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1. To be able to complete a baseline risk assessments you need to attend Hazard Identifica
2. All affected stakeholders should be involved in the development of a baseline risk assess
SHE department(including Occupational Hygienist and/or Occupational health practitione
3. The OHS risk assessment procedure 32-520 should be used as a reference when compl
4. This document shall be reviewed as per the requirements of the 32-520 procedure.

Here you have to list different types of activities that will be performed
1. List activity have different hazards and tasks linked to it.

Hazard number This is a number that has to be given to the hazards associated to the
to be numbered 1,2,3 etc. See example below

A hazard is anything that is likely to lead to anList
event that will have an a
more than one risk.

Hazards are generally tangible and can be seen, heard, felt, measured
List specific activities to be
can be classified into the following categories:
performed taking into
consideration the equipment to

Hazard Identification Physical e.g. heat, cold, vibration

be used, the personnel
Chemical e.g. poisons, vapours, acid
Biological e.g. bacteria, parasites, bloodinvolved in the task.
Mechanical/electrical e.g. working from heights or plant and equipment
Ergonomic e.g. posture, weight, or repetition
Erecting a scaffold 1
Psychological e.g. stress, repetitive work.

Erecting a scaffold 1

This is a number given to a risk that a hazard pose. One hazard can have mo
hazard was 1 then the risks should be numbered 1.1, 1.2 etc. See example b

Risk Nr

List the risks associated with the hazard and list them according to the
Associated risk
(Risk identification)

This is the risk type which could be Safety or Health. Safety when the c
Risk type health when the effects are on the persons health e.g. coughing

The exposed group represents people who are exposed to the risk eith
Exposed group/employees Hygiene it means exposure groups such as individual exposure or hom

Exposure patterns means the frequency and duration the person/group

Exposure patterns determine the extent of exposure and the kind of harm that the hazard

List what causes the risk to come into effect.

Cause(s) of the risk

Who is accountable for making sure the controls and monitors are:
- in place,
- implemented,
Risk Owner - regularly reviewed for effectiveness.
This can be a manager of a section or unit who has to ensure that all r

In this section you have to say if it routine and non-routine activity as r

regularily and non-routine are those that occur due to unplanned circum
of planned activities.

List the consequence that the exposure to risk pose.

What are the Consequences?
Existing Controls
These are existing controls for the risks and hazards identified.

Utilise the consequence criteria tab to determine the impact the risk ha

Utilise the likelihood tab to determine the impact the risk has or may ha

The risk priority is determined by plotting the consequence rating and l

Consequence is 1 and likelihood is 3 then the risk rating is III

Risk Priority Rating

This is to determine how effect are your current or existing controls.

Risk Control Effectiveness

If the existing controls were not effective include additional controls tha
Additional Controls or Tasks Aimed at added to manage the risk. The hierarchy of controls shall be considere
improving Existing Controls

This is to determine the consequences the risk pose. The consequenc

This is to determine the likelihood of the risk producing effects. The like

The risk priority is determined by plotting the consequence rating and l

Consequence is 1 and likelihood is 3 then the risk rating is III

Risk Priority Rating

Risk Priority Rating

Monitoring Mechanisms
This is a measurement that is used to determine the success of contro

One hazard/risk can have different controls that have to be implemente

Control Owner for implementing the agreed control(s). The Control owner has to give

Where relevant, list the relevant legislative and or Eskom requirements

Legal and Other Requirements

These are the dates for the implementation of the controls

Initial Target Date

These are the dates for the implementation of the controls. Used if, for
Revised Target Date

This means the current status on the implementation of the controls

Current Status

Verification This means any type of verification or assessment done to check if obj
(i.e. Confirmation that the objectives have
been met)

Any comments that you wish to input as part of the Risk assessment.

to attend Hazard Identification and Risk assessment training(HIRA).

nt of a baseline risk assessment i.e. Project mangers,
upational health practitioners), Engineering, etc.
as a reference when completing this asse3ssment.
he 32-520 procedure.

