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National College of Business and Arts

Commonwealth Ave, cor Regalado St, Fairview, Quezon City

Senior High School AY 2019-2020



Group 2 ABM 11 - Euro

Abaloyan, Julia Nicole P.

Ballesteros, Benz Bryan S.

Bariatos, Jaquilyn Rose S.

Cesar, Kaela Valerie A.

Fernandez, Lyzette O.

Jamolin, Christian Marc R.

Musca, Tracy Marie C.

Teves, Jackie G.

Teves, Joan G.

Submitted to:

Ms. Axel Jaia B. Malibago




Decision-making is the process of identifying and choosing among the relevant alternatives

in order to achieve the most effective option. This could be based on the desire, preferences and

choices of the decision-maker which is the customer. The customers’ wants for the products is

the quality, standard taste and texture, and what are the benefits that this product could give to

them. Customers are the people who can purchase the products or services. The term also refers

to hiring goods and services. The customers should be wise in purchasing a product. It should be

worth it in order for them to achieve their satisfaction.

A product is the item offered for sale. A product can be a service or an item. In this case, it is

t-shirts. One has to consider the shirts according to the customers’ preferences. Every shirt has a

different characteristic that makes the customer captivated. This product must be relevant for the

customers’ style and criteria. This in turn would give satisfaction to the customers.

Statement of the Problem

1. What are the effective strategies in order to make wise decisions when buying t-shirts?

2. What are the possible benefits that the consumer may get if they are smart in making

decisions while purchasing t-shirts?

3. How can the consumers claim that they are satisfied and that they made the right decision

with the product/s that they purchased?

Significance of the Study

This study hopes to help the consumers to be efficient in making decisions in purchasing

shirts so that they can buy for their comfortable clothing in their everyday life. Furthermore, this

study could give more importance to the following:

For the Customer: The researchers are hoping that they can help them to make a good and

better decision in purchasing different t-shirts.

For the Companies/Future new Companies: The researchers would like to help the companies

to increase their sales and be more knowledgeable in making new quality shirts. Help them know

the different and various factors that influence the decision making of a customer.

The researchers hope that they can help future researchers by giving information to help in

completing their study if they want to research the same topic what the researchers have.

Scope and Delimitation

This research focuses mainly on how customers decide on products mostly, excluding the

services offered by companies. This could refer to any form of product, whether it is food

products, cosmetics, clothing, supplies and materials, etc. As long as it is an object that can be

purchased, it is involved in this study.

For this study, the participants and samples would be taken from the wide range of Senior

High School Students, specifically the Grade 11, from the National College of Business and Arts

Fairview. This includes the students in all of the strands in the said school, ABM and GAS. The

researchers would be interviewing and taking the opinions of all available students, regardless of
their gender, nationality, social standing, and culture. This is in order to be able to get a wider

variety of answers and information from the wider range of participants.

The research would be limited within these ranges and boundaries. Students from the other

grade levels, such as the Elementary, Junior High School, Grade 12 and College students, would

be excluded from the research. The Senior High School students from other schools, even the

other branches of the National College of Business and Arts are excluded from this study, as well

as the teachers and outsiders that are out of the boundaries for this research.

Definition of Terms

 Barrier - an obstacle (usually high costs) which prevents a product from gaining traction

in a new market.

 Brand - name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to signify

the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those

of competitors.

 Brand extension - the product line extension, or brand extension is taking a product with

a well-developed brand image and using that brand name for a new product either the

same product category or different product category.

 Brand insistence - the highest level of brand loyalty, no other brands can be alternatives

for loyal, favorite brand.

 Buyer’s Remorse - The feeling of regret by a buyer after making a purchase; feeling that

a customer has made a wrong choice in buying.

 Buying Decision Process - the path that customers take while moving toward doing

business with the seller.

 Cognitive Dissonance - State of psychological tension arising from incompatibility

among a person's attitudes, behavior, beliefs, and/or knowledge, or when a choice has to

be made between equally attractive or repulsive alternatives.

 Gaps - opportunities for companies to expand their customer base by increasing

awareness and creating targeted offers or advertising campaigns to reach the untapped


 Multiplicity - defines how many objects participate in a relationship and it is the number

of instances of one class related to one instance of the other class.

 Neuromarketing - investigates how human’s brain works and reacts to marketing stimuli,

applying the principles of neuroscience to marketing research.

 Off-price - offering or dealing in goods, especially brand-name apparel, at prices lower

than those at regular retail stores or discount stores.

 Perceived Risk - consumers’ doubt about the result of their decisions.

 Purchase Funnel - a consumer focused marketing model which illustrates the theoretical

customer journey towards the purchase of a good or service.

 Selective Retention - a bias where people are more likely to remember messages that

closely related to their interests, values, and beliefs than those that are contrary to their

values and beliefs.

 Vicarious Learning - a process of individual belief and behavior change that occurs

through being exposed to, and making meaning of, another's experience.


Related Literature


Factors Affecting Decision Making Process of a Consumer

Various factors such as personal influences, learning, perception, motivation, attitude,

self-concept, etc. are not visible and cannot be verbalized by the consumer.

