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BSBWOR502 Assessment 4 - Short Answer Questions

Assessment description
For this assessment you will be required to answer the questions below.

Assessment Task 4 – Short answer questions

1.      A team leader’s behaviour and actions serve as a role model for the members of their
team. Explain how the team leader influences the following: (250-300 words)

The team leader can support his team members in attaining the expected performance results
through: • Setting values, which the standards of performance, acceptable approaches and
team member conduct and behavior arise in a persistent way • Clarifying objectives of the
organization to the rest of the team to enable them to focus on defined goals Provide the
model • Identifying the strengths of members • The team leader should be willing to delegate
duties to enhance leadership in the organization. • The team leader should have a flexible
approach to prevailing circumstances. • The team leader should represent the team in matters
about the group. • The leader should be able to develop the team members through
recognizing performance-associated and development needs and assisting the team members
in identifying ways of satisfying them. • The team leader should provide feedback to his team
members on performance issues. • An effective team leader should be available to collect
information and ideas and sell the plans and influencing people.

 Team cohesion, participation and performance

The leader should be able to develop teams though monitoring performance and giving
constructive feedback. He should be able to address issues through following process, to
build team cohesion and facilitate teamwork by including all the team members in
discussions, support the team to perform and model team behavior.

 Group dynamics

The team member must to provide the feedback and encourage, value and reward individual
and team efforts and contributions, develop process to ensure that issues, concerns and
problems identified by team members’ efforts are recognized and addressed, encourage the
team members and individuals.

 Gaining consensus

Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others, support the team in
identifying and resolving work performance problems, effective communication between
team and management, regularly report to management. Identify and escalate issues. Evaluate
and take corrective action.

 Resolution strategies
What the team leader need to do is to be skilled enough to plan ahead, involve the tea and
empower them to make decisions, follow up and follow through:

1. Identify the issue, problem or concern

2. Analyse to understand

3. Explore alternatives throw around ideas. Consult widely.

4. Narrow down the best alternatives, weighing up implementation requirements versus

potential benefits

5. Select and agree on a solution

6. Plan to make it happen.

To recognize sources of conflict and to deal with the issue effectively and apply the problem-
solving tools: Evaluation ideas and solutions, generating ideas and solutions, Implementing
the solution and collating data

 ‘Positional leadership’ and ‘influence’.

True leadership cannot be awarded, appointed, or assigned. It comes only from influence, and
that cannot be mandated. It must be earned. The only thing a title can buy is a little time-
either to increase your level of influence with others or to undermine it. Leadership is
influence. Just because someone has a title, doesn’t mean that person is a leader. “When it
comes to identifying a real leader… The proof of leadership is found in the followers.” An
organization is only as great as its people. With many myths about leadership, people tend to
fall into the trap of managing their team without influencing them. They become complacent
with getting the job done, rather than growing the company and the people involved. To
succeed, we must stand as leaders in our organizations, regardless of position, and influence
the influencers.

2.      List and explain three (3) ways communication can flow in an organisation. (50 words
for each)

TOP TO BOTTOM: In order to ensure that the team is able to function effectively within
the context of the organisation as a whole, the leader need to ensure open lines of
communication between the team and the important stakeholders. DOWNWARD
COMMUNICATION = down through to the lowest level of authority. The objectives of such
communication may include communication company-wide changes in strategic direction or
communication of key messages throughout the organisation in a way that is likely to
maintain the consistency and authority of the message. Company-wide emails, messages on
noticeboards or company intranets are typical of this type of information flow.

BOTTOM TO TOP: UPWARD COMMUNICATION, as the name suggests, flows from

the lower levels of authority to higher levels. Company policy may determine how this
communication can occur. Going over the heads of superiors may not be a good idea in a
highly structured and hierarchical organisation. Upward communication is still crucially
important and provides feedback on actual implementation of company policies and strategic
directions. The objectives of this type of communication may include:

-Making complaints to senior management;

- informing superiors of work issues to invite intervention by authorities to resolve lower

level issues;

- providing routine reports to management.

TEAM COMMUNICATION: Involving team members in sharing ideas and information

can go a long way toward facilitating effective communication within the team and the
organisation. Solving problems or issues becomes a less daunting task when the whole team
is involved in finding a solution and problem doesn’t rest on the shoulders of the team leader
alone. It’s also important for each team member to be actively involved in order to reinforce
their own sense of belonging to a team. Active involvement in group effort can reduce stress
and improve confidence.

