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The Pandemic: Is E-Voting The Way Forward?
People are bound to feel uncomfortable lining up to vote in person in the middle of a global pandemic. Voting in
person goes against these guidelines.
Voters face a choice: Go to the polls to vote but potentially expose themselves to the virus, or stay home and miss
out on voting altogether. And if people are forced to make this decision, the country could see a lower voter.
Democracy is based on the will of the people, and turnout from a wide and representative portion of society is key
to their voices being heard ( Forbes Teknology Council, Oktober 2020)
Are mail-in votes the answer?
Some U.S. senators have floated the possibility of the presidential election being carried out
by mail-in votes. A Okta report examining the state of digital identity found that 67% of
Americans support the use of a mail-in ballot system to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

mail-in votes

a mail-in ballot system)

Is the future of voting online?

(Some countries have already implemented successful digital processes when it comes to voting.
Estonia, for example, has proved an e-voting model can safeguard the process for millions of
citizens. So, what are the benefits?)

The ability to vote by a mobile device could significantly speed up the process. With 81% of U.S. adults
saying they own a smartphone and over 70% having a driver’s license, imagine being able to vote from the
comfort of your own home. Mobile applications could be used in place of, or alongside, polling stations.
Voters today can remotely and securely verify their identity by taking a photo of their government-issued ID
and a selfie. This process then binds that person to their electronic ballot.
It isn’t just the U.S. elections that could benefit from e-voting systems. Covid-19 has had an impact across
the world, and many other elections are facing a similar scenario.
The benefits of a secure, convenient online voting system could have an impact globally. In places where
elections have seen corruption in the past, perhaps it could even create a fairer and more democratic
Ilustrasi Sederhana Logistik Pemilu Secara Konvensional
Pengadaan/Pencetak § Perlengkapan Pemungutan suara (kotak
an Perlengkapan suara, surat suara, tinta, bilik suara,
Pemilu dan segel, dsb)
kelengkapan lainnya § perlengkapan lainnya (tanda pengenal,
kantong plastik, lem, kabel
ties/gembok, dsb)
Distribusi Logistik Secara berjenjang; satker provinsi,
kabupaten/kota, hingga TPS
Alternatif Logistik Pemilu dengan Teknologi (muara ke e-Voting)
e-voting from home
Pendataan § Optimalisasi manfaat NIK (warga negara di
dalam negeri).
§ Manfaatkan kebijakan registrasi No. gadget/HP
terintegrasi dengan NIK
§ Pen-Zona-an aplikasi digital pemilu, dilakukan
dengan pertimbangan wilayah yang terjangkau
dan belum terjangkau jaringan internet.
§ WN di luar negeri, perlengkapan surat suara
melalui aplikasi digital
Pelengkapan Surat suara § Zona yang terjangkau internet, dilakukan melalui
dan formulir rekapitulasi aplikasi e-voting pemilu
terintegrasi dengan aplikasi § Zona yang belum terjangkau internet, dilakukan
digital dengan metode kovensional.
Distribusi Logistik idem

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