English Writing Skills 1

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I. Informal Letter:
1. Letter to your friend explaining him about the importance of joint family system
2. Write a letter to your younger brother who was caught copying in his exam.
Advise him on values, and principles in life.
3. Write a letter to your mother on Mother’s Day.
4. A letter giving details of a railway accident.
5. Letter to thank your elder brother who had advised in your studies.
6. To your younger brother scolding him for having neglected his studies.
7. From a son to his father, about his approaching board examination.
8. Your younger brother who is staying in a hostel has failed in the terminal
examination and has become nervous. He is thinking to give up studies. Write a
letter persuading him to continue the efforts and get success.
9. A letter to a friend about a cricket match.
10. Write a letter to your friend describing your pet to him
11. From a boy at a boarding school to his parents.
12. To your cousin about a circus performance.
13. To your father who has been away from home.
14. From a boy in a boarding school to his mother who is keeping poor health.
15. To your cousin, requesting the loan of camera during your holidays.
16. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend a few days with you.
17. Write a letter to your father requesting him for an increase in your monthly
18. A letter to a friend describing a football match.
19. Write a letter to a friend apologising for not having been able to attend his
sister's marriage.
20. Write a letter of apology to a friend for not having kept an appointment which
you have made with him, explaining fully what prevented you.
21. Write a letter to a friend thanking him for his hospitality during your stay with
him on the Christmas holidays.
22. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to your sister's wedding.
23. Write a letter to your neighbour requesting her to keep her dog chained during
the day time.
24. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him not to mix up with bad boys.

II. Formal Letter:

1. Write a complaint letter regarding irregular water supply in your locality.
2. Write a complaint letter regarding irregular electric supply in your locality.
3. Write a complaint letter regarding over flow of drainage in your locality.


4. Read the following advertisement and prepare a letter of application for the
below said job.
Young. Male/Female sales representatives.
Candidates should be graduates with a good command of English and Marathi.
Apply with detail Box A - 605. TOI. Mumbai - 400 001.
5. An application for the post of a clerk.
6. An application for employment under a businessman.
7. A letter asking for an increase in salary.
8. Write an application letter for the post of accountant
9. Write an application letter for the post of librarian
10. Write a letter of enquiry to the manager of a travel agency for a quotation
vocational trip you intend to make to Delhi, Shimla and Agra.
11. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper drawing attention regarding illegal
parking of trucks in your area.
12. There is a public library in your locality. It remains closed on Sundays and
public holidays. Write a letter to the librarian, requesting him to keep the library
open on holidays.
13. Write a letter to the food commissioner complaining against a ration distributor.
14. Write an application to your principal requesting him to sanction you books and
stationery from the students' aid fund
15. Application for the post of a sub-inspector.
16. Application for a teacher's post.

III. Interview questions:

1. Prepare a set of ten questions they you would ask the winner of the overall
championship at the state level.
2. The following are the interview questions that the interviewer would put to the
topper of the SSC board at the recently held examinations.
3. The following questions form a part of the interview between an actress who is a
recipient of an award and yourself.
4. Imagine that you are going to have an interview with an artist, a musician or a
painter from your area. Prepare ten questions that you would like to ask him /
5. As a part of conservation of wildlife, you were fortunate to visit a zoo, wherein
you interviewed the zoo manager. Write out the questions that you asked him.
6. Before developing the article in the textbook, the writer must have interviewed
Saina. Imagine what kind of questions he must have asked. The responses given
by Saina are presented in the article. Frame about ten questions.
7. Imagine you got a chance to interview Yellappa Reddy, the master brain,
environment specialist behind the creation of Pavitra Vana. Frame 10 questions
that you’d like to ask him.


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