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Alexia Alvarez

October 17, 2021

English 301-68

Annotated Bibliography

“The Pandemic is causing dangerous behaviors and moods new and old alike, to rise”

1.) Research Question: Is the pandemic helping or detrimental for behaviors and moods?

2.) Thesis: A year later into the pandemic and as we settle into this new norm, many

individuals have begun to show various signs of new and recurring dangerous behaviors.

3.) Introduction:

While we all have been in lockdown, it may seem that quiet days in solitude are a

positive thing. While this is true due to us all having the luxury of doing what we love

most, for many this was a time that their lives suddenly went dark. While some were

mentally destressing others resorted to habits that either started during the pandemic or

intensified because of it. These dangerous vices range from vices that affect both a

person’s income and their health.

4.) Annotations

Amerio, A., Lugo, A., Stival, C., Fanucchi, T., Gorini, G., Pacifici, R., Odone, A.,

Serafini, G., & Gallus, S. (2021). COVID-19 lockdown impact on mental health

in a large representative sample of Italian adults. Journal of Affective Disorders,

292, 398–404.

● In this article it is information about how the stress and uncertainty has caused

many addictions to arise. Something in particular that was noticed was the amount

of Italian adults that became addicted to substances. This would then lead to the
statistical rise of substance abuse. The authors of this article are psychology

researchers and psychiatrists. This study was intended to inform of the behavioral

phenomena currently happening.

Brodeur, M., Audette-Chapdelaine, S., Savard, A.-C., & Kairouz, S. (2021). Gambling

and the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review. Progress in Neuro-

Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 111, N.PAG. https://doi-org.lib-

● This article has more of a focus about the addictions before the pandemic and how

it intensified because of Covid-19. One in particular being gambling before and

during the pandemic. It found that individuals who had gambling addictions went

on to gamble online which is even more of a risk than doing so in person. The

highly addictive hobby is more dangerous due to the fact that the individual is

already at home and they could go on for as long as they’d like. The intended

audience was for the public and perhaps even to inform officials of how the

lockdowns are detrimental to many. The authors in this article consist of

psychological researchers.

● This article specifically goes well with the drug use in Italy article. The reason

being is because both speak about addictions whether external like gambling or

more internal like drug use.

Byrne, A., Barber, R. and Lim, C.H. (2021), Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic – a

mental health service perspective. Prog. Neurol. Psychiatry, 25: 27-33b.

● In this article the main focus is about how many of the individuals had pre-

existing mental conditions before the pandemic went on for as long as it did.

While new ones are still arising, the older cases are turning far more dangerous

especially to the individuals health and safety. The article goes on to compare

patients that previously had mental illness and those that previously did not have

any. The intended audience for this article I believe is for the individuals that are

more educated on the subject and what is currently happening so students or

researchers. The authors’ authority is that both are mentioned in the article as,

“Old-age Psychiatrists.”

● They can synthesize with the next article because they both show mental illness

before and during the pandemic. Not only this, but they also show that many

developed due to stressors that were only made relevant because of the pandemic

like financial security and food security.

Pedrosa, A. L., Bitencourt, L., Fróes, A., Cazumbá, M., Campos, R., de Brito, S., &

Simões E Silva, A. C. (2020). Emotional, Behavioral, and Psychological Impact

of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 566212.

● In this article they are going over the detrimental effects of the pandemic on

mental health as well as mental safety. It explains that due to overwhelming stress
many individuals engage in abusive relationships, especially more during the

pandemic. They further their claim that because of the pandemic this becomes

even trickier because they are unable to receive family counseling to get the help

they need. I believe that this article was to inform those that didn’t know that the

pandemic brought negative impacts to behaviors or for those that may need

guidance. The author's authority is that they are psychology researchers. They

combined data well to show different perspectives on the pandemic.

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