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Assess the different aspects of your physical self and

write down your realizations/ reflections.

1. Extended Self

- My realization in Extended Self is that it is not just about your sex or

body but also about our own property. It's not just about our body and
abilities; it's also about our clothes, possessions, things, and home.

2. Gendered Self

-My realization in Gendered Self is that how you parent your family is
determined by your gender. To identify you as a girl, they would always dress

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you in lovely pinkish clothing. When it comes to men, they will simply
purchase you cool toys to establish whether or not you are a boy.

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3. Sexualized Body

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-My realization in Sexualized body is that bodies are 'sexed'
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biologically in the notion that they are either male or female. As a function,
bodies can be sexualized based on their anatomy.

4. Beauty
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-My realization in Beauty is it can’t be only seen in the physical

appearance but also on the inside, which is your attitude. The way you treat
and respect others exposes your inner nature.
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