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Appendix B: Your sleep intervention plan

1. Set your goals for sleep duration

(Explain this in terms of changes in the amount of the measured overt


8 Hours of sleep every night.

2. Explain what your sleep schedule will be in terms of when and where you will
go to bed

(State this in concrete terms – time of day and place)

In my room, on my bed, and my aim is to go to bed at 11pm every night.

3. Explain how you are going to change your routine to make your sleep
schedule achievable

a. Which activities are you currently doing that make you less sleepy at the
time and place you want to sleep. Explain how you will try to reduce them.
This could be by removing the antecedents for these behaviours, for
example. (E.g., not taking phone to bedroom will eliminate phone
browsing in bed.)

My phone decreases the quality of my sleep, so I could avoid this by not

charging my phone right next to my bed.

b. Which activities should you be doing that will make you more sleepy at
the time and place you want to sleep. Explain how you will try to increase
these replacement behaviours. This could be by using an incentive plan
for doing them, for example. (E.g., each night you read an enjoyable book
for 30-mins, you give yourself a reward.)

Doing some exercise actually make me sleep better, I could do a 20 workout

before I go to bed.

4. Explain how you are going to change your sleep environment to facilitate

(E.g., what are you going to do to make your bedroom more comfortable to
assist sleeping and to reduce things that could wake you during the night?)

I can put more pillows in my bed, so it is more comfortable. I will also remove
my phone from my bedside table, I could charge it overnight on my desk.
5. Are you going to use an incentive plan to motivate a change in your routine?

What sort of punishers or reinforcers might be useful for you? In particular,

identify how the reinforcer(s) or punishment(s) you choose to use address
the three criteria above (Immediacy, contingency, value)

By removing my phone away from my bedside table and doing 20min workout before I go to
bed will increase my sleep quality, I will have more time during the day to do work. I will be
able to have a productive day, this will be a reinforcer as I am intrinsically rewarded. I will
feel good about myself. This is quite an immediate reward because I will receive it every day
if I perform the sleep behavior modification. It is also contingency because only by having
good quality of sleep will I be able to wake up early in the morning feeling good and start a
productive day. It is very valuable as it is intrinsically awarding, and in long term, my
academic performance may increase due to increased productivity.

If you choose to take this approach, what will be your plan to reinforce your
behaviour if you reach your targets? Define this schedule in specific terms with
regards to your goals and your behaviours. E.g., X consequence will occur if Z
amount of behaviour is observed. If Z condition is not met, then Y consequence
will occur.

I will set an alarm at 22:15 to remind me to start doing 20 mins exercise and put my
phone further away from my bed to get ready for bed. If I do exercise, I will put a tick
on my calendar. Overtime, I will see how my behaviour is modified. If I do not do
exercise and put my phone away, I would have less time to sleep because I will spend
time on my phone, and I would have lower sleep quality.

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