Effectiveness of Tuba-Tuba Plant (Jatropha Curcas) As Alternative Muscle Pain Reliever

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Puerto Princesa City

Effectiveness of Tuba-Tuba Plant (Jatropha Curcas) as Alternative

Muscle Pain Reliever

Presented to

San Jose National High School

Submitted by

Mark Anthony Gabo


Submitted to

Elsie M Zabalo

Research Adviser

September 2021

STEM Research Proposal 1

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Puerto Princesa City


Any project like this is always a team efforts. There is no way the

research could payback the many people who have actually encouraged and

assisted the researcher.

In doing so, the researchers would like to extend their most profound

thanks to the people who help them craft this research paper.

The researcher are grateful to Ma’am Elsie M. Zabalo for the effort

and time to assist the researcher to finish the research.

To the continuing support and assistance of friends and colleagues to

the effort and time to help the researcher.

And to the panelists Ma’am Charlyn Nichelle C. Acosta, Ma’am

Ammy B. Camama, Ma’am Vanessa Mae A. Esrael, Ma’am Janette M.

Laurente, and Sir Ariel I. Matchico for their precious recommendations and

support to this study.

To God, Almighty for the talents, ideas and wisdom bestowed upon

researcher in formulating this paper.

Finally the Researchers would like to dedicate this research paper to

Mariquita Magbanua and other members of the family for continuing support

and encouragement for the writing efforts.


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Department of Education
Division of Puerto Princesa City

Table of Contents



Table of Contents..............................................................................................3

CHAPTER I Introduction


Theoretical Framework.....................................................................................5

Research Paradigm..........................................................................................7

Research Questions…………………………………………………………..........8

Scope and Delimitations...................................................................................8

Significance of the study……………………………………………………………8

Definition of Terms .........................................................................................10

CHAPTER II Review Related literature and studies...................................11

CHAPTER III Research Methodology

Research Design............................................................................................15

Data Collection Procedures............................................................................15

Data Analysis..................................................................................................17

Ethical Consideration......................................................................................17


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Division of Puerto Princesa City

CHAPTER I Introduction


Tuba-Tuba is very common in and about towns, in thickets and hedges

along roadsides throughout the Philippines. Tuba-Tuba plant (Jatropha

Curcas) is also known as Tubang-bakod because of its demographic status.

This plants has a smooth, glamorous, erect, branched shrub 2 to 5 meters

high. Leaves are entire, orbicular-ovate, angular or somewhat 3 to 5 lobed, 10

to 18 centimeters long, culminate with a chordate base.

Jatropha Curcas have been reported to have wide applications in the

treatment of many human diseases. However, its traditional use in the

treatment of muscle pain has not been validated by any scientific study.

Muscle pain, or myalgia, is a sign of an injury, infection, disease or

other health problem. You may feel a deep, steady ache or random sharp

pains. Some people have muscle pain all over, while others have it in specific

areas. Everyone experiences muscle pain differently.

However sometimes having a muscle pain is natural for some reasons.

People of all ages and genders can have sore muscles. When you try a new

physical activity or switch up your exercise routine, you may experience

delayed-onset muscle soreness etc.

The purpose of this study is to discover the effectiveness of Tuba-Tuba

plant (Jatropha Curcas) alternative muscle pain reliever. By studying the

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Division of Puerto Princesa City

properties of the plants and the scientific evidences that can help to

strengthen the claims of this study.

Moreover this study also want to enrich the use of medicinal plants as

a alternative medicines for some ailments that people mostly encounter in

their daily lives.

This study will be beneficial to the students, teachers, farmers, and

ordinary people who might encounter muscle pain. This also will help to

reduce high cost treatments and side effects that is found in some of

medicines that people takes.

This research will also benefits the (DOH) Department of Heath and

the Agricultural Sectors in the Country. Moreover this study can also help the

community to treat their own muscle pain without depending on drugs.

Theoretical Framework

According to (Scossa et al. 2018) “Plants have always been used as

medicines since ancient times to treat diseases. The knowledge around the

active components of herbal preparations has remained nevertheless

fragmentary: the biosynthetic pathways of many secondary metabolites of

pharmacological importance have been clarified only in a few species, while

the chemo diversity present in many medicinal plants has remained largely


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Division of Puerto Princesa City

From this previous study of Scossa they state that the people from

ancient times are using medicinal plants to treat diseases. Medicinal Plants

has been often used over the years for treatment and to prevent diseases and

health promotion as well as for enhancement of the span and quality of life.

