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CV of T Sumanenthiran Environmental analyst , Environmental Scientist

Name : Thavajoganathan Sumanenthiran

Date of Birth : 20th May 1982
Education : M. Sc in Environmental Science, Postgraduate Institute of Science,
University of Peradeniya (2010)
B. Sc in Environmental Science (special degree) with Second class (lower
division) Vavuniya Campus, University of Jaffna.( 2007)
Profession and :
Skills Environmental analyst , Environmental Scientist

Other Training : Toured the USA in March-April 2009 as a short-term scholar on the
invitation of the bureau of educational and cultural affairs, State
Department, USA. The scholarship included the following programs and
Conflict management skills workshop conducted by the
United State‟s Institute of peace (USIP), Washington DC,
Sri Lanka conference on the “Global perspectives of
democracy” conducted by the Thomas Jefferson‟s
University of Verginia in Charolttesville, Virginia, U.S.A
Shadow internship with organizations working for the
rights of marginalized communities in the Washington DC.
Meetings with diplomats and other professionals (former
secretary of states, academics, congressional staffs,
congress men, other governmental officials and leading
institutes such as ACLU, AJC, CAIR, IRI, IDI, Brooking
institute, etc) in Washington DC.

Countries of Work : Sri Lanka and United States of America (Short term training)
Languages Skills : Speaking Reading Writing
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Tamil Excellent Excellent Excellent
Sinhala Excellent Good Fair

Employment Record
From August 2009 : To date
Employer : EML Consultants (Pvt) Limited
Position Held : Project Manager cum Research officer

From July 2009 : August 2009

Employer : EML Consultants (Pvt) Limited
Position Held : Provincial coordinator

From May 2009 : To: July 2009

Employer : EML Consultants (Pvt) Limited
Position Held : Team leader

From May 2008 : To: April 2009

CV of T Sumanenthiran Environmental analyst , Environmental Scientist

Employer : EML Consultants (Pvt) Limited

Position Held : Senior Program officer

From January 2009 : To: March 2009

Employer : EML Consultants (PVT) Ltd
Position Held : Project Coordinator

From April 2006 : To: December 2007

Employer : Research Council of Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna
Position Held : Primary and Co-researcher

Detailed Tasks Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks
Assigned Assigned

Name of Assignment or Project: Initial Environmental Examination

Year: October 2010 – November 30th2010
Location: MAdulkella, Kandy
Client: Madulkella Eco lodge(Pvt) Ltd
Main Project Features:
Position Held: Freelance consultant
Activity performed:
Prepared the complete IEE report

Name of Assignment or Project: National Survey in grass root level

perspective on state reformation
Year: March 2010 – July 31st
Location: all Island – 25 district of Sri Lanka
Client: International Center for ethnic Studies (ICES)
Main Project Features: conducting questionnaire survey in 25 districts of
Sri Lanka. This survey is funded by World Bank. The sample number is
Position Held: Project Manager
Activity performed:
Preparing the sampling framework

Preparing the database in MS excel and MS Access

Conducting training for enumerators

Monitoring and field coordination of the field work

Budget preparation

Financial management of the survey

Monitoring of the database entry

CV of T Sumanenthiran Environmental analyst , Environmental Scientist

Preparing the progress reports and final reports

Name of Assignment or Project: North East Local Service

Improvement Project (NELSIP) - Social Impact Assessment
Year: April 2010 – July 31st
Location: North and Eastern Province of Sri Lanka
Client: Ministry of Nation building
Main Project Features: The North-East Local Services Improvement
Project (NESLIP) assisted by the World Bank, aims at strengthening
local government institutions to develop their fiscal, institutional
and human resources to make them more accountable and
effective providing the services to the public in the war affected
areas and areas with IDPs who are gradually returning to their
homes after the war. Social Impact Assessments (SIA) is becoming
an integral part of the overall project planning and implementation
process of most of the World Bank funded projects. SIA is a tool
and methodology to measure the degree of impacts and probable
consequences due to the projects that have greater social and
human dimensions. By conducting SIAs, the World Bank expects not
only to identify intended direct and indirect benefits of the
projects to various stakeholders including the project beneficiaries,
but also ways and means to minimize negative social impacts
through mitigation measures.
Position Held: Project Manager
Activity performed:
Project management