ities that will be performed and consider the site or environment the activity will take place. The activity can

hazards associated to the activity. Each activity can have various hazards attached to it and therefore need

Hazard Associated risk

event that
acti vi ty will have an adverse impact
Hazard on achievingRisk
Identification an objective.
Nr A hazard can pose
nr (Risk identi fation)

seen, heard, felt, measured, smelt, or determined

A hazard through the use of one’s senses. Hazards
is anything that
specific activities to be
es: is likely to lead to an event
erf ormed taking into
that w ill have an adverse A physical event occurs in relation to
eration the equipment to #

impact on achieving an the hazard

used, the personnel
objective. A hazard can
nvolved in the task.
pose more than one risk.
eights or plant and equipment
recting a scaffold 1 Work at height 1.1 Falling from height
1.2 Fall from same level
Using hand
2 2.1 Hammer could hit the scaffold erector
The hammer could slip and fall to the
recting a scaffold 1 1.1
1.2 Fall from same level
Using hand
2 2.1 Hammer could hit the scaffold erector
The hammer could slip and fall to the
ose. One hazard can have more than one risks. The numbering of the risks should beground
linked to the hazard i.e. if the
d 1.1, 1.2 etc. See example below

d list them according to the example above.

or Health. Safety when the consequence of the risk has effect on the physical body of the person e.g. cut and
health e.g. coughing

are exposed to the risk either employees, visitors or members of the public. Also in terms of Occupational
s individual exposure or homogenous exposure group.

d duration the person/group is exposed to the hazard e.g. Exposed to noise for 3 hours daily. This will help to
kind of harm that the hazard can inflict to the person/group.


ntrols and monitors are:

who has to ensure that all required steps to reduce or eliminate the risk have been implemented.

and non-routine activity as required by OHSAS 18001. Routine activities are activities that are performed
cur due to unplanned circumstance e.g. a risk assessment for an emergency situation or work that is not part

isk pose.
d hazards identified.

mine the impact the risk has or may have.

mpact the risk has or may have.

e consequence rating and likelihood rating on the risk matrix to determine the priority rating. E.g. if the
he risk rating is III

rent or existing controls.

clude additional controls that can minimise the impact of the risk. These are additional controls that should be
controls shall be considered.

risk pose. The consequence shall be determined using consequence rating tab.

k producing effects. The likelihood shall be determined using likelihood rating tab.

e consequence rating and likelihood rating on the risk matrix to determine the priority rating. E.g. if the
he risk rating is III
mine the success of controls in reducing the impact of the risk.

that have to be implemented to reduce or minimise it. Control owner is the person allocated the responsibility
Control owner has to give feedback to the Risk owner about the status and progress of the agreed controls.

and or Eskom requirements that prescribe the control.

of the controls

of the controls. Used if, for any reason, a Target Date is revised. Use the Comments field to explain.

mentation of the controls

ssment done to check if objectives of the controls and assessment are met.

rt of the Risk assessment.

Occupational Health and Safety Baseline risk assessment
Next Review
Project/Dept: Catering Contract for Durban and PMB Areas Date:
1-Jun-20 Unique
identifier 240-70044602

Date: Prepared by: Faith Dube Accountable

Scope of Risk Assessment: Catering
Manager:Khanyisile Services
Zwane Revision: 0
Oct-21 Revision Apr-19

Refer to Occupational Health and Safety Risk assessment procedure 32-520

1: List activity 2: Hazard identification 3: Risk identification 4: Assess & Analyse Risks 4: Evaluate Risk 5: Reduce & Eliminate Risk

First determine First determine

Independent Verification
List activity Associated risk Consequence and Additional Controls or Tasks Aimed Consequence and Monitoring Legal and Other Initial Target Revised Current
Hazard nr Hazard Identification Risk Nr Risk type Exposed group/employees Exposure patterns Cause(s) of the risk Risk Owner Conditions(Routine/Non What are the Consequences? Existing Controls Control Owner (i.e. Confirmation that the objectives Comments
(When applicable) (Risk identification) then the Likelihood at improving Existing Controls then the Likelihood Mechanisms Requirements Date Target Date Status
-routine) have been met)

Risk Priority Rating

Risk Priority Rating

of that Consequence. of that Consequence.