3.      What does a consultative approach to working with a team involve and who would you
involve? (100-150 words)

To ensure that each member of the team contributes to team cohesion and achieving
organizational goals, it’s necessary to develop strategies to build high performing teams.
Many of the usual strategies work because they facilitate clear understanding of roles and
accountabilities for individuals within teams. Possible strategies to ensure participation
include: - Ensure group participation in panning clarification of roles and expectations, -
develop of policies and procedures for group planning, - electronic communication devices
and process, such as intranet and email communication systems, to facilitate input into
planning, - long-term or short-term plan factoring in opportunities for team input, -mentoring
and “buddy” systems to support team members in providing input, - newsletters and
briefings, - training and development activities.

4.      List three (3) responsibilities of a team leader in regards to communication.

- To build the team cohesion: encourage high performance and reward team effort.

- Given feedback: Feedback may also be given in the context of coaching and overcoming
underperformance. Feedback that is communicated respectfully, even if it is about something
that needs to be fixed, helps to make people aware of the problem and gives them the
opportunity to fix it.

- To build effective relationships with our team, and encouraging and valuing their
contributions will create an environment where feedback is not only accepted but expected.
5.      Explain two (2) methods for managing poor performance in the workplace. (100 words

There are 3 main ways of dealing with ongoing poor performance: 1) feedback; 2)
counselling; 3) warnings.

1. Feedback

It is your role as a manager to provide regular and constructive feedback to your people
related to their job performance, including everything from attitude to conduct. You should
be in the habit of providing in-the-moment feedback, such as when you have read a report
that has been submitted to you for approval. Provide feedback promptly and in a meaningful
way so that the person clearly understands your expectations. This is best done by providing a
specific example of what the employee has done that is not in accordance with the company’s

2. Counselling

When an ongoing performance concern is identified (e.g. regularly turning up late for
meetings, ineffective communication with team members, failure to meet deadlines)
counselling is a good strategy. This means sitting down with the employee and talking to
them about your concerns, listening to what they have to say, clarifying expectations, and
agreeing on a way forward. Counselling may include some type of performance improvement
plan, which may include training requirements to improve the capability of the employee to
perform their job satisfactorily.

3. Warnings

When performance has not improved even after regular feedback and counselling sessions, it
is time to move to a more formal process, which involves setting clear performance
expectations with strong consequences if the expectations are not met. This consequence is
the direct result of poor performance or misconduct (not demonstrating appropriate
behaviours). The most common consequence is the written warning (often enough to correct
misbehaviour or poor performance), but consequences also include demotion and dismissal.

It is appropriate to issue a warning when informal feedback and counselling sessions have
failed to improve performance. If misconduct or poor performance is serious enough to merit
it, warnings are the appropriate response. There is no black and white here; it is mostly grey
when deciding what the situation does or does not demand. This makes it difficult to give an
example of the type of poor performance or misconduct that should always result in warnings
or other forms of discipline. However, severe and regular lateness, rudeness to a customer, or
an extremely costly error might make disciplinary action appropriate.

Advice on managing poor performance is to prevent it by providing:

 Clear expectations
 Regular feedback
 Training and development
 Reward and recognition of high performance and the right behaviours
 And finally, do not procrastinate

6.      When there are unresolved issues within a team, what actions should the manager take?
(100-150 words)

The leader must to identify the issue and escalate the issue. The leader must to be familiar
with organizational procedures for escalating issues and after apply the corrective action, that
is taking the necessary steps to correct a problem or address an issue, it means looking
carefully to try and understand what causing it. Corrective action means taking the necessary
steps to make sure the problem does not reoccur. Corrective actions may include:
- Reviewing supplier performance, i.e. regular audits
- Reviewing service level agreements with contractors
- Implementing quality processes to ensure compliance
- Increasing employee motivation and performance
- Implementing quality check and review processes
- Setting clear performance standards
- Preventative measures

7.      List four (4) strategies you can use to actively encourage team members to have input
into planning, decision-making and the operations of a team? (100-150 words).
The leader need to encourage and support team members who are not naturally outgoing to
participate. The leader may need to arrange for training coaching or mentoring to encourage
active team behavior.
- Clarification of roles and expectations: the leader must to be clear about the roles and
responsibilities for each team member and roles and responsibilities as a team, what is
expected from the team and from each individual.
- Development of policies and procedures which encourage or mandate participation;
- Training and development activities
- Holding regular meetings: to provide feedback more often and for maintain the
communication open and clear between the team members and leader x team


You must copy, fill out and attach the below table to your assessment:

STUDENT NAME: Nayara Cristina da Silva

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and
TITLE OF BSBWOR502 Assessment 4 - Short
ASSESSMENT TASK: Answer Questions
DATE DUE: 15/08/2021
DATE SUBMITTED: 15/08/2021

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