Perception is the process by which a consumer makes sense of the information he gains.

Exposure is the first step in perception, allowing the consumer to be exposed to the product in

order to interpret it, then the Selective Attention. Consumers tend to pay more attention to those

that contrast the background that differs in size, color, position and movement, rather than those

that blend in and choose images that relate to their needs. Selective Distortion is when consumers

pretend they misheard the message or discount the message source, which makes it important to

present the message clearly and use a highly credible source to avoid distortions and Selective

Retention reduces cognitive dissonances or disregarding of information.

Learning is any challenge in the content or organization of long term memory and is the

result of information processing, allowing the consumer’s memory to act as the internal

information source in the decision making process. Classical Conditioning is when the

relationship between a stimulus and response is used to cause a learning effect on the different

stimulus to the same response. The use of colors, symbols and music are associated with

Classical Conditioning. Operant Conditioning is the positive or negative impact upon the
performance of behavior. Instances are free samples, coupons and price offs for a possibly

positive impact on a consumer. Cognitive Learning is the development of beliefs and attitudes

without reinforcement which involves communication of benefits offered by a product to target

consumers. Modeling or Vicarious Learning involves learning from others without direct

experience. This involves copying others or modeling oneself on observed behavior in

anticipation of certain rewards. Reasoning involves high involvement which allows the creation

of a product positioning and a more favorable image in the mind of a consumer.

Motivation involves the needs that inspire actions to accomplish goals. Belief comprises

thoughts about a product based on one or more choice criteria. An Attitude is an overall

favorable or unfavorable evaluation of a product, which could be affected by the set of beliefs of

consumers. Attitude is essential when it comes to persuasive communications, correct

misconceptions and establishes new beliefs which also have an impact on pricings.

Personality of the brand is the characterization of brands as perceived by the consumers.

Consumers prefer brands that either match their personality or portray personalities that they

aspire for.

Life Style has been found to correlate with purchasing behaviors, allowing a company to

choose a target consumer with a particular lifestyle with a particular product offering.

Life Cycle is what states such priorities. Consumer’s priorities regarding which products

to buy, undergoes changes in the different stages of the life cycle of a consumer.

The Consumer Decision Process

The consumer decision process or the buyer’s decision process was first introduced by

John Dewey in 1910. It involves the stages of Decision-making that consumers undergoe before,

during, after they buy the product or service. It is the process where all consumers go through

basic steps when making a purchase to determine what products and services will best fit their

needs. When a person works in sales or marketing, it would be more beneficial if he or she

makes more of an impact by putting themself in the customer’s shoes and reviewing the steps in

the consumer decision-making process.

There five stages in which customers do when they are purchasing; Problem or need

recognition, Information search, Evaluation of alternatives, Purchase, Post-purchase behavior.

Need Recognition

Identifying the problem or what product does the consumer need is the first step before

buying a product. This is where the buyers notice and recognize what their needs are or what is

needed to solve their problem, as well as deciding what is the specific type of product that they

need to buy. It is the most crucial and first thing one has to undergo, do and think about.

Abraham Harold Maslow created Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs back in 1943 which

shows the needs of human. From the bottom of the illustrated pyramid there’s what we call

“Physiological needs” or the basic needs of a human and that includes food, water, sleep, shelter

and other basic needs. Next is the “Safety needs” it contains security, order and stability. The

third level of hierarchy of need is the “Love and belonging” and the can only get and feel that
from friends, family or someone who’s important to them. Also, we have the “Esteem” where

they can acquire respect, self-esteem, recognition and status. Lastly, the “Self-actualization” or

the desire to become the most that one can be.

Information Search

Once the problem is already identified, the consumer can now search information about

the value in a prospective product or service. During this time, the options available to the

consumer are identified or further clarified.

There are two classification of information research: internal and external. Internal

research is the past experience of a certain product or service. The external research is seeking

information from personal sources, public sources, or marketer dominated sources, especially

when a person’s previous experience is limited or deemed inefficient.

Based on what Jon Dewey said,” a consumer who recognizes a specific problem or need

will then likely be persuaded to search for information, whether it be internally or externally.

This is also when the customer aims to seek the value in a prospective product or service.

Evaluating Alternatives

Consumers evaluate their entire product and brand options on a scale of attributes which

have the ability to deliver the benefit that the customer is seeking. The brands and products that

consumers compare – their evoked set – represent the alternatives being considered by

consumers during the problem-solving process. The customers might seek what product they

benefit the most.

Unlike routine problem solving, extended or extensive problem solving comprises

external research and the evaluation of alternatives. Whereas, routine problem solving is low-

involvement, inexpensive, and has limited risk if purchased, extended problem solving justifies

the additional effort with a high-priced or scarce product, service, or benefit. Likewise,

consumers use extensive problem solving for infrequently purchased, expensive, high-risk, or

new goods or services. During this stage, consumers can be significantly influenced by their

attitude as well as the degree of involvement that they may have with the product, brand, or

overall category.


