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3 Test Consolidation

2 Has anyone to stealing the money

3 My bank allows me to the money
1 Choose the correct answer.
I borrow with only a small interest.
4 The manager his employee privately
Beauty Discount Store
about overcharging the customers.
Overcharge / Offer in store today for advantage card
5 Unfortunately, I was by a man
claiming to offer cheap travel insurance.
Huge 1 deals / orders on all cosmetics and perfumes.
Look and feel great this summer!
Lots of great 2 refunds / savings can be found in store, Vocabulary total 15
like half price on selected sunglasses.
Make-up is 3 guaranteed / reduced by 20% on GRAMMAR
selected brands.
Don’t forget to collect your 4 vouchers / receipts at
1 Match the parts of the sentences.
the till to receive more great discounts.
PLUS Collect double advantage card points when 0 I would give lots of money to charity, A
you 5 exchange / purchase any cosmetics in our 2 X 1 1 Unless I had a regular income, _
range online. 2 If I were you, _
3 Jason could drive himself _
5 4 My friends would be really envious _
5 If we went to London, _
2 Correct the prepositions in bold. A if I won the lottery this weekend.
0 I couldn’t communicate to him. He didn’t want to listen. B if he had his driver’s license already.
with C we could go shopping in the large department stores.
1 The foundation aims in make education available to D I wouldn’t use a credit card.
every child. E if they knew I had tickets for the concert.
F I would take those stolen goods to the police.
2 A surprisingly large amount of people approve 5
for keeping money they’ve found in the street.
2 Complete the second conditional sentences.
3 We were able to borrow some money of the bank to buy
0 Would you keep (keep) money if you found (find) it in the
our new car.

1 If a shop assistant (give) me more
4 I paid for next-day delivery but it didn’t come,
change, I (tell) her.
so I complained from it to customer service.
2 Sheila (not copy) an internet essay if

she (not have) time to write her own.
5 The banks hope about a better start to the new
3 If you (can steal) stationary from
financial year.
your job, you

(do) it?
5 4 What your friends (do)
if they (find) a winning lottery ticket
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. in the street?
5 If someone (praise) me for work I
get out owned up paid back
didn’t do, I (not lie) them.
pay back taken in told off
0 I’ve always paid back the money I’ve spent on my
credit card.
1 I wasn’t able to any money from the
ATM because I didn’t have my card.

98 Unit 3 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015

3 Complete the sentences with would / wouldn’t and the 5 Complete the third conditional sentences with the
verbs below. correct form of the verbs in brackets.

not bark hurry up move not speak stop turn down 0 Suzie wouldn’t have felt (feel) sick if she hadn’t eaten (eat)
so much food at the party.
1 Paul (not get) a large
0 A man is playing his music loud in the flat next door to
bill if he (not buy) lots
of clothes from the store.
I wish he would turn down his music.
2 Emily (not have)
1 A woman is talking on her mobile phone in the cinema
to pay full price for the bottle of perfume if she
during a film. (remember) her
I wish she on her
mobile phone during the film.
3 If he (not put)
2 A man is taking up the last seat on the train with his bag
the right pin code in, the cash machine
and you can’t sit down. (take) his card.
I wish he his bag.
4 If Sara (not put) the
3 You are in a hurry, but a woman in front of you in the
timer on she (burn)
queue to buy a bus ticket is being very slow.
the food.
I wish she .
5 Hannah (not have) to
4 Two young boys are running around and shouting in the
wait for another day to be delivered her new TV if she
doctor’s surgery where you are waiting. (be) in when they
I wish they running
first came.
around and shouting.
5 A dog has been barking all day in the garden next to you.
I wish the dog so
6 Complete the regrets using I wish about the past and
the verbs in brackets.
0 You want to exchange something at a shop but you left
4 Complete the third conditional sentences with the the receipt at home.
correct form of the verbs below. I wish I had brought (bring) the receipt to the shop.
1 You can’t find your school diary with your homework
not charge not download notes.
not give raise not see tell (not loose) my school
diary with my homework.
0 If I had paid with a debit card, I wouldn’t have been 2 You’re walking home and it’s raining. You don’t have an
charged interest. umbrella.
1 If they had held the charity concert, they (have) an umbrella
a lot of money. with me.
2 If the shop me they 3 Last week I bought a new coat at full price. This week it’s
couldn’t refund the clothes, I wouldn’t have bought on sale.
them. (wait) until the sales to
3 I those songs for free buy the coat.
off of the internet if I had known it was illegal. 4 You’ve forgotten what your mum wants you to buy from
4 People so much money the supermarket.
if they hadn’t televised the disaster appeal on TV. (remember) what my
5 The charity event wouldn’t have happened if Robert mum wanted me to buy from the supermarket.
the news report about 5 You spent too much money shopping.
the famine in Africa on TV. (spend) so much
money shopping.
Grammar total 30

Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 3 TEST Consolidation 99

1 Match to indicate what the following information
What a Difference a Day Makes by Lara Reed refers to.
This week, we’re looking back at one of the biggest 0 G8 leaders A
charity events of the 21st century. 1 Jay-Z __
2 Bob Geldoff __
Twenty years after the charity concert Live Aid, another
3 Live Aid __
concert took place with the object to highlight the
4 $25 billion __
problem of global poverty and to help people affected 5 Live 8 __
by it. Live 8 coincided with the 20th Anniversary of 6 £3 million __
Live Aid and took place on the 2nd July 2005. Ten 7 £1.50 __
simultaneous concerts were run in different cities
A leaders of the world’s most powerful countries
around the world, including London, Philadelphia,
B amount given by the G8 to poor nations before Live 8
Paris and Johannesburg. It took place days before the
C charity concert that took place in 2005
G8 summit, an annual meeting between the leaders D money Live 8 raised through text messages
from the world’s most powerful countries. E price of a text message to enter the ticket lottery
More than 1,000 musicians performed at the concerts, for Live 8
which were broadcasted on 182 television networks F charity concert which took place in 1985
around the world, and it reached a global audience of G singer taking part in Live 8
H organizer of the charity concert Live 8
30 billion people. It featured many of the major music
stars of the time, from U2, Madonna and Coldplay in 7
London, to Jay-Z, Stevie Wonder and Bon Jovi in the
2 Read the article again and answer the questions.
States. It wouldn’t have been such a success if it hadn’t
got the support from so many people around the According to the figures from the article, …
world. 0 how long was it between the two charity concerts?
Twenty years.
According to the Live 8 organizer Bob Geldof, the events 1 how many concerts took place simultaneously during
raised more than £3 million through the text message the charity event?
lottery system for tickets. Tickets for the London event
were free, just a fee of £1.50 was charged to send a text. 2 how many people performed at the concerts?
Live 8 was not a fundraising event, but an attempt to
raise political awareness about the issues of people 3 what number of television networks broadcasted the
suffering from poverty in Africa. And it did just that. event?

In July that year, the G8 leaders pledged to double the
4 how many people watched the concert around the
previous year’s levels of aid to poor nations from US$25
billion to US$50 billion and half of the money was to

go to Africa. Without the charity concert it’s difficult 5 what was the total amount raised through ticket sales?
to believe the leaders of the countries would have
promised to give so much money. 6 how much did it cost to try and win a ticket?

7 how much did G8 leaders promise to give to poor nations
after the concert?

8 how much aid would be given to Africa?

Reading total 15

100 Unit 3 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015
1 5 Listen to a TV programme and answer the 1 Choose the correct answer, A or B.
questions. 0 A time expression to introduce a description of the
Who… current situation in an introduction.
0 would keep money if they found some in the street? A on the one hand
Michelle B nowadays
1 wouldn’t make a fraudulent claim? 1 An expression to lead into the main part of the essay.
A But does it tempt you to spend more money?
2 wouldn’t keep a wallet if they found it in the street? B In conclusion, I think that
2 An expression to introduce the first set of arguments.
3 says they think they are trustworthy? A on the other hand
B on the one hand
4 thinks it’s OK to lie sometimes? 3 An expression to introduce an additional idea.
A what’s more
5 wouldn’t keep quiet if they were undercharged B in conclusion
in a shop? 4 An expression to express contrast.
A on the other hand
6 says they are a moral person? B on the one hand
5 An expression to introduce the writer’s overall opinion.
7 would lie to a friend so their feelings wouldn’t get hurt? A on the other hand
B in conclusion
7 5

2 5 Listen again and complete the sentences. 2 Choose one of the essay titles below. Write a discussion
essay about the topic in 150-175 words. Use expressions
0 The topic of The Big Question TV programme is morals and
to introduce ideas and organize an essay.
the ethics of everyday life.
1 A recent survey found that - Keeping money you’ve found isn’t wrong.
are generally more honest. - It’s better to tell the truth than to be dishonest.
2 Malcolm is a . - People aren’t as moral and ethical as they imagine.
3 Michelle is a .
4 Malcolm was when he
first heard the results of the survey.
5 Michelle believes that it comes down to the
and the situation
whether someone would be dishonest or not.
6 Michelle thinks you have to be

to find money in the street.

7 Malcolm believes people should always

8 Michelle wouldn’t lie to someone

Listening total 15

Writing total 15
Speaking 10

Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 3 TEST Consolidation 101

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