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Annals of Library Science and Documentation 1985, 32(3-4), 129·134


PID Library
New Delhi 110012

INTRODUCTION mised and entire exchange system of periodi-

cals can be regularised in a systematic way is
Scientific knowledge has no barriers and it is described.
only through the exchange of publications any
improvement in promoting R & D work is EVALUATION
possible. It would be a misconception to regard
it as merely of economic significance. 'On the At the first instance, before entering into an
contrary it is a beneficial proposition for both exchange agreement with any party, the signi-
the parties similar in status getting together. ficance and utility of the periodical are ascer-
It is of great significance for resource sharing, tained either on the proposal of the requesting
both from the receivers' and givers' point of party or on the basis of any other source. After
view, considering not only cost but also the deciding the exchange to be established for the
value of information gained. title of interest in lieu of the one to be sent, an
Exchange of publications helps to promote exchange card is prepared.
international understanding and enhance the
prestige of the. nations concerned in the eyes SELECTION OF PARTIES
of the advanced countries of the world.
Exchange involves sustained work and The first and very important aspect of exchange
therefore requires careful handling so as to is selection of parties interested in the arrange-
maintain good relationship with participating ment. The followinp sources can be of great
clients. assistance in this regard:-
Exchange of publications depends upon
several factors such as participating country's (i) Titles of interest demanded by various
interest, subject of specialization and cost fac- project leaders/scientists.
tor; and the publications offered should be of (ii) Selection of periodicals from different
equal standard and scientific value. There is 'sources e.g. publishers announcements, cata-
no need of a strictlv-dcfined guideline for ex- logues, reviews in journals and other sources
changes. The assessment of the volumes ex- such as:-
changed should not be based on the number of
pages, periodicity or commercial price. a) Ulrich's International Periodicals Direc-
Procurement of periodicals on exchange is tory,
equally important as that on subscription. b) World List of Scientific Periodicals,
Hence regular follow up action for proper c) Serial Sources for the BlOSIS Data
utility, evaluation, receipt, circulation, corres- Base, and
pondence, replacement etc. are various impor- d) International Serials Catalogue (ICSU .
tant aspects necessary to make the exchange A B).
programme a success.
In this paper special reference is made to The organisation may also receive proposals
the practice followed in the Library of the for exchange from various other parties either
Publications & Information Directorate (CSIR), through Unesco Journal of Information Science,
Hillside Road, New Delhi-II 0012. On the basis Librarianship and Archives Administration or
of personal observations and experiences gained, Handbook on the International exchange of
a system by which inconsistancies can be mini- publications by UNESCO.

Vol 32 Nos 34 Scptclllbl'l'()l'cl'lIIbcr 1985


After the usefulness and utility of the title DESIGNING OF MASTER INDEX CARD
are ascertained and approval for exchange is (MIC)
obtained from the competent authorities, After the preliminary and necessary formal-
confirmation letter for exchange (Figure 1) ties of exchange arrangement are carried out,
is sent to the party concerned for concurrence. it is then very important to incorporate the
It is worthwhile to keep on record the price, details on the Master Index Card (MIC) (Figure
periodicity and volume of the journal. How- 2 & 3).
ever, this should not be the only criterion to The Master Index Cards (MIC) are then
decide on the exchange arrangement. Most arranged in numerical order as per exchange
suitable and agreeable method of establishing number allotted to each party. The exchange
exchange is on equitable basis of the titles numbers facilitate in expediting replies to
proposed for this arrangement. various queries received from exchanging organi-
sations .
••.•• '<>1"114, PUBLIFORII4
•• ,I'll, Sl6lOl

• S1CflI!lI'1 ~ ~ r01~!lII(1l1,a. ~. J>f. tf.

Publication; & Information Directorate, CSIR
~ -OW/Hillside Road
'If fi:l;;ftfNcw o.ll1i·110012

'1'.nl!i.Rcf. No. ~,Daled .

Exchange Number·

( )
To be quoted in all correspondence
for receiving immediate attention.

Subject: Supply of Journals on Exchangr-Confirmalion "lIrr

Dear Sir(s~
We arc in receipt of your letter No. dated ... ... ... ... and arc glad to confirm
the exchange arrangement bel ween us effective from ... for our journals detailed below:

The issues of the journals of your interest will be regularly sent to you on publication by surface mail/Airmail.

In exchange of our above journals. we would request you to kindly send us thcfollowingjournals

[rom """. by surface/Air Mail:

Your correspondence and issues of journals relating to this exchange, bearing the above number,
should always be sent at the following address:

T1SD-Library Exchange.
Publications &. Information Directorate (CSIR),
Hillside Road. New o.lhi·110012 (India)

fhanking you,

Yours faithfully,

rs. Nagarajan)
Tech. Inf Services Division

Fig. 1

]30 Ann Lib Sci Doc


(front side of the card)

I Mailing
',- C'\ I address
~~"'. i 7

and year - commencing exchange
_ Fig. 2

(reverse of the card)

-~~~~ ~ ~~~~c::s. \~Cl,-~"" ~~\.:;..

~~ OS
~~"e ~ ~~\\.~

Fig. 3

Auxiliary Index Cards (Ale): These are basis of various arrangements followed for
in no way different from the MIC. In other smooth functioning of entire exchange work.
words these are the duplicate copies of the MIC The minimum possible number of cards required
with suitable heading of each auxiliary group are discussed below:-
on every card. These are filed under different
auxiliary groups in the multidisciplined tray.
The number of Auxiliary Index Cards (AIC) a) Exchanging oroanisations : These are filed
needed for the purpose is ascertained on the alphabetically under sponsoring bodies.