When the customer identified the benefits of the product or service, he/she may show

some intentions on buying it. There are only two factors that can change the decision in final

purchasing of the product. One is there are negative feedbacks or reviews and the other one is

when there’s a problem on the store itself.

The consumer may have evaluated all the alternatives and values that will bring to them

and form an intention to buy what product they mostly preferred. During this stage, the consumer

must decide the following; from whom he should buy, when to buy, and whether to buy the

product or not.

According to Kotler, et. al. (2009), the final purchase decision, can be disrupted by two

factors: Negative feedback of others and the consumer’s level of motivation to comply or accept

the feedback, and the possibility that the decision may be disrupted due to a situation that one did

not anticipate.
Post-Purchase behavior

Fifth and final stage of Decision process of customers is the post-purchased behavior,

where it contains their reaction and how they feel if they are satisfied or dissatisfied with the

product. Some customers experience cognitive dissonance or when the customer may experience

feelings of post-purchase psychological tension or anxiety.

Some companies now opt to engage their consumers with post-purchase communications

in an effort to influence their feelings about their purchase and future purchases. Offering money

back guarantees also serve to extend and enrich post-purchase communications between the

company and its consumers. This approach could help influence or alleviate feelings of cognitive

dissonance or “buyer’s remorse” following a product purchase. This could influence whether he

will purchase the product again or consider other products within the brand repertoire.

Consumer Decision Making Models, Strategies, and Theories

When having a decision making there is a qualities that should be consider, what product

and services to buy or decline. The three decision making models were brought about by early

economists who were led Nicholas Bernoulli, John von Neumann, and Oskar Morgenstern.

Beginning about 300 years ago, Bernoulli developed the first formal explanation of consumer

decision-making. It was later extended by von Neumann and Morgenstern and called the Utility


A new model was established which was called Satisficing. It indicates on how the

customers would decide if they would stop or just stay with their common routine. Prospect

theory was formed by combining the utility theory and satisficing theory to develop a better form

of decision making. Value and endowment was introduced by Kahneman and Tversky provide

both positive and negative impact in going the product.

Seven decision making strategies are Compensatory strategies, Equal weight strategy,

Weighted additive strategy, Non compensatory strategies, Elimination by aspects,

Lexicographie, and partially compensatory strategies shows that there are different meaning to

pertains of but it should be make it clear to distinguish strategies that can develop and lead to

customer’s satisfaction to the decision that they select.

The two marketing theories are Consideration and Involvement. According to Allan

Shocker, consideration is the more the decision making it complicated since it will take a longer

time in the decision process. Involvement talks about what one should consider in every product

and the fitting places to a particular one that you have bought.
Review of Related Studies


Explaining the Consumer Decision-Making Process: Critical Literature Review

According to, Hawkins, et. al. (2007), “All marketing decisions are based on assumptions

and knowledge of consumer behavior.”

The consumer behavior has always been a hot marketing topic, due to the fact that

knowing how and why consumers act in a certain way making their buying decisions helps

companies improve their marketing strategies and be more successful on the market. Thus, a

challenge faced by all marketers today is how to influence the purchase behavior of consumers in

favor of their products or services. Therefore, the knowledge of buying behavior sheds the light

on the psychology of how consumers think, feel, argument and select among existing

alternatives, also how the consumer’s environment influences him/her, additionally, how

consumer motivation and decision strategies distinct between products. This leads to

understanding on how marketers can improve their marketing campaigns to more effectively

reach the consumer.

This research was conducted by Stankevich, A. (2017). It focuses on consumer buying

behavior, specifically on factors/moments that influence customers’ decision-making process. It

is a literature review of main trends, theories, and gaps in the field of buyer behavior.

Every person is playing a role of a consumer and makes a lot of purchase decisions every

day. It is important to understand what is influencing personal buying decisions, whether it is a

problem/need or a well-thought professional marketing campaign. Besides that, from a marketer

perspective, it is valuable to know this topic in order to effectively target customers, improve

products and services of a company, and understand how customers view products versus

competitors’ products. That is all result in providing value and customer satisfaction, creating a

competitive advantage and enhancing the value of the company.

In the earlier centuries, scholars were thinking and proposing general theories and

extended frameworks in the sphere of consumer behavior. Nowadays, researchers investigate

particular determinants and specific relationships; also more complex questions arise involving

other sciences as, for example, neuroscience. As a result, new fields of science appear, a good

example of this is neuromarketing.

Practices and trends in consumer behavior also change over time. Nowadays, people have

expectations for things to not do only what it involves when interacting with all their senses, but

also offer a range of new touch points and what involves entirely in new experiences. There is an

increasing desire for multiplicity and experiences are expected to offer more. It is no longer

enough to immerse the observer in an experience, and people are rejecting the idea of passive on

looking. They desire now active participation.

Multiplicity leads to the need for hyper-efficiency. People are finding smarter and more

efficient ways to solve their problems. They are using their space and time so that they could

seek smart ways to integrate a range of functions into one property.