Conducting focal group meetings

Conducting interviews with local government officials

Conducting workshops

Name of Assignment or Project: Research Project on Climate Change

- Impact on transport infrastructures due to Sea level Rise
Year: July 2009 to October 2009
Location: Kelaniya – Negombo
Client: Climate Change Division - Ministry of Environment & Natural
Resources, Government of Sri Lanka
Main Project Features: studying the impact of predicted sea level rise
including the transport infrastructure that are located within the 1
m contour from the MSL and other interconnected main services
and operations that could also be affected due to the impact on
CV of T Sumanenthiran Environmental analyst , Environmental Scientist

transport within the study area

Position Held: Research officer
Activity performed:
Literature review on Global scenario of Climate change
Field assistantship
Data analysis
Report writing

Name of Assignment or Project: The Present Condition Survey of Night Soil

Treatment at Local Authorities of Sri Lanka on the Capacity Upgrading
Year: July 2009 to October 2009
Location: North and eastern province
Client: NSWMCS Office- Ministry of Local Governement, Government
of Sri Lanka
Main Project Features: The objective of this survey is to get the detailed
information by directed interview survey from Local Authorities at the site
and site visiting surveys, in order to study the feasibility of the
construction of night soil treatment facility at candidate sites. This
detailed information will consist of; Collection of night soil, Treatment of
collected night soil, Availability of candidate sites, Environmental and
Social issues. The survey area covers seventy two (72) local authorities
identified as the candidate sites. I covered 20 LA’s

Position Held: Provincial Coordinator

Activity performed:
The questionnaire provided will contain the information on collection and
treatment of night soil, environmental and social issues and the
availability of candidate sites for the treatment plant.

The key informant interviews will be conducted with the Chairman or the
Mayor of the local authority and PHI, MoH and Environmental officer to
get both political and public views of the matter.

Name of Assignment or Project: Local Authority Capacity Building &

Public Education of the Environmental Restoration Project
Year: May 2009 to July 2009
Location: Ampara
Client: UNOPS / EU
Main Project Features: The solid waste management component of this
project aims to address the chronic solid waste situation in Ampara
District by implementing an effective system which builds on existing
structures and maximizes collective efforts of different stakeholders,
implements new appropriate technologies and promotes environmental
standards. .
Position Held: Team Leader

CV of T Sumanenthiran Environmental analyst , Environmental Scientist

Activities Performed:
Institutional capacity building for the Local authorities
Community awareness and development
Designing and conducting social survey for the willingness to pay
for the solid waste management collection
Reporting to the head office and client
Providing recommendation and suggestion from field knowledge
Investigating the field situation for project implementation
Establishing a communication channels with Local authorities

Name of Assignment or Project: Local Authority Capacity Building &

Public Education of the Environmental Restoration Project
Year: May 2008 to April 2009
Location: Ampara
Client: UNOPS / EU
Main Project Features: The solid waste management component of this
project aims to address the chronic solid waste situation in Ampara
District by implementing an effective system which builds on existing
structures and maximizes collective efforts of different stakeholders,
implements new appropriate technologies and promotes environmental
standards. .
Position Held: Senior Programme Officer
Activities Performed:
Carryout rapid situational assessment
Develop plan for existing system improvement
Training on participation technologies
Initiate and engage community in SWM with the LA
Develop general awareness campaign materials
Develop specific campaign materials
Prepare materials with the consent of LAs and UNOPS
Carryout training and coaching

Name of Assignment or Project: A study of soil erosion in chena

cultivation areas in Potuvil & Lahugala DS and assessment of the
potentials for agro-forestry demand for fuel wood in the area
Year: December 2008 to march 2009
Location: Ampara
Main Project Features:
Position Held: Project Coordinator
Activities Performed:
Field study coordination
Social assessment
GIS mapping

