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By B. Tabatshnik, USSR

The author, who coached t heSovi etUnion’snat ionalex per imental spr int squad,
outlines sample training programs for the 17 to 20 years age range and presents
summaries of the changes in the emphasis of different training means that occur
within a training year, as well as from one year to the next. The article is based
on a translation from Legkaya Atletika, Moscow, USSR, No. 5, May 1988. Re-
printed with permission from Modern Athlete and Coach.

The author recommends that the training of sprinters must be well balanced and
the development of speed should take place all year round with the exception of
the transition period.

As can be seen in the summary of the suggested sample training programs

(table 3), the largest maximal speed development volumes occur in December-
January and April-May. The largest volume of strength exercises takes place in
March-April, while jumping and bounding exercises have the highest volumes in
October-November and again in April-May.

The volume of intensive repetition runs over distances exceeding 80m reaches
the highest volumes in December-January and April-May. The aerobic-anaerobic
repetition runs have the highest volume in October-November, the aerobic
repetition runs in October-November and March-April.

The sample training schedules, presented below, are based on a double

periodized year, aiming to produce the first peak during the winter indoor
competitions and the second peak during the outdoor season.


Day 1: Easy jogging over 800 to 1000m, general exercises, sprinting drills (300 to
400m), bounding over 10 hurdles from double-legged takeoffs (8 to 10 reps),
shot throws (10 to 15 reps). Two acceleration runs over 60 to 80m, varied speed
runs (6 to 8 reps) over 100m (40m fast + 30m relaxed + 30m fast). Stretching

Day 2: Easy jogging over 100m, medicine ball exercises (50 to 70 throws),
acceleration runs over 60m (3 reps), 10 to 15 practice starts, high knee lift runs
over 100m (5 to 6 reps), bounding, 800m of slow running.

Day 3: Warm-up, Weight training — Clean and jerk: 6 to 8 reps. 50kg, 3 to 4

reps. 60kg, 1 to 2 reps. 70kg, 1 rep. 75kg, 1 rep. 80kg. Snatch: 3 sets of 6 to 8
reps. 40 to 50kg. Squat: 8 to 10 reps. 80kg, 5 to 8 reps. 90kg, 2 to 3 reps. 100kg,
1 to 2 reps. 110kg, 1 rep. 125kg. Bounding over 10 hurdles, stretching exercises.
Day 4: Slow running 10 to 15 min., general exercises, running and bounding
uphill (3 to 5° incline) over 60m (6 to 8 reps) and 150 to 200m (6 reps.) 10 min. of
slow running.

Day 5: Slow running over 1200 to 150Gm, general exercises, 8 to 10 reps. of 10

— jumps. upstairs jumps (4 to 8 reps). Repetition runs 80 to 90% intensity) over
300 + 250 + 200 + 150m with walk back recoveries over the same distance.

Day 6: Weight training — Bench press (percent of body weight): 3 sets of 3 to 5

reps. (80 to 100%), 3 sets of 5 to 7 reps (100 to 120%), 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps.
(80%). Bounding in half knee bend position: 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps (100 to
120%). 20 min. of easy cross-country running, stretching exercises.

Day 7: Rest.


Day 1: Easy jogging, general exercises, shot throws forward-upward (10 reps). 3
reps. of 60m accelerations, 10 to 15 practice starts, 2 reps. of 100m
accelerations + 2 reps. of 100m acceleration with a 3kg weight vest, 2 reps of
100m (90 to 95% intensity). Recoveries between repetitions 3 to 4 min., between
series 5 to 7 min. Stretching exercises, slow running.

Day 2: Easy jogging, general exercises, sprinting drills (5 reps. of 30m), standing
long jumps (10 reps), standing triple jumps (5reps). 60m sprints with a weight
vest (5 to 6 reps), 150m runs (2 to 3 reps). Recoveries 5 to 6 min. Stretching

Day 3: Slow running (10 min.), weight training — Clean and jerk: 3 to 4 reps.
60kg, 1 to 2 reps. 70kg, 1 rep. 75 to 80kg, 1 rep. 80 to 90kg. Snatch: 3 to 5 reps.
50kg, 1 to 2 reps. 60kg. Half-squat: 6 reps. 80kg, 6 to 8 reps.100kg, 5 to 7 reps.
110kg, 3 to 5 reps.120kg, 2 to 3 reps. 130kg (Stretching exercises between the
lifts). Bounding over 10 hurdles (10 reps.), easy accelerations over 60 to 80m (3
reps), jogging.

Day 4: 10 to 12 min. easy running, general exercises, bounding and sprinting

drills. 200m repetition runs with the first 120 to 150m uphill (3 to 4°) with 90%
intensity (4 to 5 reps.). recoveries 7 to 8 min.