According to studies of (Jesse W-H Li et al. 2009) “The usage of

natural products, principally herbal medicines is one of the ancient therapies

used by humanity”.

Moreover, the usage of medicinal plants are popular since before due

to their lower complications and fewer side effects that synthetic drugs.

Furthermore oldest written evidence of medicinal plants’ usage for preparation

of drugs has been found on a Sumerian clay slab from Nagpur, approximately

5000 years old. It comprised 12 recipes for drug preparation referring to over

250 various plants, some of them alkaloid such as poppy, henbane, and

mandrake (Kelly, 2009).

In other studies the Chinese book on roots and grasses “Pen T’Sao,”

written by Emperor Shen Nung circa 2500 BC, treats 365 drugs (dried parts of

medicinal plants), many of which are used even nowadays such as the

following: Rhei rhisoma, camphor, Theae folium, Podophyllum, the great

yellow gentian, ginseng, jimson weed, cinnamon bark, and ephedra

(Bottcher;Wiart., 2006)

The Indian holy books Vedas mention treatment with plants, which are

abundant in that country. Numerous spice plants used even today originate

from India: nutmeg, pepper, clove, etc. (Tucakov, 1971).

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Division of Puerto Princesa City

The Ebers Papyrus, written circa 1550 BC, represents a collection of

800 proscriptions referring to 700 plant species and drugs used for therapy

such as pomegranate, castor oil plant, aloe, senna, garlic, onion, fig, willow,

coriander, juniper, common centaury, etc. (Glesinger ; Tucakov, 1954). Those

are the collection of studies and evidences that the researchers found as the

Research foundation of this study.

Research Paradigm

Below is the paradigm of the study.

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Department of Education
Division of Puerto Princesa City

Input Process Output

Tuba-Tuba Plants Preparation of Tuba- Tuba-Tuba plants as
stud and Tuba Plants alternative muscle
Capacity to relieve pain reliever
muscle pain Creations of Output (patches)
Testing of Tuba-Tuba

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Shown above is the paradigm of the study. For the input of the study,

the researchers will determine the properties and the capacity to relieve

muscle pain of Tuba-Tuba plant. Then, for the process the researcher will

prepare the Tuba-Tuba plant for testing purposes and proceed to creation of

output. After the testing, the researcher will have the output which is a tuba-

tuba patches.

Research Questions

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Division of Puerto Princesa City

The study, “Effectiveness of Tuba-Tuba Plant (Jatropha Curcas) as

Muscle Pain Reliever” aims to utilize Tuba-Tuba plant as alternative muscle

pain reliever. Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1. What is/are the properties of Tuba-Tuba plant?

2. What is the capacity of Tuba-Tuba plant as a pain reliever?

3. What is the significant difference between Tuba-Tuba plant and the

commercial muscle pain reliever?

4. Is it safe to use Tuba-Tuba plant as a muscle pain reliever?

5. Is there a side effects to human body upon using Tuba-Tuba

alternative medicine?

Scope and Delimitations

This research will determine the effectiveness of Tuba-Tuba leaf as

alternative muscle pain reliever. This study will be conducted at Barangay San

Jose, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan from April to September, 2021. Other

plants are not included in this study.

Significance of the study

This study will benefits the following:

Department of Health. This study will be beneficial to the

Department of Health as additional spices of herbal plants.

Local Communities. This study will encourage the people to adding

herbal Plants to their backyards as this will be useful home remedies.

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Department of Education
Division of Puerto Princesa City

Students. This study will motivate students to conduct research like

this as Innovation.

Researcher. The results of the study will provide answers to the

Questions being asked by the researcher.

Future Researchers. This study will help and can be a basis for those

who are aiming to conduct a similar study. They can also improve the


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Division of Puerto Princesa City

Definition of Terms

The following are the terms to be used in this study.

Circa – This term is used for unsure date but nearly by what is stated.

Clinical trials – this used to study the particular subject or medicine/drugs by

testing it in animals or human.

DOH – Is an abbreviation for Department of Health

et al. – this term used for group of people or author of a published materials

when citing articles or Studies.

Jatropha Curcas – this term used as a scientific name of Tuba-Tuba Plant

also know as Tubang-bakod.

Medicinal plants – this term used for plants that has or have a potential of

healing of treatment in a particular ailments.

Myalgia - this term is for scientific name of muscle pain

Papyrus – It is called for old manuscripts or scriptures that is Written

hundreds of years ago by our ancestors.

Pharmaceutical drugs – this term is for drugs that is manufactured by the

private companies and advertised.