How we know if we
Include: Include:
Indicate Yes or No.Yes if are succeeding.

Who is accountable for making - Preventative Controls - Preventative Controls Used if, for any

A hazard is anything that is likely to routine and No if non- Include comments on


sure the controls and monitors are: (controls implemented to eliminate hazards or (controls implemented to eliminate Person allocated the Where relevant, list the Once a date has reason, a
List specific activities to be performed lead to an event that will have an Who is exposed to the hazard i.e. The frequency and duration the routine These short-term RCE effectiveness. Pending,
A physical event occurs or could Safety or What causes the risk to come into - in place, What is the expected adverse reduce the likelihood of the risk occurring), hazards or reduce the likelihood of the responsibility for relevant legislative and or been agreed to, Target Date is
taking into consideration the equipment to adverse impact on achieving an # Employees, visitors, members of person/group is exposed to the changes to conditions Risk Control This may include i.e. In Progress, Date Done: By whom:

occur in relation to the hazard health effect? - implemented, impact on the objective? and risk occurring), and implementing the Eskom requirements that this can not be revised. Use
be used, the personnel involved in the task. objective. A hazard can pose more the public, etc. hazard e.g. Daily for 3 hrs. that could not be Effectiveness measurements, Complete
- regularly reviewed for - Reactive Controls - Reactive Controls agreed controls prescribe the control. changed the Comments
than one risk. reasonably anticipated inspections,
effectiveness. (controls implemented to reduce the (controls implemented to reduce the field to explain.
e.g. Emergencies supervision where
immediate impact of the risk occurring) immediate impact of the risk occurring)
Disabling injury, Medical
Manual Handling of material Back injuries, muscle Lifting heavy unmanageable materials &
1 Incorrect lifting method 1 Safety Principal Contractor Daily ± 8 Hours Principal Contractor Yes treatment, Back injury, muscle Currently no existing control 4 4 I N
&equipment strain equipment can cause back injury
LTI, Medical treatment,
Obstructed Access , inadequate Principal Contractor, Incompetent personnel,insufficient
Unauthorised access to site 2 On site Access Control 2 access control
Daily ± 8 Hours
signages, Lack of supervision
Principal Contractor Yes Financial loss, Legal liability, Currently no existing control 4 4 I N
Extreme Temperatures, Floods, Principal Contractor, Medical treatment, Lost Time
Weather Conditions 3 Adverse Weather Conditions
3 heavy mist
Daily ± 8 Hours Natural causes Principal Contractor Yes
Incident, Fatality
Currently no existing control 4 4 I N
Personnel are at risk of Principal Contractor, Unavailabily of warning signs during Medical treatment, Lost Time
Cleaning 4 Wet tile floors during cleaning activity.
4 slipping/falling
Daily ± 8 Hours
mopping of floors
Principal Contractor Yes
Incident,First aid treatment
Currently no existing control 4 4 I N
Exposed wires; lose connections;
joints in cables; sharp edges (nip Electrocution, fatalities, falling
Use of Electrical Extensions points)o earth leakage fitted; earth equipment, lacerations, tripping,
Safety Principal Contractor Daily ± 8 Hours
Electrocution from exposed wires, loose
Principal Contractor Yes
Electrocution, fatality,electrical
Currently no existing control 5 4 I N
5 leakage not fitted by competent 5 fractures. connections, loose cover or no cover shock
Inappropriate size, layout, or
space in relation to the
workstation or work area due to Principal Contractor, Employee use a computer for long Medical treatment, Lost Time
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
increasing size and reduced
Daily ± 8 Hours
periods of time. Work equipment and
Principal Contractor Yes
Incident,First aid treatment
Currently no existing control 4 4 I N
Pregnant Workers mobility, dexterity, balance furniture such as the chair, suitable and
6 6 during pregnancy. comfortable for the employee.