Consumers have also tasted super-personalization. New technology means being able to

read consumers and give them what they want, sometimes without even asking them. Advanced

technologies are the part of people lives and being constantly online is a status quo, so happens
with buying behavior, people are switching to e-commerce and marketers have to take into


Walsh (2016) stated that nowadays consumers care about the global resources and

community and want to know that the brands they purchase from doing so too. In 2016 and

onwards, it sees more businesses align with environmental and social causes to appeal to

increasing pressure for brands to authentically stand for something greater than the products they


Johnson, W. (2014) believed that it is crucial to take into consideration the characteristics

of the current generation, which are the millennials. Around 48 percent of them claim that social

media has never influenced their purchase decisions. They tend to consume content on various

platforms through different devices and are typically highly influenced by what their peers think.

So for marketers, it is important to understand how this demographic consumes information and

second, how to deliver the right marketing message that appeals to them.

This research paper was a literature review presented in the field of consumer decision-

making process. The events in the stage between information search and post-purchase behavior

in buying process was seen as a “black box” for marketers for a long time. Until now, now there

is no concrete answer, but it is possible to follow the tendencies and shed light on some

processes. Current trends in the field of consumer behavior were investigated and presented in

the introduction part for catching the flow of the future changes and challenges.

Various theories and models were elaborated by the scholars. The traditional McKinsey’s

Model (2009) of five-staged decision process serves as a base for modern concepts. Used as a

foundation, the traditional model is a framework of influences among “moments that matter” in
decision-making and factors was developed and demonstrated. It can help to build further

research on or prove/reject these relationships.

In this century, at least two generations are presented in which marketers have a complex

task to please the needs and wants of both of them using different approaches. Moreover, thanks

to globalization culture differences are feeling stronger or less depending on context. However,

in different countries consumers behave differently.

Researchers are also beginning to understand the role of controlling the information flow

about consumers’ decisions, as the increased control leads to increased performance. These new

insights promise to be particularly important in the new online environments, where controlling

the information flow can particularly influence the quality of consumers’ decisions, memory,

knowledge, and confidence. Research on information structure is also relevant in the new

electronic marketplaces, where consumers are regularly faced with information overload when

making decisions.

A Study of Clothing Purchasing Behavior By Gender with Respect to Fashion and Brand


A research conducted by Koc, F. and Koca, E. (2016) stated that It has been suggested

that male and female consumers demonstrate considerably different approaches in their decision-

making and purchasing behavior when shopping for clothing for a variety of different reasons.

The result of their study determined that male and female consumers do have different

perceptions and preferences with respect to fashion and brand awareness in their clothing

purchasing behavior, that demographic characteristics were influential in purchasing clothing,

and that women were more influenced by fashion while men were more influenced by brand


Clothing performs a multitude of functions in an individual's life far beyond being a basic

necessity. Information and trends that are able to spread across the entire world not only drive

consumers to purchase clothing, but at the same time they encourage consumers to purchase

even more clothing by offering them many more choices. This has led to a change in 235

classic consumer culture and created consumer masses that prefer brand names and fashion,

meaning products that possess social meaning in addition to just being functional, that provide

status, arouse interest and that are innovative.

The consumer patterns introduced by modern life create the need for a consumer field

that can reflect the awareness of possessing a certain style as well as individual preferences and

the characteristics unique to a specific group. While the individual consumes with the goal of

being able to create a sense of identity and state who they want to be perceived as, the individual
is able to achieve that goal only to the degree to which the clothes they use to create this identity

are understood and interpreted by other individuals (Bocock, 2005, p. 24-27). The characteristic

that fashion and brand name products have of being able to be understood and interpreted by

individuals in society is the reason why they are so effective among all the factors that influence

consumer behavior when purchasing clothing.

When consumers make decisions about what clothing to buy they are influenced to a

significant degree as much by the information they have been given by fashion, branding and

marketing activities as they are by individual, psychological and social factors. In addition, such

values as price, brand, quality, aesthetic value and usage characteristics present themselves as

influencing qualities. The importance and degree of priority that these values hold for people

constitute the differences in clothing purchasing behavior. In order to survive in fashion industry,

consumer behavior is vital for manufacturers and retailers to develop and leverage core

marketing capabilities.

According to Kotler (2001, p.25-28), the factors influencing a consumer's clothing

purchase behavior can be put into the following groups: personal, psychological and cultural.

The personal factors, which are among the most important factors determining consumers'

clothing purchase behavior, are age, gender, profession, level of education, level of income and

marital status (Muter, 2002, p. 23). It has also been determined by research that changes in

social, physical, economic and psychological characteristics at different ages are able to

influence people's preferences.

Grouped among the psychological factors, it said that “personality characteristics do

affect consumers' perceptions and purchasing behavior” (Stanton, Etzel, Walker, 1994, p.171).
Personality, education, perception, impressionability and other exhibited attitudes, which all vary

from one individual to another, may be listed as the psychological factors that can affect clothing

purchasing behavior. Tek (1997) stated that provided “there is strong correlation between certain

personality types and products and brand names, personality could be an important factor in

figuring out consumer behavior.”

