SHS OralCom q2 CLAS1-3

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Oral Communication
in Context
Quarter II – Week 1
Employing Various Types
of Communicative Strategies



Oral Communication in Context – Grade 11/12
Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets (CLAS)
Quarter II – Week 1: Employing Various Types of Communicative Strategies
First Edition, 2020

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Lesson 1
Employing Various Types
of Communicative Strategies

MELC: Employs various communicative strategies. EN11/12OC-llab-21

Objectives: 1. Identify various types of communicative strategies; and
2. Use various types of communicative strategies in situations.

Let’s Explore and Discover

In this lesson, you will learn different types of communicative strategies that are used
in communication

What are Communicative Strategies?

These are plans, ways or means of sharing information which are adopted to
achieve a particular social,political, psychological, or linguistic purpose.

Read the dialogue below.

Greggor: I called a meeting to follow up about the

things that we have to do before the class starts.

▪ Communicative – Bou: Excuse me, Can I suggest? I think there is a

ready to talk or impart. need to change something in our previous plan.
-relating to the Instead of having a face-to-face teaching, why
conveyance or not modular?
exchange of
information Raph: I agree with you Bou. Modular is better
especially now that we have pandemic.
▪ Strategies- plan of
action or policy Bou: Paolo, what about you? What do you think
designed to achieve a about this idea?
major or overall aim.
Paolo: I have nothing to say, I will agree with the
group’s decision.

Greggor: Well then, if everybody agrees. Let’s have

modular teaching. If you don’t have other
suggestion let’s end this meeting. Thank you for
The highlighted sentences from the dialogue are examples of Communicative
Strategies. This time let’s find out Various Types of Communicative Strategies.

Seven Types of Communicative Strategies

Types of
Communicative Definition Example
1. Nomination Used by the speaker to “Do you know that
collaboratively and productively our country is doing
establish a topic. its effort to fight this
The speaker tries to open a topic pandemic?”
with the people they are talking
2. Restriction Refers to any limitation you may “All right class, today
have as a speaker. our lesson is all
about peer pressure.
Before we start,
please have a
brainstorming about
peer pressure.”
3. Turn-Taking Pertains to the process by which
people decide who take the
conversational floor.
To acknowledge others, you may “I find it irrelevant,
employ visual signals like a nod, a what do you think?”
look, or a step back, and you could
accompany these signals with
spoken cues such as “What do you
think?” Or “You wanted to say
4. Topic Covers how procedural formality or
Control informality affects the development “Yes, John! What can
of topic in conversation. you say about this
5. Topic Involves moving from one topic to
Shifting another. “By the way, I heard
It is where one part of a that Pres. Duterte
conversation ends and where will give his decision
another begins. about the opening of
You may also use effective classes for SY: 2020-
conversational transitions to 2021 this July.”
indicate a shift like “By the way,”
“In addition to what you said,
“Which reminds me off,” and the
6. Repair Refers to how the speaker “I beg your pardon
addresses the problems in but the latest
speaking, listening, and confirmed cases of
comprehending that they may COVID 19 in the
encounter in a conversation. Philippines is 57,545
If there is a problem in not 50, 545.”
understanding the conversation,
speakers will always try to address
and correct it.

7. Termination Refers to the conversation “All right, after a
participants’ close-initiating thorough
expressions that end a topic in a deliberation about
conversation. the opening of
Most of the time the topic initiator classes, let’s proceed
takes responsibility to signal the to the division of the
end of the discussion as well. house.”

(Source: Philippe John F. Sipacio and Anne Richie Balgos, Oral Communication in
Context for Senior High School, Quezon City: C& E Publishing Inc., 2016.)

Let’s Practice

Activity 1
Directions: Complete the table by writing the appropriate types of Communicative
Strategy in Column B described in column A. Choose from the following types of
communicative strategy: Nomination, Restriction, Turn-taking, Topic control, Topic
Shifting Repair, and Termination

Column A Column B

1. Pertains to the process by which people

decide who take the conversational floor.

2. Refers to how the speaker address the


3. Involves moving from one topic to another.

4. Covers how procedural formality/

informality affects the development of topic
in conversation.

5. The speaker tries to open a topic with the

people they are talking with.

6. Refers to any limitation you may have as a


7. Refers to the conversation participants’

close initiating expression to end the

Activity 2
Directions: Circle the letter of the answer that best fits with the question or

1. “The opening of classes will be on August 24, 2020. Do you have anything to
A. Nomination C. Turn Taking
B. Topic Control D. Termination
2. “One of the most essential lessons I gained from this pandemic is the importance
of family and health.”
A. Turn Taking C. Nomination
B. Restriction D. Termination
3. “Excuse me? I think we should speak one at a time, so we can clearly understand
what we want to say about this issue of COVID 19.”
A. Termination C. Topic Shifting
B. Repair D. Turn taking
4. “Go on with your ideas. I’ll let you finish first before I say something.”
A. Topic Control C. Nomination
B. Topic Shifting D. Repair
5. “Have you heard the news about the latest updates of the COVID 19 cases in our
A. Repair C. Nomination
B. Topic Control D. Turn taking

Reflect on this…
How can you identify the various types of communicative strategies?

