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Cronbach’s Alpha for the Sections of the Questionnaire

Section Cronbach’s Alpha Cronbach’s Alpha

Sub-scale (calculated) (Original scale)


General Work Communication Use

Information gathering (Landers & Callan, 2014) .75 .85

I’ve found tutorials and lessons on social media to help me learn how to perform my
job better.
I have used social media to learn how to perform better at my job

Social Media as Technical Solution (Landers & Callan, 2014) .69 .83
I have taken advantage of the technical features of social media (like file sharing or
scheduling functions) to accomplish work tasks
I have taken advantage of the technical features of social media (like file sharing or
scheduling functions) to accomplish work tasks faster or more easily

New Employee Outreach (Landers & Callan, 2014) .72 .87

I reach out to new coworkers using social media.
I’ve identified new coworkers by searching social media.
Crowdsourcing (Landers & Callan, 2014) .68 .92
I request help from people on social media when I am having trouble solving a
problem at work.
When I can’t solve a problem at work, I ask for help on social media.

Information sharing (Original Construct) .72 NA

Social media makes information sharing faster.

Social media makes information sharing easier.

Teamwork (Original Construct) .70 NA

Social media encourages teamwork.

Social media supports better teamwork.

Work Communication between coworkers

Intra-office Communication (Landers & Callan, 2014) .76 .84

I use social media to contact my coworkers when I am unable to reach them by other
Through social media, I maintain contact with coworkers in my organization.

Routine Work Communication (Own Construct) .724 NA

I use social media to exchange routine information with my coworkers.

My coworkers use social media to exchange routine information with me.
I use social media to share work-related documents, files, and presentations with my
My coworkers use social media to share work-related documents, files, and
presentations with me.
I use social media to give feedback to my coworkers on work-related issues.
My coworkers use social media to give me feedback on work-related issues.
Social media is the first tool I use to connect/contact my coworkers.
Social media is the first tool my coworkers use to connect/contact me.

Work Communication between workers and managers

Intra-office Communication (Landers & Callan, 2014) .82 .84

I use social media to contact my managers when I am unable to reach them by other
Through social media, I maintain contact with managers in my organization.

Routine Work Communication (Own Construct) .71 NA

I use social media to exchange routine information such as work progress with my
My managers use social media to exchange routine information with me.
My managers use social media to provide me with work-related feedback such as my
Social media is the first tool I use to connect/contact my managers.
Social media is the first tool my managers use to connect/contact me.

Non-work/Informal communication between coworkers

Personal interaction (Own Construct) .72 NA

I use social media for personal or non-work communication with my coworkers during
work time.
I use social media for personal or non-work communication with my coworkers after
I send connection requests such as Facebook friend request to my coworkers.
I receive connection requests such as Facebook friend request from my coworkers.
Social media enables faster sending of non-work information to my coworkers.
Social media enables faster receiving of non-work information from my coworkers.

Disparaging others (Landers & Callan, 2014) .76 .87

I have posted negative opinions about my coworkers on social media.

I have discussed negative feelings towards coworkers on social media.

Creating Offensive Content (Landers & Callan, 2014) .75 .84

I have shared my personal opinions on social media that coworkers found

inappropriate or offensive.
Coworkers have been offended by something I posted on social media.

Non-work/Informal communication between workers and managers

Personal interaction (Own Construct) .71 NA

I use social media for personal or non-work communication with my managers during
work time.
I use social media for personal or non-work communication with my managers after
I send connection requests such as Facebook friend request to my managers.
I receive connection requests such as Facebook friend request from my managers.
Social media enables faster sending of non-work information to my managers.
Social media enables faster receiving of non-work information from my managers.

Disparaging others (Landers & Callan, 2014) .69 .87

I have posted negative opinions about my managers on social media.

I have discussed negative feelings towards managers on social media.