Among those factors that make people buy a certain type of clothing or brand name,

motivation and attitude are points that deserve special attention. For example, it is known that

emotional motivation such as popularity and catching attention is influential in developing

attitudes when deciding to buy clothing of a specific brand or fashion instead of buying clothing

that is needed based on taking its functionality into consideration.

Another factor influential in consumers' purchasing behavior is the socio-cultural factor,

which includes family, group, social class, peers and cultural makeup. It can be easily observed

in everyday life that the culture and values encompassing all the factors giving direction to

individuals' thoughts, behavior and attitudes do affect consumers' awareness of fashion and brand

names, and that similarly individuals from different social classes possess different opinions with

respect to fashion and brand name products in their clothing purchasing behavior.

In conclusion, the consumers’ behavior affects the marketing strategies and the success of

the sellers in the market. Because of this, they have been challenged on how to influence the

behavior of consumers in favor of their products or services. In this situation, it also helps on

how the consumers’ environment influences the marketers and can lead them to improve their

marketing campaigns to more effectively reach the consumers. It is important to understand what

is influencing for buying decisions, whether it is a problem or a need. Besides that, from a

marketer‘s outlook, it is need to know this topic in order to effectively target customers and

improve products. Trends in consumer behavior also change over time; they have high

expectations and desire now active participation. New technology also affects the marketers due

to trends that the people are switching to e-commerce and marketers have to take into account in

order to get the consumers behavior. Consumers also care about global resources that they want

to know the brands they purchase. From 2014 up until now, this generation which are the

millennials, use social media to buy things since it is easier, but as for the marketers, it is

important to understand how to deliver the right marketing message that appeals to them.

There are five stages which costumers do when purchasing. The most crucial thing and

the first thing that is needed to do were to think, notice and realize what is needed to resolve the

problem. When people have problems that they want to be solved and think of what is important,

then they will likely want to seek more information about it. There are people that compare the

brands and the qualities seeking what product they benefit the most. The consumers will

purchase their chosen product in this stage they form an intention to buy what product they most

preferred. The final stage was to know if the consumers are satisfied or not satisfied with the
product. It contains their reactions since some costumers experience internal conflicts which also

can lead into anxiety.

In a nutshell, there are many factors that affect the decision making process of the

consumers. The factors are some visible and others are can't be verbalized. There are the

personal influences that are the factors within the consumers themselves and them as a person,

such as their beliefs and lifestyles.

In decision making there are steps in perception the first step is exposure and the next is

selective attention. Size, Color, Position, and Movement attracts the eye of the consumers. In the

factors of decision making you need to also have motivation, having personality, knowing your

life style and life cycle. And in it if you want to make a decision you need to think very carefully

be smart enough to avoid the problems that affect in making decision before performing your

final decision.

When a person is having a decision making, he or she chooses what products and services

to buy or decline. The possible outcomes of their decisions could still lead to difficulties on the

estimated consistency. There are seven decision making strategies, which are the Compensatory

strategies, Equal weight strategy, Weighted additive strategy, Non compensatory strategies,

Elimination by aspects, Lexicographie, and partially compensatory strategy. These strategies

each have a different meaning but it is made clear that it should be used to distinguish strategies

to customers if they would become satisfied to the decision that they select. The decision making

is complicated and it takes more time in the decision process. Involvement talks about what one

should consider in every product and the fitting places to a particular one that you have bought.


Research Design

In this research, the researchers have decided that the research design that was to be used

in this qualitative research is Phenomenology. It was conducted with the use of interviews with

the participants, along with questionnaires for each of them. The gathered data and information

were then analyzed, synthesized, and understood by the researchers. In this way, the opinions,

experiences, statements, and perceptions of the participants were described and elaborated in an

organized manner, while also getting their essences.

Respondents and Sampling Method

The number of participants that were needed for the interviews are ten persons, coming

from the sections in Grade 11 in both the ABM and GAS strands. Due to the high population of

all Grade 11 students combined, the researchers only got samples in order to gather information

by conducting interviews. The researchers also conducted their interviews during the third week

of February 2020, around the 17th to the 21st, inside the premises of the National College of

Business and Arts Fairview.

Under this research, the researchers chose the sampling method or technique of Quota

Sampling in conducting the data gathering from the respondents. Students with the

characteristics under the said criteria were chosen as the respondents. A certain number of
students were selected from the ten sections of Grade 11, seven from the ABM strand and three

from the GAS strand, in NCBA Fairview, gaining a number of 11 respondents.

Data Collection

One instrument that the researchers used in order to collect data was conducting

interviews. In this way, the participants were able to elaborate their opinions, values, and

knowledge regarding the topic by talking directly and expressing their thoughts naturally. They

were also able to give their honest responses to the questions that were asked to them.

The researchers also used questionnaires as an instrument to interview Grade 11 students

in NCBA, where the aim is to identify participant’s emotions, feelings, and opinions regarding

the said subject. This was used to find out the qualities of consumers when purchasing shirts,

how often do they purchase shirts, and if trends and the brand of clothing affects their decision

making or not. The research questions are a subjective type, thus, the respondents are free to

answer the question by their own opinion and perceptions.