Let’s Do More
Activity 1
Directions: Identify the types of communicative strategy (Nomination, Restriction,
Turn-taking, Topic Control, Termination, Topic Shifting, Repair) that is used in
each statement below. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

_____________________ 1. “Do you have anything to say?”

_____________________ 2. “One of the essential lessons I gained from the discussion is the
importance of sports and wellness to a healthy lifestyle.”

_____________________ 3. “Excuse me, I think we should speak one at a time, so we can

clearly understand what we want to say about the issue.”

_____________________ 4. “Go on with your ideas. I’ll let you finish first before I say

_____________________ 5. “Have you heard the news about the latest update of COVID?”

Activity 2
Directions: Supply the dialogue with the missing communicative strategies. Choose
your answer from the pool and write it on the space provided.

A. Would you like to say something?

B. By the way, where are you planning to transfer?
C. I guess if you really want to pursue that we don’t have a choice but to support you.

Mel: Hi guys, thanks for being here. I wanted to talk to you because I want to ask
an advice. I am planning to transfer to another school. Joanna,
Joy: If you are going to ask my opinion about it. I think this year is not a good time
to transfer.
Sugar: ______________________________________________________________________________
Mel: I am planning to pursue engineering so I need to transfer from GAS to STEM,
sad to say, we don’t have that in our school.
Joy: Oh, but the only school that offers that strand is in the city proper.
Sugar: Yeah, that’s what friends are for.
Mel: Thank you, guys.

Reflect on this…
How can knowing the various types of Communicative Strategies help you
in completing the dialogue?

Let’s Sum It Up

Directions: Identify what type of communicative strategy is being defined in each item.
(Nomination, Restriction, Turn-taking, Topic Control, Termination, Topic
Shifting, Repair). Write your answer on the blank.

_____________ 1. It is keeping the interaction going by asking questions and eliciting


_____________ 2. It is trying to open a topic with the people they are talking with.

_____________ 3. It is the utilization of verbal and nonverbal signals to end the interaction.

_____________ 4. It is recognizing when and how to speak because it is one’s turn.

_____________ 5. It refers to introducing a new topic followed by the continuation of a topic.

Let’s Assess

Directions: Read each item carefully and circle the letter of your answer.

1. What type of Communicative Strategy is evident in this statement? “Have you noticed
the weird weather lately? Is it because of the global warming?”
A. Nomination B. Restriction C. Turn-Taking D. Topic control

2. Which of the following sentences is an example of Termination?

A. I was late for class again! C. I agree with the point just made.
B. May I have the floor sir? D. Okay, all done.

3. Which type of communicative strategy uses verbal and nonverbal to end an

A. Nomination. B. Turn-Taking C. Restriction D. Termination

4. Which of the following is an example of Turn-taking?

A. I was late for class again! C. I agree with the point just made.
B. May I have the floor sir? D. Okay, all done.

5. Which type of communicative strategy constrains or restricts the response of the

other people involve in communication situation?
A. Nomination B. Restriction C. Turn-Taking D. Termination

6. What type of communicative strategy is evident in this sentence? “I agree with the
point just made. But may I add that OFWs would rather be home and work here so
they could be with their families.”
A. Termination B. Turn-Taking C. Topic shifting D. Topic control

7. Which is a type of communicative strategy that refers to how speakers address the
problems in speaking, listening, and comprehending that they may encounter in a
A. Topic control B. Topic shifting C. Repair D. Restriction

8. Which of the following types of communicative strategy covers how procedural or

informality affects the development of topic in conversation?
A. Topic control B. Topic shifting C. Turn-taking D. Termination

9. What type of communicative strategy uses conversational transitions like “By the
way”, “In addition to what you said”, and “Which reminds me of”?
A. Topic control B. Topic shifting C. Turn-taking D. Termination

10. What type of communicative strategy is evident in this sentence? “How often do you
read books John? Have you encountered problems while reading?”
A. Topic control B. Topic shifting C. Turn-taking D. Termination

Answer Key

1.Turn Taking 5. Nomination 1. C 3. B 5. C

2. Repair 6. Restriction 2. D 4. A
3. Topic Shifting 7. Termination
4. topic Control


1. Turn taking Nomination/Turn Taking/Termination/Topic Shifting

2. Termination
3. Turn taking 1. Would you like to say something?
4. Turn taking 2. By the way, where are you planning to transfer?
5. Nomination 3. I guess if you really want to pursue that we don’t have a
choice but to support you.


1. Topic Control 4. Turn Taking

2. Nomination 5. Topic Shifting
3. Termination


1. A 5. B 9. B
2. D 6. C 10. B
3. D 7. C
4. B 8. A
6. B
7. C

8. A 15. A



Sipacio, Philippe John F. and Anne Richie Balgos. Oral Communication in Context
for Senior High School. Quezon City: C& E Publishing, Inc. 2016.



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