4162-Eng Mgmt-Group Activity No.3

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LINGAYU, Ingrid Rose
FRONDA, Jerome Blas
GALLO, Genesis

1. Discuss in your group, who is your presidential bet on the coming 2022 election. Justify your
answer by providing the leadership style this candidate possesses.
Every election our country is very active in social media and in the streets. This is the time
where we choose individuals that will lead our country and will serve to protect the rights,
freedom and develop our country. In our discussion we mention the qualities that our
presidential bet should possess, these are important during the election because he/she is the
person who will have the highest authority in our country. I would like to emphasize the quality
of a president that I would like to be nominated. The president that I want should know the
need of our country. A president should always be calm and decisive in emergency situation.
Know how to respond in an emergency situation. A president should run not to demoralized
the other party or to prevent the other party to rule. A president should never run for revenge
and use the given authority for selfish desires.

For our group we have a unanimous choice of who is our presidential bet on the upcoming
2022 election it is no other than Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. Among the Presidential
candidates, we would vote for former Senator Bongbong Marcos because he portrayed the
qualities of the President that people want. His vision for our country is clear. The manner in
which he expresses himself and his point of view on something that someone asks him was on
point. We choose him because of his strong character and for his intention is clear. We choose
him not because his smart, but because he can lead his people and our country. He run for
president because of his will to make our country better and not to say promises like others do,
which is also not fulfilled. We chose Bongbong Marcos for we know that he will be
responsible. That in every word he is saying, it will become an action, though we cannot really
say it like it is done but we are can rest assured that he can do it responsibly.

We know that some Filipino’s doesn’t like his family because of his late father and the
former president of the Philippines. Especially his declaration of Martial Law in the
Philippines, some says that there are many victims of human right violation and corruption in
his term. However, it really happened, we cannot remove the fact that during his time he has
accomplished much more than those who succeed next to him. Although, for us even though
his father may have or nor committed what the people says we cannot let his sons be
accountable to what his parent has done. What we need to see is what he has accomplished as
a politician in our country. For what we have known our country is deeply in need of growth
in energy source especially on the electricity. During his time as Governor in Ilocos Bongbong
Marcos have started the windmill project in order to sustain the demand of electricity. It is
quite helpful because it is not only help to fill the demand in electricity but it also an advantage
to our environment. Another is even his family is been continuously criticized by the past we
have never hear any single word coming from them to criticized the other party destroying the
image of their family. Some of the presidential runners is running for the position to stop their
family getting back the power. Is that supposed to be the reason running to get revenge but
Bongbong said that he is running for the Filipino not to revenge to the people who criticize his
family. Bongbong Marcos have the quality to be next president he is smart know to exercise
the law and know what our country needs. We believe that we should state the fact that he has
done a very good job as politician not what have his father has done.

2. What Leadership style do you think is the most feasible in our country?
In this particular question we divide it on how we will answer. Firs is some of our member
based their answers on the leadership style base on our topic on management. One of us said
that the most feasible leadership style best in our country is Participatory Style because it
involves getting everyone's decision. Leaders who utilize this involved style try to carry a more
equitable measurement to the executives as opposed to using a customary hierarchical
methodology. This leadership style perceives that representatives are partners in the
association and are qualified for their own voice. Participatory leaders engage workers who
will be generally influenced by specific choices to have cooperation as well as dynamic
capacities in resolving those issues. And I think that if leaders can hear the voices of his people
then he can be a great leader.
The next way of answering the answer is based on leadership style on handling politics.
Some of us think that for the sake of the country, not only for this generation but also for the
next. He/she must a person that inspires others through his work. A decision maker and knows
how to fix the problems of the country. He is independent, meaning he/she should not always
depend on the opinions of others, but he/she is also open-minded to the opinion or feedback of
others. A good communicator and someone who knows how to express their own thoughts
regarding something. He/she is highly committed and honest to his position. A person that
helps people in need and quickly responds if there is a tragedy. Also, For me, we think that the
most feasible leadership style in our country is that, the leader must know how to effectively
communicate with his/her people with the presence of having a good mindset, with the beliefs
that shape not just on how the leader make sense of his/herself but also in the world. Providing
his/her country all the best things we could ever had and where all of his citizens have the equal
rights to be vocal about their words and make it happen.
There is no such thing as perfect government. We can say that the growth of a country lies
on the government system, the government leaders and the leadership style. For us, it is not
the government system is the problem it is the country itself. The citizens, the government
body, and the laws are all responsible to the development and growth of a country. In the case
of our country it cannot be entirely be leadership style is the problem. The citizens are divided
by the differences in opinions and supported leaders. Everyone is entitled to have their opinion
and the leaders they choose to support. However, when the party that they supported loose
from the other party it will become a big issue and will eventually create a buzz. Citizens from
the losing side will target the opposing side raise issues to degrade the winning party. In other
words, citizens in our country don’t have unity and does not respect the system. Another is the
government leaders, instead of helping each other and provide support for the benefit in our
country they tend to attacked each to demoralized the other party and destroyed their images.
As we observe when there are issues like this the Filipino’s will react so quickly targeting
them. Then the laws in our country are not transparent because every time an administration
ends the next administration will not continue what the past administration have accomplished
may it by the laws that have been passed or the infrastructure project that was started. Whatever
the leadership style is it will not become feasible in our country if this type of system will
continue. No matter how good the leadership style or the government system if there is no
cooperation among the Filipino’s it our country will never grow. It is not the leadership style
that is need to fixed in our country we must fix our self-first. Any forms of leadership can apply
to our country it can be an autocratic, democratic and etc. In our case we should fix first our
behavior and values.

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