Heavy Demo Review #02 (1987)

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April/May/June '87 Issue #2 Fifty-cents. LC re Ge Oy BS . i SI Ea KY NAN SON Ly ies, DA Rae ) FAV aS FRI? KI MAG “ a aa = 4 adc 7 FAM anh —— i, 7 need ay Reviews on; DEVASTATION RIGOR MORTIS ASSASSIN SIREN AFTERMATH KIL D'KOR PLUS, AS AN EXTRA ADDED BONUS: Any other bit of metal news available. Greetings, and welcome to the second issue of HEAVY DEMO REVIEW. I think that this issue really dominates over the last one, I've put some effort into this te please all you metal ragers, but you want to know something? A ways back, at my school (the place where I pass out this stuff), I found a copy of my first issue in a garbage can & I'd like to tell the fag who dumped it to go piss off and e@#e*@ himself. If the guy couldn't handle my stuff, he needs to go back to reading BOP or whatever the hell he reads. Geez, the jerk could have given my mag to semeone who would have liked it. Hell, I'm not making anyone take these things. Any way, I hope ya'll serious metalists enjoy this. I've tried to dig up some interesting thrash for ya. Read on and THRASH TILL THE DEATH, . Michael J. Mosley See **BLOODFEAST MERCHANDISE** Buttons for a dollar. T-shirts for $8.00 (plus $1,50- for postage). Send off for them today. ELOODFEAST 15 Elna Court Bayonne, N.J. 07002 and Printer- Mcrae Cover artwork- Mike Triplett Aftermath /Aftermath Demo / I like them. As a matter of facet , I like them alot. This Chicago based speed metal band is destined for greater things. The musical style of the band is actually a combination of hardcore (with DRI as an influence) and thrash metal. Let me assure you that th group is a real metal act. I tend to think of them as sounding a little. like SLAYER , well, 1 think they sound a lot Like SLAYER. The band, formed in October of '85, consists of Charlie Tsiolis on vocals(a-cool guy too!), Adam on « Steve Sacco on guitar, and Ray Schmidt on ums. For a relatively new group,. they. have already tecieved a growing amount of response from Lhrashecs. i guess it is time to talk about the demo. First t I'd like to start out by saying that they put some time and effort into the Making of the demo and after listening to it , one ean hear their potential. The demo itself has four songs; "Sentenced to Death", "Revenge", "Shotgun", and "The Aftermath". f.personally liked "The Aftermath" because it was a jfcat instruméntal(not to say that Charlie can't — ag. He can! He suunds like Tom Araya) that has a great .cambonation of slow grinding beats that flow into some total speed. I especially liked the bass on this demo. And although Adam has only been playing aboul a year and a half, he has shown some remarkable talent. Guitar. was good too. Steve jams! And drums? What can I say? Past comes to mind. New, anyone interestea in obtaining this bit o thrash is going to have to send $3.50 to; Charlie Tsielis 6131 W-Byrcon Chicago IL 60634 ATtermath will be recording a 24 track dema in the near future, so keep an eye out for it. LATE STuFF Fora YA: CORONER. ENTERED THE STUDIES IN MApe} TE WIRE on THEIR FiasT ALBUM « RTP LT Wie BE our ty Mo-swe. oF (3) Wie BE THe Fiast oF A FiVE-ALauM DEAL, Rigor Mortis /Rigor Mortis Demo/ . What a name! But it describes their music. Listen to it for too long and rigor mortis sets in'! They are the masters Of extremely heavy metal. Rigor Mortis formed in tate '83, at a time when NO heavy metal exisbed in’ their area of Arlington, TX. These guys were original from the beginn and when theyswere told by everyone that the only, way they would ever make it was to play copiés of Motley Crue and Ratt, ‘they said "Up*Yours" (probably) and ignored them. T say more to ‘em. I | The band members include; Bruce CoFbitt-vocals , Mike’ S@accia*yguitat , Casey Ore=basSs , Harden H. Har- rison-drums. It‘is kind of hard to Gescribe their demo ‘cause I've never héar@ any thing like it’ béfore. bike, they have this seng of it Called "Re-animator" which really thrashes, but see, it is based on the movie with the same name. Lots of gore. Afiyway, the point m trying to get across is‘that these. guys have a morbid sense of humor! [T'S GREAT (Casey-rin off some flesh}!!! Sept. l4th- was e date they reeorded their demo which inclades "“Re-animator,; Slow Death( at song!), Die in Pain, Foamihg’ at the Mouth, Condemned to Hell, Six Feet Under(excelient instrumental), and The Troll? The band sincerely hopes thats ali of you accept the demo for what iteds; EXTREMELY HEAVY METAL MUSIC BY EXYREMELY HEAVY METAL MUSICIANS. It's a good deal Af yow order this demo 'cause you get @ booklet Containing lyries and» group information. Send $6.00 to; Rigor Mortis “’ | 93315 “Sheffield Arlington TX 76013 Latest rumor Texas Thrash Group;Rigor Mortis, who have opened for the likes of MEGADETH, have supposedly been signed by Geffen Reeords, but as of yet has been unconfirmed ‘by the record company. i hope they get it. BANGS — You warnit To he Reviewep TN a NATIONAL WACAZINE ? SENO DEMS TO, DENNIS FRom' “AARDScHeK’ | (4) PO, ox g532 | WAUKEGAN, ri G0074 Siren / Advance copy of “No Place Like Home "/ Let me start out by saying a little about the band. Siren was formed way, way, waaayy back in "81 with the purpose of bringing a new form of "mental-metal to the people(0.K, just so I don"t get in trouble, stole this line from their bio sheet). ‘The folks wh make up Siren are; Doug Lee-the vocalist who writes mest of the tunes for the band, Gregg Culbertson-th bassist, Brian Law-the drummer, arid Rob ‘Phillips-th guitarist. Before I talk about the music, I'd like to mention that Siren are pretty close with ‘the ban QuickChange(reviewed last issue) and they have been helping them out, ‘trying te point out labels) and stuff. I ‘just wanted to say that it*sa‘déeent

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