The researchers informed the participants by giving them questionnaires. After they are

finished answering, the questionnaires were collected by the researchers. The gathered answers

and information were then discussed and examined by them.

The researchers conducted the interviews according to the alphabetical order of the

sections of Grade 11, starting with the ABM strands and then the GAS strands. They selected

certain participants that would fall under the required category or condition that is needed for the

research. Then, they interviewed the participants, gave out questionnaires, and allowed them to
answer for a certain amount of time. The answered questionnaires were then collected at the end

of the day, around during the last period of each class, or during lunch break.

Analyzing data includes observing the information gathered by researchers. It is

interpreting the meaning behind information and knowledge given by the participants to the

researchers. The following data answered the interview questions of the researchers. The

information was then presented in words since the study is qualitative research.

Once the information was gathered, in order to analyze it, the researchers looked for the

similarities and differences in the answers of each participant. Researchers also included the

factors that can affect the answer of participants, such as in choosing a product, participants

include the qualities that they want in a particular product.



Question #1: How often do you buy your own shirts? Please specify:

Respondent #1: Allianna Esogon. “Pag may pera at pag gusto ko ng bagong damit.”

Respondent #2: Ynasheanne Jean Chloe Basilio. “Thrice/twice a month. Depending on

my budget.”

Respondent#3: John Miras. “Minsan kung nagkakapera ako ng malaki.”

Respondent #4: “2 times a month.”

Respondent #5: Shanelle Jones Dualis. “Sometimes”

Respondent #6: Tamera. “Pag may nagustuhan na design.”

Respondent #7: Rosalinda Almonte. “Everytime that I saw a shirt that interests me. Once

or twice a month.”

Respondent #8: Richard Bolledo. “Everytime na may gusto akong bilhin na shirt na gusto

para hindi na rin gumastos ang aking magulang.”

Respondent #9: Arianne Jeanelle Gella. “Bago ako bumili ng damit chinecheck ko muna

kung maayos at maganda.”

Respondent #10: Joshua Nacional. “Once a month.”


Based from the answers of the respondents, most of them buy their own shirts when they

only got money or extra money. Since these respondents are students, they can only get their

money in buying shirts from their allowance. They need to learn how to budget their allowances

for them to have savings. Most of them also says that aside from having extra money, they buy

their own shirts once or twice a month.

Question #2: Do you think carefully first before purchasing clothing or not? If you do, explain

the process of your decision making and how you end up with your final choice.

Respondent #1: Allianna Esogon. “Oo, para maganda ng porma pag maganda ang damit.”

Respondent #2: Ynasheanne Jean Chloe Basilio. “Yes, I first think if it fits my fashion. I

consider things like being comfortable and the quality of the clothes. Checking its color

and design”

Respondent #3: John Miras. “Oo. Para hindi masayang ang pera.”

Respondent #4: “Yes, if I can wear it anywhere and anytime and if it’s worth the


Respondent #5: Shanelle Jones Dualis. “Hindi basta basta naluluma.”

Respondent #6: Tamera. “Hindi. Basta maganda design.”

Respondent #7: Rosalinda Almonte. “Yes. First I think carefully if it is worth buying.

Next I work for it and saving the money, and the I buy it.”
Respondent #8: Richard Bolledo. “No.”

Respondent #9: Arianne Jeanelle Gella. “Not.”

Respondent #10: Joshua Nacional. “Yes, because before I buy the product, first I check

the quality of the product.”


Six out of ten says that they think carefully first before purchasing the shirt. The

respondents consider the quality of the shirt itself before purchasing it. Also, if the design and

style of the certain shirt fits their fashion style. They also consider what they feel while wearing

the shirt; they want to be comfortable in wearing the shirt. Since they are just students, they do

not want their savings go to waste and they want the shirt to be worth it since it came from their

own savings. Other respondents don’t think carefully before buying it as long as the design and

style is unique.

Question #3: How much time does it usually take you when deciding what clothes to buy?

Respondent #1: 25mins

Respondent #2: 20mins to 30mins.

Respondent #3: A minute

Respondent #4: An hour or so.

Respondent #5: Every 3 weeks

Respondent #6: Every week

Respondent #7: It takes more than 2hrs.

Respondent #8: 5-10mins.

Respondent #9: It depends

Respondent #10: Usually up to 5-7 hours in selecting the clothes.

Respondent #11: 1-2 hours


The inference of these findings is that most of the respondents spend 1-2 hours of their

time when deciding what clothes to buy. Some of the respondents are women whom usually take

a longer time to buy or to choose clothes.

Question #4: Does the brand of clothing affect your decision making? If yes, specify what

brands you would rather buy and explain why.

Respondent #1: Yes, a penshoppe, oxygen, kasi yung quality ng t-shirt nila is

napakaganda at hindi ka masyadong magaamoy pawis sa t-shirt nila.

Respondent #2: No

Respondent #3: No

Respondent #4: Yes, penshoppe, h&m and bench because they have great quality which

last for years.