Pregnant women are more likely Principal Contractor, No control measures in place for lone Medical treatment, Lost Time
to need urgent medical attention.
Daily ± 8 Hours working? Such as panic alarms, buddy Principal Contractor Yes
Incident,First aid treatment
Currently no existing control 4 4 I N
7 Lone working 7 systems
Improper training on the use of
Use of Hazardous Chemical Skin rash or allergy/dermatitis; Medical treatment, Lost Time
Skin/eye contact with cement Health Principal Contractor Daily ± 8 Hours hazardous chemical substances, poor Principal Contractor Yes Currently no existing control 4 4 I N
Substances 8 8 cement splashed in eye.
communication, inadequate use of PPE
Incident,First aid treatment

People not aware how to

Principal Contractor, Medical treatment, Lost Time
Emergency Preparedness Injuries evacuate the building in case of Safety
Daily ± 8 Hours No emergency plan in place Principal Contractor Yes
Incident,First aid treatment
Currently no existing control 4 4 I N
9 9 emergency
Area not barricaded to indicate
Persons walking or working under Medical treatment, Lost Time
Load and offloading Operation 10 suspended load 10 Falling of materials Safety Principal Contractor Daily ± 8 Hours overhead load, Lack of Principal Contractor Yes
Incident, Fatality
Currently no existing control 5 4 I N
communication,insufficient signage
mva animals on the road, road
works, potholes, wet surfaces,
Medical treatment, Lost Time
Unsafe road conditions Safety Principal Contractor unsafe terrain/gravel roads, Principal Contractor No
Incident, Fatality
Currently no existing control 4 4 I N
As and when driving for Eskom poor visibilty, members of the
11 11 business public
mva's poor maintenace, brake failure,
Medical treatment, Lost Time
Driving Unroadworthy vehicles Safety Principal Contractor As and when driving for Eskom mechanical failure, no vehicle Principal Contractor No
Incident, Fatality
Currently no existing control 4 4 I N
12 12 business inspections
mva's Behaviour (speeding);
psychological (fatigue, stress);
Medical treatment, Lost Time
Reckless driving Safety Principal Contractor not wearing seatbelts; use of Principal Contractor No
Incident, Fatality
Currently no existing control 4 4 I N
As and when driving for Eskom cellphones; driving under the
13 13 business influence, poor planning

Cross contamination Human factor i.e. ignorance

Poor hygiene practices
during food preparation Employees, Contractors of food handlers and Contracting Currently there are no existing
14 during food preparation and 14 Health Daily ± 8 Hours Catering Manager N 4 4 I N
handling and & Visitors cooks/chefs, lack of illnesses/diseases controls.
consumption. awareness.

are improperly stored
Human factor i.e. ignorance
Improper storage and there is a risk of food
Employees, Contractors of food handlers and Contracting Currently there are no existing
15 handling of cleaning 15 mix up with chemicals Health Daily ± 8 Hours Catering Manager N 4 4 I N
& Visitors cooks/chefs, lack of illnesses/diseases controls.
detergents/chemicals and spillage of
chemicals which can
lead to slips, trips and

Currently there are no existing

16 Use of sharp knives 16 Hand or finger cuts Safety Kitchen Employees Daily ± 8 Hours Improper handling of knives Catering supervisor N Cuts 4 4 I N
Catering work

Use of unsterilized kitchen Employees, Contractors Contracting Currently there are no existing
17 17 Cross contamination Health Daily ± 8 Hours Lack of controls Catering Manager N 4 4 I N
utensils & Visitors illnesses/diseases controls.

Shortage of resources, i.e

Employees, Contractors trollies for storage of Currently there are no existing
18 Improper handling of liquids 18 Slips, trips, falls Safety Daily ± 8 Hours Catering Manager N Fractures, Bruises 4 4 I N
& Visitors materials/equipment when controls.
cleaning is in progress.