Day 5: Slow running over 1200 to 1500m, general exercises, sprinting drills. Two
80m acceleration at maximal intensity, followed by 80m repetitions (4 to 5) with 5
to 6 min. recoveries. 90% intensity runs 250 + 200 + 150m with 8 to 10 min.

Day 6: Easy warm-up, general exercises, bounding over 80 to 100m (3 reps

intensive, 3 reps. relaxed), stretching exercises.

Day 7: Rest.

Day 1: Warm-up, shot throws (10 reps.), standing long jump (10 reps.), standing
triple jump (5 reps.). Accelerations over 60m (4 reps.), 6 to 8 crouch starts over
20 to 30m, 150m runs with 90 to 95% intensity (3 to 4 reps.). Recoveries 8 to 10
min. Slow running for 10 min.

Day 2: Slow running, general exercises, sprinting drills over 30m (4 to 6 reps.), 3
crouch starts over 20m, 5 over 30m, 5 x 30m from flying start, stretching

Day 3: Slow running, general exercises, sprinting drills over 30 to 40m (5 reps.),
repetition runs 250 + 200 + 150m with 95% intensity. Recoveries 8 to 10 min.
Slow running.

Day 4: Rest.

Day 5: Warm-up, very fast sprinting drills, 2 crouch starts over 30m, 3 over 40m.
Relay changeovers at full speed. Easy running for 10 min., stretching exercises.

Day 6: Warm-up, shot throws (10 reps.). Timed accelerations over 60m (3 reps)
and 30m (5 to 7 reps), relaxed 8O to 100m repetitions (5 to 6 reps) with 5 to 7
min. recoveries.

Day7:Rest .Friday ’
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Saturday. Restoration measures include easy cross-country running, massage
and sauna.


Day 1: Warm-up, sprinting drills over 40 to 50m (5 to 6 reps), standing long jump
(10 reps), standing triple jump (5 reps), 10 jumps (5 reps). 6 to 8 crouch starts
over 20 to 30m, repetition runs over 100m (4 to 5 reps), shot throws (10 to 15
reps). 800m of slow running.

Day 2: Slow running over 800 to 1000m, general exercises, sprinting drills over
50 to 60m (5 reps), 3 accelerations of 60 to 80m. Starting practice — 3 x 30m, 1
x 40m, 1 x 50m, 1 x 60m. Relay changeovers. 800m of easy running.

Day 3: Warm-up, general exercises, hurdling drills, repetition runs over 150m (3
reps) with 95 to 98% intensity. Relaxation exercises.

Day 4: Active rest.

Day 5: 15 to 20 min. of easy running, accelerations over 80m (2 to 4 reps), 2 x

20m + 2 x 30m + 2 x 60m from crouch start. Full speed relay changeovers, easy
running, stretching exercises.
Day 6: Warm-up, shot throws (10 to 15 reps), strength development exercises.
Varied speed runs over 100m (5 to 6 reps) with 100m jog recoveries.

Day 7: Rest.


Day 1: Warm-up (30 to 40 min.), shot throws (8 to 10 reps), sprinting drills.

Acceleration runs over 80m (3 reps) and 120m (4 reps), stretching exercises.

Day 2: Easy running over 800m general exercises (20 mm.), 2 to 3 accelerations
over 60 to 100m, crouch starts (3 x 30m, 2 x 60m, 2 x 80m). Jogging.

Day 3: Warm-up, standing long jumps (8 to 10 reps), standing triple jumps (5

reps), standing 6-jumps (5 reps). Weight training with light weights, employing 5
or 6 exercises to improve muscle tone. Easy sprints on the grass over 80 to
100m (4 to 5 reps). Stretching exercises.

Day 4: Rest.

Day 5: Easy running, 15 to 20 min. general exercises, a few sprinting drills, 2

acceleration runs, 4 to 5 starts over 30m, relaxation exercises.

Day 6: Competition.

Day 7: Competition.

Regular tests to evaluate progress are most helpful during the competition
period. The suggested standards for the young sprinters in the 17 to 20 years
age range are presented in table 1. The changes in the loads of training means
are presented for the same age range in table 2.
Finally, a summary that shows the changes in the various means during a
training year, indicating the months during which the highest and lowest volumes
of a particular developmental aspect occurs.


It is interesting to note, besides the variety of training means employed, the

changes in the distribution of these means that take place in the three age
ranges in table 2. There is a steady increase in the number of training starts, as
well as competitions. The running volume, on the other hand, follows a different
pattern. Here anaerobic running is increased year by year but aerobic work is
gradually reduced.

Noteworthy are also the changes that take place within a double periodized year,
where conditioning is strongly emphasized during November-December and
again during March-April-May. In weight training, for example, 105 tonnes out of
the yearly total of 168 tonnes are lifted during these two periods. The same
applies to jumping exercises with the execution of 5000 take-offs out of the years
total of 8000.

— Editor.

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