CV of T Sumanenthiran Environmental analyst , Environmental Scientist

Name of Assignment or Projects:

1. Development of an appropriate environmental conservation and
management framework for implementation in the Vavuniya Urban
Council‟ - (Grant number : UJ/VC/RG/2007/05)
2. Evaluating the impacts of summer holiday research projects as a
catalyst to boost scientific reasoning amongst undergraduates – a
case study of a teacher initiated (and coordinated) summer holiday
research project by a group of students in the Faculty of Applied
Science, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna.‟- (Grant
number: UJ/VC/RG/2007/04)
3. „Assessment of forest cover changes in the Vavuniya District‟-
(Grant number UJ/VC/RG/2007/11)
4. Worked as a Producer and film director in the digital
documentary movie funded by Vavuniya Campus, Campaigning
for environmental awareness and effective environmental
management. (Grant number : UJ/VC/RG/2007/05)

Employer: Research Council of Vavuniya Campus of the University of

Year: April 2006 to December 2007
Location: Vavuniya
Position Held: Primary and Co-researcher
Activities Performed: Preparing the planning, designing and implement
the academic research projects funded by research council, under the
senior researcher. Three research grants received and implemented. The
fields of research interests are environmental management, remote
sensing, and geographical information systems, social mobilization of
environmental issues and scientific reasoning, effective environmental
science research methodologies

Specialization area:
1. Environmental Impact Assessments
2. Research and documentation
3. Social survey and statistical methods
4. Conceptual modeling
5. Capacity building and community awareness
6. Environmental management
7. Environmental systems Modeling – Conceptual and numerical for the application of
Environmental management, hydrology, climate change, process
8. GIS and Remote sensing – Spatial modeling, cartography and spatial data base development

Accepted full papers:

T. Sumanenthiran and M. Manobavan., the Gaian approach/es for controlling chaos in environmental
management at the Vavuniya Urban Council’ submitted for the 5th International Conference of Business
Management (ICBM) of the University of Jayawardhanapura – 2008, Sri Lanka.

T. Sumanenthiran and M. Manobavan., ‘(Utilizing) the influences of chaos for effective environmental
management of the Vavuniya Urban Council’, accepted for the 6th Annual Research Sessions of the
Eastern University – 2007, Sri Lanka.
CV of T Sumanenthiran Environmental analyst , Environmental Scientist

Accepted abstracts:

T. Sumanenthiran. Exploring the cause of Geo-physiological disorders by using Geo-psychological

approach for Effective urban environmental management, abstract accepted for the 3rd International
Nonlinear Sciences Conference Tokyo,-2008 Japan

T. Sumanenthiran and M. Manobavan., Unpredictable non-linear elements in the water resource

management at Vavuniya Urban Council, Sri Lanka, abstract accepted for the 3rd International Nonlinear
Sciences Conference Tokyo,- 2008 Japan

T. Sumanenthiran and M. Manobavan., Modelling of Environmental Functionalities to investigate ways

for augmenting effectiveness in Urban Environmental Management Systems, Accepted to 2nd
International Symposium at the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya from 8 th - 12th July

T. Sumanenthiran, M. Manobavan, S. Shanmuganathan, A. S. Stanislaus, S. Saminathan.,T. Sajitharan and

T. Utharan., Application of ‘Aristotelian Wisdom’ (Synergy Hypothesis) in Environmental Science
Research to 2nd International Symposium at the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya from
8th - 12th July 2008

Research blogging:

Nonrelated referees:

Professor (Dr). Atula Senaratne,

Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya,
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka,
Telephone: (94) 81 2394206
Fax: (94) 81 2388018,,

Professor (Dr). J. C. N. Rajendra,

Professor in Physics, OUSL
49Q/18, Perera Place, Old Mihindu Mawatha, Dehiwala
Residence: 0115516725


I, the undersigned, certify that to best of my knowledge an belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my
qualifications, and my experience, I understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead
to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.

---------------------------------------------------- Date: -15/03/2011

CV of T Sumanenthiran Environmental analyst , Environmental Scientist

(Signature of Applicant) Day/Month/Year

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