

Both officers were intended to step a foot on the hospital’s elevator at level seven once a lifeless person
was spotted lying inside, hospital gown soaked in wine red blood, the sight of raw not-human-like blood
ripped open from its flesh, and uncanny smell of medicine filling their nostrils.

“Oh my-”

“Don’t move!” Bright puts a halt to his companion. “She’s moving.”

“Officers, what’s with all the commotion?” Their leader has noticed that they have not been moving an
inch, not until he practically jumps in terror from the scene in front of them.

“What the heck is that?” At this moment, further attention has gained as the crowd of people slowly
upsurge around, keeping a safe distance. The figure intensely shifted into a different position; collective
gasps and eerie heartbeats engulfed the atmosphere. The doctor, whom he met by accident earlier at the
nurse station, was going to assist the patient in his eyes, but Bright stopped him, elbows blocking his
stomach and tight hands gripping his right wrist. “Stand back.” Bright warned him.

”And who are you to command me?”

Bright read the doctor’s name badge, he disclosed in an authoritative tone, “Listen to me, Win. That is not
a human. Don’t come closer; otherwise, it will eat you alive.”

Win spouts back, “Not a human being? Ha! You even dare to kid around to a doctor and serious situations
like this?! Do you think you’re cool like that, huh? How can I believe you? You’re not even a doctor, just a
normal person carrying a gun every damn time! Now, move! Let me do my job–”

A series of gulps and hollers re-emerged once the figure moved again, edible sounds of chewing and
swallowing postdated. Bright unhesitatingly pointed a gun towards the figure. All were hands off with
their cameras wide open, capturing pictures, filming the situation, and even took selfies. A freshly bitten
internal organ of a human body dropped, parting a drip of unhealthy blood on the surface behind.

“What is she eating?” Bright nervously asked, his hold on the doctor’s wrist tightening.

The doctor swallowed the lump on his throat, “H-heart.”

“Everybody, run!” Bright bawled in caveat, making the people move into squads and run into thin air.
Bright unconsciously hauled the doctor next to him. At this instant, they have no choice but to join the
squad of people running for their dear lives. In arrears of them were a variety of nonhuman creatures
stumbling and staggering towards them, covered in blood, unspoilt wounds and robed in torn clothes.
Some of the people had given up, got eaten, exhausted, and turned into one like them. Hence, a noise of
a train’s engine nearby the hospital screeches in anticipation. Win abruptly blurts out, “This is first come,
first serve.”

“What?” Bright questions.

“Let’s run a bit faster! If we can’t chase the train and get inside for one’s survives, then we’ll get eaten and

Bright nods his head, taking along Win; they curved into an alternate direction. “Hey! Are you insane?!
Why-” Win edgily shouts.

“This is the fastest way in, I know a shortcut. Trust me.” Bright reasoned out. Win didn’t opposed back but
entrusted his life to this man, five of those nonhuman creatures were tailing them.

“We’re almost there.” Bright exclaims. Only an inch away, they can somehow slip into the moving train.
Bright supported Win’s body, he was clutching the rear end of the train as he successfully slipped in. Win
helped Bright by extending his arms to him, bringing his body upwards as he completely reached the

“Thanks for that.”

“My pleasure.” The two were sitting on an uncomfortable position at the caboose, however they didn’t
mind it. Marvelling how crazy this day has been, and then being comfortable with a person you’ve
recently met hours ago. They weren’t oblivious, they know they have so much to talk to and ask

“So…” They both said in unison.

“You go first.” Win offered, earning a smile from Bright.

“About that unnamed disease… it isn’t a natural disease, right?”

Win heaved a sigh, “If you reckon that I am one of the doctors who are in favor of that unnamed disease,
then you’re mistaken. I didn’t even know that kind of disease does exist. I’m too occupied with the heart
and stuff. And I’m convinced that it’s not any normal disease, it’s a virus.”

“Come again? In favor? What do you mean by that?” I guess it’s time for the truth. “That unnamed
disease… is artificial and developed by a lab doctor I barely know.” Win told him.

“I knew it.” Bright grins.

“You do? How?”

“My guess is as good as yours, I assumed? Doctors really don’t know how to keep a lie. They seized
control of their privileged positions for personal gain – masking their lies through saving lives. That’s
filthy.” Bright logically expressed.

“Mm, I have to agree, but that ain’t me.” They both laughed at that.

“Why would they do such thing? A profession is never a profession without ethics.” Win declared, vividly
remembering the conversation between those lab doctors this morning.

“I may not be an expert in the field you’re in, but I do believe that people would do anything at their
power and will to make money, even if it cost jeopardizing lives. Doctors, even. They construct
opportunities and take advantage of them, all for the sake of money.”

“Humans, really… life is not popcorns and rainbows at all. Sometimes, you just got to let your guard down,
though you’re against the idea of it. But what can we do? We’re barely anything but humans having a
legal licence in order to accomplish our duties.”

“Yeah, but we can change that.”

“You think so?”

“Good things come to those who do good.”

The sunset is merely a prelude to the dawn, and its grandeur was supposed to seal a mind with the most
gorgeous of visions, but it was the opposite. As their eyes gist to darkness and return, despite the long day
and journey to Harrisburg, the quest for the myriad truths sufficed them the motivation to seek justice
and conquer battles. Hand in hand, they are in this together amidst the horrifying apocalypse.

The End.

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