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Miguel Hernandez

Superhero Bios

Name: Steven Smith

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Abilities: Immortal
Character Role: Gatekeeper of an ancient power

Likes: Worthy people who are brave and selfless

Dislikes: People who are selfish

Appearance: Small, short, scrawny and appears to be homeless

Steven Smith’s name isn’t actually Steven Smith, it’s just an alias he goes by since he is actually

a multidimensional being and his real name is not pronounceable. No one knows his true origin

story or where he is from or even his age, we don’t even know what his true intentions are. But

from what he tells us he is a gatekeeper of this ancient power called the “Dynamo.” Every

millennium “Steven” tries to find the perfect holder for the power of the Dynamo. In this

millennium he seems to find the best wielder of the power he has ever seen in all his life.
Name: Graham Thomas

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Abilities: Dynamo

Character: The main hero

Likes: Helping others in need

Dislikes: Onion, His dad

Appearance: Tall broad build with brown wavy hair

Graham is from the Bronx, New York where most of the time he was a victim of physical abuse

by his father. Every little thing he has done even if it's not bad his father would beat him leaving

him bloodied up on the floor. But it wasn’t always bad for Graham, his mother would always
care for him every time an incident happened. But his mother wouldn’t be safe from his father’s

abusive side. She would go on to get beaten by him too every day, until one night she had

enough and to talk back to him and that didn’t end up very well for her. She got beaten to death

and that’s when his father got arrested for it, but for Graham that’s where hatred started for his

father. But one thing his mother always told him was to always help people who are in need.

Name: Samantha Rider


Gender: Female

Abilities: None (Yet)

Character Role: Love Interest

Likes: Graham and Red Velvet cake

Dislikes: Bad Hygiene

Appearance: Short body figure with straight black hair

Samantha Rider is an aspiring scientist who wants to solve the world's many problems when it

comes to chemicals and all sorts of things. One day for lunch Samantha meets Graham at a

coffee shop and is immediately interested in him. So, she asked him for a cup of coffee, but

Graham was busy and had to run off and Samantha was intrigued but also confused so she

followed him and that’s when she finds out about Graham’s powers and swears, she’ll never tell

anyone about them.

Name: David Lozano

Age: 17
Gender: Male

Abilities: Matter Manipulation

Character Role: Best Friend

Likes: Samantha and Cheesecake

Dislikes: Reading

Appearance: Average looking man with straight black hair

David is Graham’s best friend, the boy he grew up with and promised they would never grow

apart. Well after ten years this still hasn’t changed. Every time Graham would feel sad about his

mother’s death David is always there to cheer him up. David has always dealt with depression

but doesn’t bother telling anyone since he feels like it will just be a waste of their time and he

continues to battle with it till this day. After finding out Graham’s powers David gets attacked by

it since Graham couldn’t really control it at the time, so he ends up hospitalized, but after he

recovers, he finds out he has powers and doesn’t tell anyone. It ignites a bright fire in his will.

He also likes Samantha so there will be a lot of drama between them.

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