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The pie charts compare the proportions of sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar in a typical

American diet. These nutrients may be harmful if taken excessively.

Overall, dinner is the biggest source of sodium and saturated fat, whereas snacks have the
highest sugar content. It is also notable that breakfast contains lower amounts of those nutrients
than any other meal.
To be more specific, Americans consume 43% of their daily sodium intake, 37% of saturated fat,
and 23% of sugar for dinner. The figures for lunch are slightly lower, at 29% for sodium, 26%
for saturated fat, and 19% for sugar.
In contrast, while the respective levels of sodium and saturated fat in American snacks are low,
at only 14% and 21%, the amount of sugar found in these meals is highest, accounting for 42%
of daily intake. Breakfast seems to be the healthiest meal of the day as it includes no more than
16% of the three potentially harmful substances.
(161 words)

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