Properties – This term used to know more about the certain subject or plant

and it’s content.

WHO – Is an abbreviation for World Health Organizations

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Division of Puerto Princesa City


This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the
researcher considered in strengthening the importance of the present study. It
also presents the synthesis of the artfully understand the research for better
comprehensive of the study.

Herbal medicine defines by World Health Organizations (WHO) “Herbal

medicines include herbs, herbal materials, herbal preparations and finished
herbal products, that contain as active ingredients parts of plants, or other
plant materials, or combinations.”

Furthermore according to (Tradit, 2013) that a medicinal plant is any

plant which, in one or more of its organs, contains substances that can be
used for therapeutic purposes or which are precursors for the synthesis of
useful drugs. It is likely that humans have used plants as medicine for as long
as we have existed. Archeological excavations dated as early as 60,000 years
ago have found remains of medicinal plants, such as opium poppies, ephedra,
and cannabis.

Since the beginning, humans have experimented with plants to learn

how they can help us heal. In essence, humans have been involved for
thousands of years in a vast “clinical trial” with medicinal plants. The wisdom
that resulted from this global experiment is a large part of our history of
healing and healthcare. (McKenna, PhD).

In addition some herbs have potent (powerful) ingredients and should

be taken with the same level of caution as pharmaceutical medications. In
fact, many pharmaceutical medications are based on man-made versions of
naturally occurring compounds found in plants.

According to herbal medicine practitioners, the effect of the whole plant

is greater than its parts. However critics argue that the nature of herbal
medicine makes it difficult to give a measured dose of an active ingredient.
(McKenna, PhD).

Further more (John Hopkins Medicine Organization) says Herbal

supplements come in all forms: dried, chopped, powdered, capsule, or liquid,
and can be used in various ways, including: Swallowed as pills, powders, or
tinctures Brewed as tea, Applied to the skin as gels, lotions, or cream, while
some are Added to bath water.

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Division of Puerto Princesa City

Moreover popularity in world according to research Herbal medicines

are also very common in Europe, with Germany and France leading in over-
the-counter sales among European countries, and in most developed
countries, one can find essential oils, herbal extracts, or herbal teas being
sold in pharmacies with conventional drugs. (Sissi ; Benzie). In additional
studies medicinal plants have played a significant role in many ancient
traditional systems of medication in Asia such as the Ayurvedic and Unanic
systems of India, the Chinese traditional medicine, as well as their derivatives
in most Asian countries. At present, medicinal plants still play an important
role in both developed and developing countries in Asia.

In addition, they also generate income to the people of many Asian

countries who earn a living from selling collected materials from the wild or
through their own cultivation. (Chapman, 2005).

India is known for its rich use of herbal medicine or medicinal plants to
cure ailments in Asia, the India and China are the most famous countries to
used the medicinal plants though those countries are now developing
countries they still using medicinal plants as alternative to treat ailments.
(Ashok D.B., 2007).

According to (Baleta et al., 2016) Philippines is bounded by many

medicinal plants which are rarely used as herbal medicines, with the
expensive cost of pharmaceutical drugs today there is a need to explore the
potentials of medicinal plants for ailments remedies.

Moreover, Filipino people uses herbals not only for curing some
diseases or substitute for a synthetic drugs but also, for first aid, tonic drinks,
as well as for crop protection from pests. Leaves are more frequent to use for
ailment remedies and being prepared by boiling or decoction. Herbals are
acquired frequently by them in their backyards.

Physicians in the Philippines who recommending and uses medicinal

plants as medicines, Dr. Susan Balingit an Alternative medicine practitioner
discussed and made a recommendations of using medicinal plants namely
Oregano as phlegm and cough remover, in a revised program (Salamat Dok)
of ABS-CBN. In addition Dr. Atoie Arboleda a Naturopathy Specialist Doctor
uses medicinal plants to treat patients specially in his segment in YouTube
(Cafeteria Synergia with Doc Atoie). Moreover Dr Willie Ong Also promoting
alternative medicine in his Vlogs on YouTube and Facebook page.

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Division of Puerto Princesa City

However, herbal remedies consist of portions of plants or unpurified

plant extracts containing several constituents which are often generally
believed to work together synergistically.

Further more, Some of herbal medicines are considered as dietary

supplements, and proper dose is not mentioned. No measure cup or spoon
provided with the medicine as in case of allopathic syrups. Usually, same
dose is applied for persons of different age and weight.

Toxin causing kidney damage upon exposure to a certain level and the
kidneys are unable to pass excess urine, and waste product is the condition
termed as nephrotoxicity. In this condition, there is an elevation in blood
electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium (Nudrat ; Naira., 2016).

