Ielts mẫu thứ 6

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1. Do you have many friends? [Why/Why not]
I know a bunch of people of my age at school but I only want to hang out with a
few close friends. Although I enjoy socializing with people who share some
common interests, it’s not an easy task to find someone that I can truly confide
2. How often do you go out with friends? [Why/Why not]
I meet my friends almost twice a week. I love to spend my weekends with ones
whom I consider soul mates. We usually visit different places, watch movies
and discuss different topics, especially things happening at school.
3. What do you think makes good friends?
A definition of good friends may vary, but to me, they are ones who know me
as the back of their hands. Besides, a friend in need is a friend indeed. People
who help you selflessly when you are in trouble should be considered good
1. Do you have any hobbies or interests? [What are they?]
Well in general, I enjoy many types of entertaining activities such as watching
movies, playing computer games or reading books. However, on a rainy day, I
find myself most comfortable with being at home alone and curling up with a
good book.
2. Is it important to have a hobby?
Definitely! I mean keeping up with a fast pace of modern society makes people
suffer from an enormous amount of stress. So, it’s really helpful, at least to me,
to get into some recreational activities to relax and forget about the hectic life
out there for a minute.
3. Is it harmful to spend too much time on a hobby?
Yes, I believe spending excessive time on anything, even on things that you
love to do, will bring about some negative effects. You may end up not having
enough time for your priorities like family or work. For example, I sometimes
lose myself into games and forget about the deadlines at work.
1. What is your area of specialization?
Well, I specialize in Math at school, so as you may know, I spend the majority
of time working with numbers and formulas. And it’s very common for
Vietnamese students to choose subjects related to science as their major.
2. Why did you choose to study that major?
There are many reasons for my choice. Primarily, I love playing with numbers. I
find it extremely thrilling whenever I can solve a complicated math problem or
understand the underlying logic behind one. Also, I plan to work in technology
industry in the future, and a firm math foundation can prepare me well for that.
3. Do you think your country has an effective education system?
I think although Vietnamese education system has done well in many aspects, it
still needs to improve a lot. For example, due to the lack of consistent policy,
the regulations for the university entrance exam have been changing constantly
in recent years, causing a lot of confusion and worries for both teachers and
1. What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?
I have been living in a 2-bedroom apartment with my family since birth.
Because I have to share a room with my brother, I plan to move out once I can
make a living on my own, so I can arrange and decorate my living space to my
2. Who do you live with?
Currently, I am living with my parents and my younger brother. Although the
apartment is spacious enough for 4 of us to live comfortably, I still want to
move to a larger house, like the one my grandparents have in the countryside, so
I can live freely with the nature.
3. How long have you lived there?
I have lived there since the day I was born, so it’s roughly 16 years. And my
parents don’t have any intention of moving in the near future, so I guess I’ll
continue to live there until I can afford my own apartment.
1. What sports did you do when you were a kid?
When I was little, I was quite active, so I participated in any kind of sport
activities that the kids in my neighbor would play, such as football, basketball
or volleyball. When I got a bit older, I only played badminton because it was
also a compulsory physical training at my school.
2. What’s your favorite sport? Why?
I have played many types of sport, but badminton is my all-time favorite. It is
because I prefer competing solo to playing in a team. Moreover, I love the
feeling of scoring with a smash that my opponent can’t handle.
3. Do you watch sport matches? Why?
I am a big fan of sport but I hate sitting on a couch and staring at TV screen for
a sport match. I get extremely sleepy and bored every time I do so. I want to
play the game myself rather than just watching.
1. How do you celebrate New Year?
I always spend Tet Holiday with my family. Together, we clean up and
redecorate my house, and my mom would prepare a lot of traditional food,
which is usually enough for the whole family in a month. I really love Tet
because I don’t have to go to school and also get luck money from my elder
2. Do you still remember a new year that you celebrated?
Definitely. Covid-19 has made last year Tet unforgettable. I have to say that it
was the longest Tet Holiday I’ve ever experienced. Because of the pandemic, I
couldn’t go to school until May, which was 3 months after Tet. And I couldn’t
go out either, so staying home all day in a long period of time really made me
bored and depressed.
3. Why do people think New Year is a new beginning?
I think this is mainly because as the New Year approaches, people often feel the
urge to reflect upon themselves, decide what they need to change and create
new plans for the upcoming year. For me, I usually write down some bad habits
that I want to break and set some goals for the next academic year.

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