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Book Pathways: Listening and Speaking

I can introduce a topic.
Learning outcome
I can apologize for interrupting.
I can discuss pros and cons.
I can introduce examples using expressions.
I can respond to and refute and argument using expressions.


Read the passage and highlight the correct alternative.

Many of the churches destroyed during the earthquake in 2007 haven’t

been (1)__ yet. The typical citizen can’t (2)__ that their city won’t ever
be the same. There’s (3)__ that many people died buried by collapsed
houses. The government still has plenty of (4)__ construction works in
the towns near the city. The city mayors have to learn to (5)__ and keep
the public buildings in good condition to prevent this tragedy from
happening again.

1. a. generated b. innovated c. restored d. challenged

2 a. enforce b. debate c. internalize d. conform
3. a. evidence b. strategy c. threat d. status
4 a. focus b. issues c. ongoing d. annually
5. a. maintain b. sustain c. focus d. fund


Fill in the blanks with the expressions in the box below.

for example to begin with such as

what I want to focus on today that’s debatable that may be true

that maybe true, but I don’t mean to cut you off, but

1. Good morning. Thanks for being here. ___________________, I’d like to

congratulate you on your good performance. ___________________, Daniel’s
report, was very helpful to complete last week’s task.

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2. Daniel: Actually, that report was done in a collaborative way. The graphics
___________________ the ones that refer to the fast food restaurants in the south
of Lima were done by Josh.
3. ___________________ is the service that these restaurants provide. Research
says that the service has to be improved.
4. Daniel: ___________________ but on the other hand, the price they charge is less
than in Lima.
5. ___________________. Some restaurants charge much more in the summer.
6. Josh: ___________________ we’re focusing on the service, not on the price these
restaurants charge either in the summer or winter.
7. Daniel: I’m sorry, but the service is of utmost importance nowadays.


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the noun, adjective, or verb in

1. Businessmen are always keeping an eye on their ____________(finance).

2. A big hospital _____________ (build) in Ate in less than a month last year.
3. We will need to learn ____________(economy) on the use of natural resources.
4. Extra payments should be made to protect the interests of the staff and prevent
________________ (exploit).


Select a city you know well. Make notes about the positive effects (pros) and
negative effects (cons) that public transportation has in your chosen city. You may
use Forum in Virtual ICPNA to role play it with a partner.

Pros 1. ______________________________________________________

Cons 2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

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