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Sisilad St. Sto. Cristo, Pulilan, Bulacan

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person


1. Understanding that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and truth.
2. Evaluate opinion.
3. Distinguish opinion from truth.

“Hinduism’s basic tenet is that many roads exist by which men have pursued and still pursue
their quest for the truth and that none has universal validity”
-Kenneth Scott Latourette-

1.Gabriel Marcel- Clarifies that Philosophy is not like the Science that have a clear in method in
arriving at truths. (Marcel 1960)
The Method of the Science is a fixed process that can by repeated by anyone and still bring the
same result. The Method detached from the Scientist.
The Method is not something you can simply detach from the person philosophizing.

When you set out to answer question about the meaning of life, freedom, love or what you are
likely to find in your search will be different from what your seatmate or friend discover.
The Journey of Philosophizing is a very personal journey.
For this reason we cannot strictly speaking talk about “a method” or “the method” of
Each method or thought process written about by Philosophers bring out a glimpses of truth and

2. Rene Descartes
French Philosopher says that only the mind, not the body can arrive at a clear and distinct ideas
which cannot be doubted.
He arrived at this truth by first, asking if object that I come to know through my senses can be
fully trusted. We know through my sense can be fully trusted.
We see things a big burger in a billboard, a slim fashion model in a magazine cover but find upon
closer look that we have been deceived.
There is one thing that cannot be doubted, and that is, doubt itself.

Doubting is THINKING.
Therefore, THINKING likewise be doubted. The more he doubts that he thinking, the
clearer It appears that he actually thinking

If there is doubting and thinking then there must also be thinker and doubter.
When one thinks, one intuitively or immediately realize that he exists.

The principle of Yin and Yang is that all things exist as inseparable and contradictory
opposites, for example, female-male, dark-light and old-young. The principle, dating
from the 3rd century BCE or even earlier, is a fundamental concept in Chinese
philosophy and culture in general. 

“Dark-Bright", "negative-positive") describes how seemingly opposite or contrary forces

may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world,
and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. Many
tangible dualities (such as light and dark, fire and water, expanding and contracting) are
thought of as physical manifestations of the duality symbolized by yang and yin.

Characteristics of YANG and YIN


 Ask Challenging Question,  Listen, support and coach

 Hold People to count  Provide safety and stability
 Demand Excellence  Foster Confidence
 Be Rational  Be Empathetic


The Journey of Philosophizing is a very personal journey. There is no specific method to

follow. Whatever glimpses of the truth we get will always be partial and differently and
use different from others because we all look at truth differently and use different
approaches to arriving the truth. No one has a final answer to everything. That is why it is
important that we constantly engage others to help us examine and reflect on these truths
that hold.
Activity 1

Choose a word from the box below.

1. Write down other related words or ideas that you can think of in relation to the
word that you choose.
2. Write your answer on the box.

Activity 2

Supply the relevant information on the topics below. Prepare 2-3 paragraph essays for
each topic. Make sure that you include your resources and you have read the articles
thoroughly. You may use internet to search.
1. DepEd Kto 12 Program
2. Schools Rules and Regulations
3. Covid19 in Philippines
Activity 3

What can you say about the picture below?


Ms. Dyana Rose G.Rivera

Philosophy Teacher

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