GE2 4th Exam

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4th Exam

1. With your experience in presenting reports, or any speaking activity in class, what
was your greatest challenge?
When it comes to speaking or presenting in front of a class, the most difficult part for
me is really the speaking or talking itself. I, for one, am a really shy person who finds
it extremely difficult to talk in front of an audience.

2. How were you able to overcome such a challenge in speaking?

If I'm given the opportunity to speak in front of an audience, I'll make every effort to
prepare. And, if bringing a script is allowed when speaking to an audience, I would
undoubtedly do so; nonetheless, I believe I overcome this every time by relaxing
while talking and presuming that the audience is simply me.

3. Search what is TED talk video is and explain. Cite examples.

TED talk videos, in my opinion, are a very informative and knowledgeable form of
media. There are thousands of TED talk videos available online, with different
speakers talking passionately about certain topics. For example, in Tommy Block's
"Why We Should Watch More Movies," he discusses his five groups or
classifications of movies, as well as why we watch movies and what we get from
them. And I can connect to his speech since, as a result of the lockdown, I
developed a passion for watching movies, not just for entertainment or to pass the
time, but also as a form of escapism from reality, as he also indicated in his speech.

4. How do you think you can benefit from TED talk videos?
I think there a lot of benefits from watching TED talk videos, but I think the first and
foremost thing you quickly learn from is how the speakers talk, how to properly host
a talk, how the speakers communicate to the audience, and how to get comfortable
when giving a speech to an audience.

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