Respondent #5: Gnarly, dahil maganda ang quality.

Respondent #6: Yes, forever 21 dahil original at di nasisira basta basta.

Respondent #7: Yes, nike dahil maganda ang quality at design.

Respondent #8: Yes, in terms of T-shirts I usually bought them at penshoppe not just

because of the price but it also has good quality and wide varieties of designs.

Respondent #9: No

Respondent #10: No as long as it complies my standards and i can wear it that’s fine.

Respondent #11: Minsan h&m kahit mahal ang ganda naman.


In these findings, the respondents each prefer a different brand of clothing because they

choose the best quality that can last a long time, as well as the good designs that suit them. It

affects their decision making in terms of choosing the best brand they want to take.

Question #5: What are the qualities that you consider when choosing and buying shirt?

a.) Size:

Respondent #1: Medium-Large

Respondent #2: Extra small

Respondent #3: Medium-Large

Respondent #4: Small

Respondent #5: Medium

Respondent #6: Small

Respondent #7: Medium

Respondent #8: Medium

Respondent #9: Medium

Respondent #10: Small

Respondent #11: Extra small


Based on the conducted study, most of the respondents prefer buying medium-sized shirts

as a fit for their comfort. It is then followed by the sizes of small, large, and extra small. The

possible reason for their choice could be their body figure, their comfort and such.

Question #5: What are the qualities that you consider when choosing and buying shirt?

b.) Color:

Respondent #1: White

Respondent #2: Black

Respondent #3: Black

Respondent #4: White

Respondent #5: Red

Respondent #6: Peach

Respondent #7: White

Respondent #8: White

Respondent #9: White

Respondent #10: White

Respondent #11: Pink


Out of the several respondents, most of them choose the white as the color of their shirt

followed by the color black. It can be their taste that drove them to picking the color or maybe it

is the color that matches their outfit. It gives them a sense of individuality and gives unique.

Question #5: What are the qualities that you consider when choosing and buying shirt?

c.) Style:

Respondent #1: Round neck

Respondent #2: Round neck

Respondent #3: Round neck

Respondent #4: Both

Respondent #5: Anything

Respondent #6: Round neck

Respondent #7: Anything

Respondent #8: Anything

Respondent #9: Anything

Respondent #10: Round neck

Respondent #11: Anything


With their chosen color, the style that the respondents choose rounded neck shirts instead

of wearing V-neck shirts. Since round neck shirts were common essentials as their outfit, it is

possible that is why they prefer it.

Question #5: What are the qualities that you consider when choosing and buying shirt?

d.) Material:

Respondent #1: Cloth

Respondent #2: Cotton

Respondent #3: Soft and cotton

Respondent #4: nah

Respondent #5: Everything

Respondent #6: Cotton

Respondent #7: Anything

Respondent #8: Cotton

Respondent #9: Anything

Respondent #10: Anything

Respondent #11: Anything


The participants have mostly chosen cotton as the material of their shirt. Considering its

comfort when wearing it, it is not impossible that these participants chose cotton-made shirts.

Question #5: What are the qualities that you consider when choosing and buying shirt?

e.) Price:

Respondent #1: 400-500

Respondent #2: 300

Respondent #3 500-700 pesos

Respondent #4: nah

Respondent #5: 500 pesos

Respondent #6: 199

Respondent #7: 0-2000

Respondent #8: it depends

Respondent #9: it depends

Respondent #10: Anything

Respondent #11: 500 and up


Comfort and style comes with a price. But since the participants are still students, the

price range that this study showed that their desired budget for a shirt ranges from Php 300 up to

Php 500 only. It is self-explanatory since some students are just earning their daily allowance for

the shirt; it’s quite difficult affording pricey items.

Question #6: Do other people affects you decision making? If yes, explain how.

Respondent #1: No

Respondent #2: No

Respondent #3: No
Respondent #4: sometimes, because they have opinions which consider sometimes.

Usually no, what i want is what i get.

Respondent #5: “Opo, lalo na ang mga kaibigan.”

Respondent #6: No

Respondent #7: Yes, because i need their opinions.

Respondent #8: Yes, i considered their suggestion, because they are the one who’ll see

me wearing the shirt.

Respondent #9: No

Respondent #10: sometimes, if the people compliment my way of bringing up the shirt

then i’ll buy.

Respondent #11: “Minsan kapag hindi talaga ako makapili”


As far as this study goes, it states that the respondents depended on other people’s

perspectives when buying their clothes. Difficulty in choosing what is best can be the reason of

their decisions being affected. Plus the fact that they are the one who are going to be seen

wearing it, they probably know what suits right for them.
Question #7: How can you say that are you satisfied with the clothing/s that you have


Respondent #1: According to Joshua Nacional from ABM 11- Dollar, “It is based to the

qualities and price of the product.

Respondent #2: According to Arianne Jeanelle Gella from ABM 11-Dollar,"kapag


Respondent #3: According to Dhenz Richard Bolledo from ABM 11-Pound, "yun gusto

kong bilhin para sa sarili ko.