Vol 32 Nos 3-4 Sep te mb er-Decc mbcr 1985 131


b) Pcriodicalwise: In this tray there is a card for d) Regular vigilance between receipt cell and
every title received under exchange and are exchange unit to avoid any discrepency.
alphabetically arranged. This helps the working e) Periodical reminders sent for non-receipt
staff to have a close link between Subscrip- of copies.
tion cell, Receipt and Kardex cell if handled
by more than one person at different places. In an effort to streamline the entire ex-
change programme of PID journals, revision
c) Titlewise: A card each for every exchanging work of the project was undertaken in 1978
partner is filed under individual title of their on these lines. It is gratifying to note that it
interest to be sent under the said agreement. was a good success since then. As on today
The arrangement of cards in this group is prefer- about 175 agencies from over 45 foreign coun-
red to be either under numerical order of the tries and about 105 from India are participating
exchange number or country of origin of the in this programme. The library is now receiving
parties. This helps in preparation and checking over 550 titles in lieu of 12 PID journals:
of addresses in regular mailing list for despatch
of issues of journals. Journal of Scientific and Industria'! Research
d) Countrywise: Another group, where cards Indian Journal of Chemistry - Sect. A (Monthly)
for each partner are arranged countrywise, Indian Journal of Chemistry - Sect. B (Monthly)
helps in immediate response to many gueries Indian. Journal of Pure & Applied Physics
from either side. (Monthly).
Indian Journal of Technology (Monthly).
e) Receipt cell: Periodicals which would be Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
received under the exchange agreement are to (Monthly).
be recorded in Kardex in the Receipt Cell. Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics
Hence a card for every title is alphabetically (Bimonthly) .
arranged for necessary entries in Kardex. Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics
(Bimonthly) .
PREP ARA nON OF MAILING LIST Indian Journal of Marine Sciences (Quarterly).
Indian Journal of Textile Research (Quarterly).
A list of addresses for each title which is due in Research & Industry (Quarterly).
the particular month is compiled and sent for Medicinal &. Aromatic plants Abstracts
despatch of the issues. (Bimonthly).
The entire operation especially preparation It is a matter of pleasure to put on record
of addressograph plates similar to that of Master that the device has been efficiently working to
Index Cards, Auxiliary Index Cards and compila- the great satisfaction of the exchanging partners.
tion of regular exchange mailing list are done on
*BRADMA (British Addressograph Machine) REFERENCE
in the Directorate.
Handbook of International Exchange of Publications:
PROGRAMMING PROCESS 2nd ed. ed & rev by Gisela von Busse. Paris: Uncsco,
Each of the month can be allotted for the
following jobs for efficient working of the

I wish to express my sincere thanks to Sri

a) Attending to new proposals, confirmation
of exchange agreed and filing of multi- S. Nagarajan, Scientist-in-Charge, Technical In-
disciplined auxiliary index cards. formation Services Division (T .I.S .D.) for his
b) Despatch of replacement reguests and guidance and valuable suggestions for successful
correspondence in general. implementation of the system. I also wish to
c) Compilation of regular exchange mailing acknowledge Sri S.K. Malhotra for his constant
list and filing of papers etc. technical assistance.

132 Ann Lib Sci Doc



PMO_I ; '"JOt



Nno DIU4I-II0012

R~f No. Pub. DoIM .


-to be quot~d in all CDrreapondenca

for receiving immediate attention.

SubJlct Supply Df Journals on Exchange.

With reference to your lettolr dated .,-__ -.,.-,.. _

Miah to draw your kind attention to the following marked ( X ) it~m (9) :-

) Copies requested for replacement were already mailed to you by uS in ~ha

J/ll fortnight of 197 .' Pleasa chack at your er,d and
write to UB again.

2. ( Issue( s) as request ••d ",ould be mailad by the J/Il for tnigh t of _

3. ( Issue( s) required are not y~t published. Tha sama will 'Jemailed to you
upon publication.

On checking our o f f i ce record s , wa r.nd that t nar •• is no t:XCH"NGE ••GR~t:.I'\(NT

bet~aBn our o~ganization9.

S. (

which you can select from thB enclosed catalogue.

6. ( )i I ~ have not received evBn a 51n9lo issue 0' your Journal

80 rar ,

i1 I Vol. No. year is the la.;l

issue of your journal recBivHd 1n
our library. Kindly intimate US th~ ~osition at thH a~rli9st Dy _
falling which we shJll prusum~ that you are no long"r intdrest~d in th~
axiating eXChange arrangement and thurHfor~ we may deleta your nama from
our mailing liet.


Vol 32 Nos 3-4 September-December 1985


- 2 -

7. ( i I would liks to IIstabl18h exchange arran9ll•• nt '01' your


publ1cation( a)
and .1n raturn IoN ara preparad to o"ar you _==-:-_:-"'!"..,..._-'-_
any tiU •• wh1Ch1OU
can .alact 'rom the ancloslld catalogue.

11 ~e are unabla to agraa to axchange out requeat you to Bubacrlbll

for other titlB8 (1'any) of your intere.t and co:raapond with
the Sales & Di8tribution Officar of thil Directorate 1n th11

8. ( We are returning your claim dated 'or incorpo-

rating necessary corrections i.e. title/v;t;/n~J;ir , year.
Since thasa ap·,ear to have belen wrongly citad.

9. ( Your corraspondence regarding ,Exchange should always be ..0. at

the following address :-

Scientist In-Charg~,
T I 5 u _ Library (EXChange),
Puolicationa , Information Dir.ctorat~,
Hillsice Road.


Thank1ng you.

Yours faithfully,

Scientist In-Charge.
TI50 - Library (EXChange).

tncl (a) 1.,...- _

A. above.

1 :34 Ann Lib Sci Doc

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