Moreover, Herbal medicines can cause kidney failure and liver damage
in some consumers because they contain toxic chemicals or heavy metals, or
react harmfully with other drugs, a study has found. “Toxic side effects of
herbal medicines used in traditional societies have typically not been reported,
and this is often cited in favour of their safety,” Byard said.

“However, the lack of systematic observation has meant that even

serious adverse reactions, such as the kidney failure and liver damage
caused by some plant species, have gone unrecognised until recently.” Many
herbal products did not carry adequate warning labels about side effects and
drug interactions, Musgrave said. There had been cases of Australians dying
of liver failure following ingestion of herbal products, he added. (Davey, M.

Traditional or folk medicine comprises practices, approaches,

knowledge and beliefs not based on scientific evidence that are applied to
treat, diagnose and prevent illness within a society. It is defined by a culture’s
knowledge and values and thus is context-specific, as are social constructions
and negotiations of risk. When modern societies adopt such long-standing
health practices outside of their traditional context, these practices become
“complementary, non-conventional or alternative medicine” (Crillen., 2001)

Medicinal plants are often used before and even hundreds of years
ago, our ancestors are using plants as their medicines when they were feel ill
(Tradit, 2013) some articles are saying that medicinal plants is the foundation
of the modern medicine. Moreover, according to World Health Organizations
(WHO) that almost 80% of the population are depending on Medicinal plants
or herbal plants. However in other studies are claiming of danger, using of
herbal medicine (Crillen., 2001).

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Because of the missuse of taking and advertising of Medicinal or herbal

plants that cause danger or putting people’s in risk according to the study of
the Guardian 2017. However, physicians and licensed doctors in the
Philippines are using and advising of usage of medicinal plants.

In addition there is a lot of research claiming of effectiveness of using herbal

medicine. Doctor Atoie the infamous YouTube vloger, Naturopathy Specialist
are giving tips and advise of rightful usage and dosage of medicinal plants as
same as the other physicians. The medicinal plants has a great impact and
help on human being life’s, this can be used in rightful Manners of preventing
and to cure sickness.


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This chapter will enumerates the methods that Research will undergo

to collect the information will be needed for the present study. These include

the design, sampling, procedures and ethical considerations.

Research Design

This study will utilize qualitative research design. According to (DJS

Research Ltd) A qualitative research design is concerned with establishing

answers to the whys and hows of the phenomenon in question (unlike

quantitative). Due to this, qualitative research is often defined as being

subjective (not objective), and findings are gathered in a written format as

opposed to numerical. Moreover, (Martyn Shuttleworth, Lyndsay T Wilson)

defines as Qualitative research methods are probably the oldest of all

scientific techniques, with the ancient Greek philosophers qualitatively

observing the world around them and trying to understand and explain what

they saw.

Data Collection Procedures

The researcher will have this proposal to be approved 0 first for data

gathering. With the help of their research adviser, researcher will seek

permission to San Jose National High School for approval to conduct the

study. Then the researcher will prepare all the materials needed and apply the

principles of experimentation and will create the intended output for this study.

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Here are the details:


1. (3) tuba-tuba plant leaves

2. Tap water

3. Weighing scale

4. Heater

5. Basin

6. Clean fabric blinder

7. Phone (timer)

8. Notes

9. Recorder


1. Collection and Preparation of Materials, fresh leaves of tuba-tuba

Plant. Samples are washed thoroughly with tap water. Making sure that

the samples are free from any bacterial activity.

2. Heating leaf samples

After preparing the materials tuba-tuba leaf will be heated from heater

of about 3-5 minuets.

3. Weighing samples

After the heating process sample will be weighed for measurement


4. Testing of samples

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Division of Puerto Princesa City

After samples being weighed, samples will proceed to testing phase

where samples will be tried to selected people.

5. Creation of finish product

After the processes and testing phase the next will be the creation of

finish product of the study

Data analysis

Data will be analyzed using observations and results of testing.

Ethical Consideration

All actions regarding the data collection will be asked permission from

the right authorities. The researcher will make sure that documentation of the

procedures and plant samples are originally taken during the conduct of

study. In case of related literature and studies and other information included

in This study, the researcher will observe proper citation. In addition

researcher are guided with their research adviser.

STEM Research Proposal 18

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Division of Puerto Princesa City


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STEM Research Proposal 19

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Department of Education
Division of Puerto Princesa City

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STEM Research Proposal 20

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