Creating Offensive Content (Landers & Callan, 2014) .78 .84

I have shared my personal opinions on social media that managers found

inappropriate or offensive.
Managers have been offended by something I posted on social media.

Attitude towards knowledge-sharing (Bock, Zmud, Kim, & Lee, 2005) .85 .84

My knowledge sharing with other organizational members on social media is good.

My knowledge sharing with other organizational members on social media is not
My knowledge sharing with other organizational members on social media is an
enjoyable experience.
My knowledge sharing with other organizational members on social media is a
valuable experience.
My knowledge sharing with other organizational members on social media is a wise

Subjective Norm (Bock, Zmud, Kim, & Lee, 2005) .73 .72

My Managing Director (MD) thinks that I should share my knowledge with other
members in the organization.
My supervisor thinks that I should share my knowledge on social media with other
members in the organization.
My colleagues think that I should share my knowledge on social media with other
members in the organization.
Generally speaking, I try to follow the MD's policy and intention.
Generally speaking, I accept and carry out my supervisor's decision even though it is
different from mine.
Generally speaking, I respect and put in practice my colleague's decision.

Intention to share knowledge (Bock, Zmud, Kim, & Lee, 2005) .77 .75

I will share my work reports and official documents with members of my organization
on social media more frequently in the future.
I will always provide my manuals, methodologies and models for members of my
organization on social media.
I intend to share my experience or know-how from work with other organizational
members on social media more frequently in the future.
I will always provide my know-where or know-whom at the request of other
organizational members on social media.
I will try to share my expertise from my education or training with other
organizational members on social media in a more effective way.

Relationships between coworkers

Friendship Opportunity (Nielsen, Jex, & Adams, 2000) .72 .84

I have the opportunity to get to know my coworkers through social media.

I am able to work with my coworkers to collectively solve problems on social media.
In my organization, I have the chance to talk informally with my coworkers on social
Communication among employees on social media is encouraged by my organization.
I have the opportunity to develop close friendships with coworkers through social
Informal talk with coworkers on social media is tolerated by my organization as long
as the work is completed.

Friendship Prevalence (Nielsen, Jex, & Adams, 2000) .74 .85

I have formed strong friendships with coworkers through social media.

I socialize with coworkers through social media outside of the workplace.
I can confide in coworkers on social media.
I feel I can trust many coworkers a great deal on social media.
Being able to communicate with my coworkers on social media is one reason why I
look forward to my job.
I do not feel that any colleague I work with is a true friend.

Relationship refusal (Landers & Callan, 2014) .81 .83

I have created an uncomfortable situation by refusing connections with coworkers via

social media.
I have felt awkward at work after I refused a connection on social media with a

Establishing Inappropriate Relationship (Landers & Callan, 2014) .71 .90

I have invited a personal relationship with a coworker on social media that I shouldn't
I have become close to a coworker I shouldn't have because of social media.

Relationships between workers and managers

Friendship Opportunity (Nielsen, Jex, & Adams, 2000) .77 .84

I have the opportunity to get to know my managers through social media.

I am able to work with my managers to collectively solve problems on social media.
In my organization, I have the chance to talk informally with managers on social
Communication among employees and managers on social media is encouraged by my
I have the opportunity to develop close friendships with managers through social
Informal talk with managers on social media is tolerated by my organization as long
as the work is completed.

Friendship Prevalence (Nielsen, Jex, & Adams, 2000) .74 .85

I have formed strong friendships with managers through social media.

I socialize with managers through social media outside of the workplace.
I can confide in managers on social media.
I feel I can trust many managers a great deal on social media.
Being able to communicate with my managers on social media is one reason why I
look forward to my job.
I do not feel that any manager I work with is a true friend.

Relationship refusal (Landers & Callan, 2014) .78 .83

I’ve created an uncomfortable situation by refusing connections with managers via

social media.
I have felt awkward at work after refusing a connection on social media with a

Establishing Inappropriate Relationship (Landers & Callan, 2014) .73 .90

I have invited a personal relationship with a manager on social media that I should
not have.
I have become close to a manager I should not have because of social media.