Respondent #4: According to Rosalinda Almonte from ABM 11-Pound, “I am satisfied

because I know that I worked for it and I wanted it.”

Respondent #5: According to Tamera from ABM 11-Riyal, "pag naappreciate ng mga tao

at pag maraming tumitingin.

Respondent #6: According to Shanelle Jores Duquis from ABM –Riyal, " titignan ko

muna kung magagamit ko siya or mapapakinabangan ko bago ko bibilhin".

Respondent #7: “If I buy it even its expensive.”

Respondent #8: “When I don't think twice if ever I'll wear it or not.”

Respondent #9: According to John Miras from 11-Philippines, "kapag komportable".

Respondent #10: According to Ynasheanne Jean Chloe Basilio from 11-Philippines, “If I

wear it a couple of times.”

Respondent #11: According to Alliana Esogon from 11-Japan, "kapag alam kong

maganda ito sakin".


According to all of the respondents’ information, they are satisfied with the clothing/s

that they are purchased when the product has good quality and the price is affordable to buy. If

the product is still nice to suit them, they will wear it a couple of times. Then when someone

notices this, they will appreciate it most of the time. At last, when it is comfortable to wear and

they do not hesitate to use it.




In this part of the research paper, it shows an overview that talks about the different

aspects and influences that allow consumers to use wise decision making when purchasing T


With decision making as a process of identifying and choosing the most effective option

for a consumer, it is usually based on the preferences and wants of a consumer in a product. In

choosing the right product, satisfaction must also be acknowledged in decision making. Factors

that affect consumers in decision making could be the appearance of the product, concepts that

match their personalities, their past experiences with the product and more. There are five stages

in which customers go through when purchasing; Problem or need recognition, Information

search, Evaluation of alternatives, Purchase and Post-purchase behavior.

Abraham Harold Maslow, the creator of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, provides an

illustration that shows the needs of human: Physiological needs, Safety needs, Love and

belonging, Esteem and Self-actualization.


Answering the Statement of the problem

1. What are the effective strategies in order to make wise decision making?

Having a decision making, there are qualities that should be considered; what product and

services to buy or decline. One has to identify first what are the needs and differentiate it to one’s

wants, and decide what the specific type of product is. Next, find more information about the

product, search information about the value in a prospective product or service. Then one can

also consider other products, other alternatives and compare each another to better know what

product they would benefit from the most. And finally, make the decision to purchase the

product and evaluate it.

2. What are the possible benefits that the consumer may get if they are smart in making

decisions while purchasing t-shirts?

It is important to understand what is influencing personal buying decisions, whether it is

a problem/need or a well-thought professional marketing campaign. Besides that, from a

marketer perspective, it is valuable to know this topic in order to effectively target customers,

improve products and services of a company, and understand how customers view products

versus competitors’ products. Since all of us are consumers and make a lot of decision making

when purchasing, people are finding smarter and more efficient ways to solve their problems.
3. How can the consumers claim that they are satisfied and that they made the right decision

with the product/s that they purchased?

When consumers make decisions about what clothing to buy they are influenced to a

significant degree as much by the information they have been given by fashion, branding and

marketing activities as they are by individual, psychological and social factors. In addition, such

values as price, brand, quality, aesthetic value and usage characteristics present themselves as

influencing qualities. It has also been determined by research that changes in social, physical,

economic and psychological characteristics at different ages are able to influence people's

preferences. Grouped among the psychological factors, it said that “personality characteristics do

affect consumers' perceptions and purchasing behavior” (Stanton, Etzel, Walker, 1994, p.171).

Having this research could give a certain explanations or answer of what the researcher

want to know, which is what are the customer considering when it comes in purchasing a

product, it can helps the customer to be easy to buy a T-shirt, if they really know of what things

they have to consider like the brand ,Since it give a large impact to the customer if the brand was

known despite of the price of it, And also the qualities that the customer consider are size, color,

style, material and the price this is mostly get the attention of the customer. the researcher

conducted an interview to know the customers preferred and purchasing a product and base on

the respondents answer they have different consideration like the other respondent really love to

buy a T -shirts for themselves .They also consider the opinion of their friends who will the one

see their T-shirts .They spend a lot of time to meet their expectation or wants that they have to

exert effort to have a good result.


The researchers should give priority attention in getting the honest opinions, insights, and

perspectives of all respondents. Since their main goal is to know the effective ways, strategies, as

well as what could affect the decision making of each person, it is highly advisable to get a larger

quantity of respondents or samples. This is so that the possible ending results and information

collected would be more accurate because it covers a larger population with each person having

their own way of thinking.

The researchers should also be clear and defined with presenting the information and data

that they have gathered. This is for the understanding of the readers that would be viewing the

research paper as well as the benefits that they would get from the paper, and it could be used as

a reference for future researchers. The paper would have a strong framework and foundation to it

using the evidences and data that have been gathered.

It is highly urged for the researchers to improve the research paper in different aspects.

This could be in terms of the procedures and methods used, refinement of concepts,

appropriateness and accurateness, synthesis, and analysis.



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