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from the plot

It may be winter, but Rekha is
harvesting and planning next
Rekha Mistry is a keen veg grower
year’s crops, with a delicious
who loves to try exotic varieties and recipe for parsnip kedgeree
experiment with them in the kitchen.

A lthough it is quiet on the plot

She appeared in the 2015 BBC Two
series, The Big Allotment Challenge
now, there’s still plenty to harvest.
My visits this month will be fewer
Harvest now and farther between compared
Even though winter has kicked in,
I can dig up a few carrots, which
with the rest of the year, but with
are tucked under straw I use to every visit I am taking collards,
keep the ground and roots from leeks, mustard greens and winter
freezing. I’ll also snap off a few cabbages, with bunches of herbs
Brussels sprouts to add to
my pickings. My family have
like parsley and coriander tucked
requested their favourite soup, so into the trug, too. Even my
I’ll lift a leek or two to make that, lunchboxes hold winter salads
and snip off a few curly kale
such as endive, rocket and ‘Winter
leaves to sprinkle over the top.
A handful of strikingly coloured Density’ lettuce, which are growing
chard stems are a welcome sight in the unheated greenhouse.
in a light saag paneer curry. The green manures I grow, to
And, as I thin out my ‘Senshyu’
onions, the seedlings will be
protect the soil from erosion through
an aromatic addition to salads. the winter months, also add a
lushness to the plot. But I experience
a glum feeling at this time of the year
– I blame the lack of sunshine! To
get me motivated, I start planning
the new varieties of vegetables and
herbs to add to my plot next year.
There’s one date in December that
does excite me, though (no, not
Christmas Day) – 21 December. It’s
the shortest day in the calendar,
when we know that slowly the
daylight hours will start to increase.
After this date, the heated mat comes
out, seed trays get washed (again),
seed packets are selected and seed
compost bags tucked in the boiler
Rekha harvests
room to warm up. And come 26
Swiss chard adds vibrant colour ‘Hollow Crown’
to stews and curries December, seed sowing can begin. parsnips grown from
Ooh, I feel happier already! her own seeds

86 December 2020

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