Poor house keeping . Improper

Employees, visitor, Currently there are no existing
Slippery surface/Equipment's R 19 Slip and Fall Safety Daily for 8 hrs management of spilled water or Facilities Manager N Slip and fall , ankle sprain 4 4 I N
Contractors Employee controls.


Employees, visitor, Defective air-conditioning Respiratory irritation. Currently there are no existing
Fumes R 19 Mould, Dampness and Daily for 8 hrs Facilities Manager N 4 4 I N
Contractors Employee system . No ventilation. Damage building controls.

Failure to follow
manufacture's Damage to property,
Safety & Employees, Contractors Currently there are no existing
20 Use of gas stoves 20 Gas leakage, explosion Daily ± 8 Hours specification/guidline, failure Catering Manager N injury, may also lead to 4 4 I N
Property & Visitors controls.
to follow right instruction and fatalities in case of fire

Environ Disposal of off products with Currently there are no existing

Waste Management 21 Poor waste management 21 Mixing of waste Environment Daily ± 8 Hours Principal contractor N Health 4 4 I N
mental General Waste. controls.
Yes Safety 1 1F I
No Health 2 2P II

3 3I III


4 4 Ti IV

5 5N


Consequence rating

Consequence criteria

Health and Safety

No injuries or health effects(near misses)

First-aid treatment case, and temporary discomfort case

Medical treatment case; occupational disease with reversible/non-permanent effect

Lost Time Injury. Irreversible health effects/occupational disease with permanent consequence

Fatality or life threatening health effects

Multiple fatalities
Likelihood criteria
Score Descriptor Safety and Environment Occupational Hygiene
§  <5% probability
§  occurrence requires exceptional
1 Highly unlikely Rare(once a year)  
§  exceptionally unlikely, even in the
long-term future
§  only occurs as a “100-year event”
§  >5% probability, or Short periods of time, a few
2 Unlikely §  may occur but not anticipated, or times per day / intermittent
§  could occur in “years to decades” (once in 6, 3 or a month)
§  >20% probability, or
§  may occur shortly but a distinct
Continuous for between 1 and
3 Possible probability it will not, or
2 hours (often / weekly)
§  could occur within “months to
§  >70% probability, or

§  balance of probability it will occur, or Continuous for between 2 and

4 Likely
4 hours (frequent / daily)
§  could occur within “weeks to
§  99% probability, or
§  impact is occurring now, or
5 Unavoidable Continuous for 8 hour shift
§  could occur within “days to weeks”
Occupational Hygiene
Probability of exceeding OEL

No exposure (or exposure < 10% of


Low exposure (<50% of OEL)

Moderate exposure (chronic exposure >

50% of OEL or acute exposure >/-OEL

High exposure (chronic exposure >

OEL, or exposure exceeding OEL-

Very high exposure (chronic exposure >

2 x OEL or exposure exceeding OEL-C 

Fully effective F

Partially effective P

Ineffective I

Totally ineffective Ti

None N
Nothing more to be done except review and monitor the existing controls.
Controls are well designed for the risk, are largely preventative and
address the root causes and Management believes that they are effective
and reliable at all times. Reactive controls only support preventative

Most controls are designed correctly and are in place and effective. Some
more work to be done to improve operating effectiveness or Management
has doubts about operational effectiveness and reliability.

While the design of controls may be largely correct in that they treat most
of the root causes of the risk, they are not currently very effective. There
may be an over-reliance on reactive controls.
Some of the control gaps.
controls Either
do not seem controls do not
correctly treat root
designed causes
in that they or
do not operate at all effectively. Controls, if they exist are
treat root causes, those that are correctly designed are operating just reactive.
Virtually no credible control. Management has no confidence that any
degree of control is being achieved due to poor control design and/or very
limited operational effectiveness.
Risk matrix

1 2 3
Priority Risk ranking Action required
Immediate action
I Very high
Strong mandatory
II High
action required
Action required,
III Medium possibly at
administrative level
Minor or no action
IV Low
4 5

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