Quarter 2 Health 10 Activities

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Lance T.

Amores 12-6-21
10-Andromeda HEALTH 10
Health 10: Quarter 2 Activities

- Free/Discounted - Expensive for some

Hospitalizations - Long payment period
- Financial Protection - Not enough to not shell out
- Peace of Mind (Readily some money
available medical attention) - Confusing expense covering
- Affordable Reliable Healthcare

- Based on the lists above, there certainly is a need for a healthcare plan
because it helps lessen your medical expenses when faced with medical or
health problems. It gives people a peace of mind since medical attention is
readily available especially for older people like senior citizens. It still
depends on the person if he or she wants to have a healthcare plan but it is
understandable that healthcare plans are expensive for some and it doesn’t
always fully cover a person’s medical expenses especially when it is too big.
Despite this, it is still advisable to have a healthcare plan in order to secure
your health in the future and to lessen your medical fees.
d. c.

- Fermented beverages - Brandy - Cigarettes - Dissolvable

- Distilled beverages - Cordials - Electronic Cigarettes - Traditional
- Beer-wine - Water Pipes smokeless tobacco
- liquor - Cigars

Getaway 1: Avoid using gateway drugs by thinking about your family, your loved ones,
and most importantly, yourself. You can get sick and worry them or you
can get them sick because of the harmful things your taking.

Getaway 2: Avoid using gateway drugs by being educated and knowledgeable about its
harmful effects to your body. Severe lung diseases or liver diseases are
examples caused by these drugs.

Getaway 3: Avoid using gateway drugs by learning to say “NO” from bad influences.
You might be pressured by time, growth, and the things around you but
never let the pressure to make you do things that are harmful to you and
to the people around you.

People residing in
the place where Adult
the violation Siblings

- As adolescents, we benefit a lot from the Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Act. First, it aids our reproductive health needs in
order to develop both socially and economically while avoiding rampant
issues or problems of teenage pregnancy, HIV, or AIDS. Next, it builds its
foundation on four pillars which are Responsible Parenthood, Respect for
Life, Birth Spacing/Control, and Informed Choice which are also pillars of a
growing teen like us. All of these are beneficial to us especially in the
decisions that we will be making in the future, therefore, we must uphold
to this act and raise our rights which we all have and deserve.

- There are a lot of positive impacts from the Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Act to us citizens especially to teenagers, but there are
also minor negative impacts that in some way adds doubt to the whole
purpose of the act. Its positive impacts are that it promotes education
about effective, healthy, and positive outlook about reproductive health
and family planning which is good for everyone. It helps spread awareness
especially to the youth about their own sexual health that can greatly
impact their future. Despite these positive impacts, if some people

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