Techno-overload (Ragu-Nathan, Tarafdar, Ragu-Nathan, & Tu, 2008) .92 .82

I am forced by this technology to work much faster.

I am forced by this technology to do more work than I can handle.
I am forced by this technology to work with very tight time schedules.
I am forced to change my work habits to adapt to new technologies.
I have a higher workload because of increased technology complexity.

Techno-invasion (Ragu-Nathan, Tarafdar, Ragu-Nathan, & Tu, 2008) .88 .80

I spend less time with my family due to this technology.
I have to be in touch with my work even during my vacation due to this technology.
I have to sacrifice my vacation and weekend time to keep current on new technologies.
I feel my personal life is being invaded by this technology.

Techno-complexity (Ragu-Nathan, Tarafdar, Ragu-Nathan, & Tu, 2008) .72 .77

I do not know enough about this technology to handle my job satisfactorily.

I need a long time to understand and use new technologies.
I do not find enough time to study and upgrade my technology skills.
I find new recruits to this organization know more about computer technology than I
I often find it too complex for me to understand and use new technologies.

Techno-insecurity (Ragu-Nathan, Tarafdar, Ragu-Nathan, & Tu, 2008) .72 .78

I feel constant threat to my job security due to new technologies.

I have to constantly update my skills to avoid being replaced.
I am threatened by coworkers with newer technology skills.
I do not share my knowledge with my coworkers for fear of being replaced.
I feel there is less sharing of knowledge among coworkers for fear of being replaced.

Techno-uncertainty (Ragu-Nathan, Tarafdar, Ragu-Nathan, & Tu, 2008) .78 .83

There are always new developments in the technologies we use in our organization.
There are constant changes in computer software in our organization.
There are constant changes in computer hardware in our organization.
There are frequent upgrades in computer networks in our organization.


Surveillance (Botan, 1996) .73 .79

I personally believe my social media use is under surveillance at work at least part of
the time
Most of my fellow employees believe that our social media use is under surveillance at
My company acknowledges that our social media use is under surveillance at work

Privacy at Work (Botan, 1996) .74 .85

It is not acceptable for the company to collect the information that it does through
social media monitoring
It is not necessary for the company to collect the information that it does through
social media monitoring
I feel uncomfortable, with the information about me which the company collects
through social media monitoring
Greater controls are needed to limit how the company uses the information it collects
by social media monitoring
Social media surveillance at work is an invasion of my privacy

Concerns about organizational infringement (Snyder, 2010) .68 .92

My organization has too much authority to record and review the social media
contents I share with colleagues at work.
My organization has too much ability to monitor and record my social media contents
I am not pleased with my organization’s ability to review the social media content I
send and receive at work.
I am concerned that I do not have complete control over who reads the content of the
social media messages I send and receive at work.

Perceived SM privacy (Snyder, 2010) .73 .81

When sending and receiving social media messages at work, I am not in complete
control over who sees the content of those messages.
I am confident that I am in control of who sees the content of my social media
I am not confident with my ability to regulate who has access to the social media
messages I send and receive at work.
I am not satisfied with my ability to control the information my organization can
gather about me through the social media messages I send and receive at work.

Enjoyment and Pleasure

Entertainment (Leung & Wei, 1998) .78 .84

I use social media to have fun
use social media to get companionship with coworkers I know
I use social media to enjoy the pleasure of contacting coworkers
I use social media to play tricks and to joke with coworkers
I use social media to relieve boredom by contacting coworkers

Time-theft (Landers & Callan, 2014) .72 .91

I’ve spent time on social media while at work when I should not have.
I’ve used social media when I should have been working.

Work-related Social Media Relaxation and Leisure (Landers & Callan, 2014) .71 .91

When I don’t have other pressing tasks at work, I use social media to relax
I use social media in my free time at work

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