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Social Studies Review

1) Bronze age
Combining the metals, coper and tin.
The bronze age began known as Neolithic age, began in the middle east fertile crescent,

Social science- archeology focuses mainly on the study of human fossils?

Which social science focuses on culture? Anthropology
Which social science focuses on politics? Political science
Which social science focuses on rocks? Geology
Which social science focuses on money? Economics

Social science- The period time before writing was developed is called? Prehistory
At first people used oral history before writing and then writing began and history began.
What is the oldest piece of literature that me have? The epic of Gilgamesh

The phrase homo sapiens means- wise human being

Hominids are known as cavemen because they lived in caves
Hominid- The first hominid to walk up right called. Homo erectus
What other cavemen do we have? Homo sapiens sapiens, Neanderthals, homo sapiens, homo

The main characteristics of the patheolithic period are

1) Nomads
2) Caves for shelters
3) Stone tools
4) Cave drawings
5) Fire
Fire was harnessed first in the patheolithic

The stone go insighted with what other age? The ice age

Were are they two cave paintings? France and spain

Besides stone what other tools did human use? Sticks and bones and stone during the
patheolitic age.

Describe the types of shelter and housing that were used by Neolithic age? Rectangular mud
brick houses with plaster.
Where are the oldest ruins? In turkey, gobelki tepe
Where did the Neolithic age begin? Mesopotamia/ fertile crescent
Based on fossil evidence, what was the route of emigrations of the hominids? Out of africa
Why is it known as the out of Africa theory because the oldest human bones was discovered
What was is the name of the country were the oldest human remains were discovered?

What is the nickname of the oldest bones? Lucy

What are the ways that we can date the fossils? Carbon dating

Gilgamesh- the epic of Gilgamesh was discovered in the city of Nineveh. In What country is that
city today? Iraq
What was Gilgamesh looking for? Inmortality
What crops can we find in fertile crescent? Wheat and barley
What crops can we find in south America? Potatoes and beans
What crops and we find in Mexico? Squash, corn and beans
What crop do we have in china (asia)? Rice
What crops do we have in west Africa? Yams

Are the Himalayas located? India
What cultury is the indus ganges? India
Why is the Indian river called the Indian ocean? Because of the river Indus

Neanderthals why is it called like that? Because it was found in neanderthals Germany in that
Why was the homo erectus called that because he was upright?
who is older the jewish calendar or the muslim calendar?
The jewish calender began with Abraham and the muslin with maoma
What calendar is the basis for our calendar? Julian ( Julius ceaser calendar)
It is on plusportal study from powerpoint

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