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The Ultimate

Offer Formula
WORKBOOK: The Simple Framework
for Making a Solid Pitch that Works

With Frank Kern


The Ultimate Offer Formula: The Simple Framework for

Making a Solid Pitch that Works

Welcome to the Ultimate Offer Formula. This training is perfect for you:

 If you want to convert more from your sales videos.

 If you want to convert better on webinars, whether they're live or
 If, in your sales letters, you want to actually make the pitch, and have
the pitch work and feel non-smarmy, and have the customer actually
happy when you're delivering the pitch.
 If you've ever felt nervous about making the sale.
 If you ever put off writing copy or trying to make a pitch because you
have a little bit of mental resistance around it.

The bottom line is this very simple framework can totally revolutionize the
way you sell and ultimately make your conversions better and make the process
of selling more enjoyable for both you
and your prospects and your customers.

Before we begin, I want to share with

you some really good news.

People love to buy stuff. I mean we

all do.

Our culture, as a matter of fact, really celebrates the fact that we buy things.
It's almost like making a purchase is now an accomplishment.
© 2016 Frank Kern

He with the most toys truly has won the game, at least in the perception of
modern society. That's good.

People like to buy. That psychology's in your favor.

The bad news is that we are brainwashed to believe that selling is bad.

Oftentimes we'll pull our punches out of fear that people are going to be angry
with us.

It's okay. It's normal. Of course

society loves to buy, but they hate to be
sold. We've all heard that axiom.

Here's the deal. The reality of the

situation is that selling is actually good,
but being an asshole about it is bad.

So here's what we're going to do. I've broken this training down into a couple
of sections.

 The first section is preparing you to actually make a pitch and make a
sale by getting your head right and de-weird-ifying any beliefs you
might have around selling.
 Second, I'm going to show you and give you some actual closing scripts
and samples and structures that you can deploy immediately.

Part #1: Preparing for the Close

Let's get started with step number one, and that is preparing for the close.

© 2016 Frank Kern


1. First thing you've got to do is you want to get your head right. You've
got to understand that your mind is one of the biggest obstacles you
can have to making a sale.
2. The second thing we want to do is, in order to avoid making people
angry, we always want to deliver value before the pitch.
3. The third step in this process is going to be you want to know their
objections before you actually start pitching.

If we can get all three of these things done by the time it comes for you to make
that pitch, their resistance will be a lot lower. Your job will be easier. You won't
have to really feel weirded out about it.

Let me show you some concrete examples.

1. Get Your Head Right

First of all, let's talk about getting your head right.

The number one reason that you don't close is because you're afraid. I know
that's a little bit overly blunt and
potentially aggressive, but it's true.

Here's the thing. You're going to

worry about, “What if they get mad at
you?” Well that's normal.

What if they get mad because you've sold them too hard? Or maybe you've
had some experiences in the past where you were in sales and people were
unkind to you. I certainly had that.

© 2016 Frank Kern


Then there's always the fear of what if they say something bad about you?
What if they just talk badly about you on the internet? Which of course, nobody
ever does that, right? "Everybody online is friendly," said nobody ever.

What if they say, "no"? I've seen so many people in print, in video, in webinars,
be afraid to make the pitch because they were worried that someone was going
to say "no." So they would rather stay in limbo and just keep following up. That's
all going to totally mess you up.

What If They Get Mad?

Let's address them one by one. First of all, what if they get mad? Well here's
the deal. The first rule to combat this is simply don't be an asshole when it comes
to selling.

If you're following rule number one, which is don't be an asshole, then they
probably won't get mad.

The fact of the matter is if you're worried about this, and you're actually
friendly to people and you're genuinely helping them before it's time for you to
make the sale, then you're probably not really at risk of people getting angry at
you or speaking ill of you, and you're just letting fear control you.

You're letting your fear get in your way. Stop doing that.

Here's something that I really want you to understand if you're pulling your
punches, and you're not selling to the best of your ability because you're afraid
people will get mad at you for trying to make a living

It's literally like sitting down and writing those clowns a check.

© 2016 Frank Kern


If you're worried that someone's going to speak ill of you and someone's going
to not like you and someone's going to talk bad about you on Facebook… and
because of that fear you are deliberately or subconsciously not selling to the best
of your ability… it is literally just like sitting down, writing a check out to Pay to
the Order of “Haters” a sum of $1 million or whatever it is.

It's exactly like writing them a check. It's a pretty unique way to look at it, but
it's true.

Here's the thing. If you're doing that, you're stealing money from your family.

Stop letting your family down in order to please people

who will never buy from you anyway.

Now here's the other rule. We have two things about, “What if they get mad?”

Rule number one is don't be uncool to people and they probably won't get
mad. Rule number two is,
some people are going to
get mad no matter what.

You ever had that

happen? You give your
best material out and
you're as helpful as you
possibly can be to the
market and some people are just infuriated with you over the fact that you're
trying to make a living by helping them.

© 2016 Frank Kern


It doesn't matter. You can send them a $100 bill in the mail and they'll be mad
at you that it wasn't $200, or they will be mad at you for insinuating that they
needed $100. Some people you just can't please.

Well here's how to deal with those people. See above.

If you know that some people are going to get mad anyway, no matter what
you do, you might as well just keep on doing the best you can and not worry about

The thing that you can really control is part number one, don't be a butt hole.

How to NOT be an Asshole

Here's how not to be a butt hole when it comes to selling. First of all, besides
the obvious, there's a few ways to overcome it.

#1: Only Preach to the Choir

Step number one is only preach to the choir.

Here's what I mean by

that. People who hate
direct response, hate
selling, hate advertising,
and think that capitalism
is bad, are never going to
like me no matter what.

It doesn't matter what I'm doing, these people are going to think I'm the worst
person ever because they have this belief system. “Direct response advertising is
bad. Sales is bad. I hate advertising. Capitalism is bad.”

© 2016 Frank Kern


It doesn't matter what I do. I can be the nicest person ever, help these people
beyond belief. They're still going to hate me because their belief system doesn't
match up. If I'm trying to sell to these, I'm basically doing the opposite of this right
here. I'm not preaching to the choir.

You always want to be delivering your sales presentations to

people who are predisposed to want to buy from you.

The way we do this is we target our ads properly. We call out to the choir, so
to speak, in our copy before they are able to see a sales presentation, etc.

I'll give you another example. As you know, I like to sell stuff about turning
advertising into profit. That's what we're all about. Wannabes or get-rich-quick
people would easily categorize me as being an asshole because that's easier than
actually working.

Let's say you're in fitness and you're selling, "If you want to get fit, work out
really, really hard, and watch your diet." Well people who are super lazy and are
only looking for a quick fix are going to hate on you because hating on you is
actually easier than doing the work that is necessary to get the results that you're
trying to help them get.

You want to avoid these people. There are ways you can do it in copy. There
are ways you can do it in your targeting for your ads. But these are people to be

If you're only preaching to the choir, metaphorically speaking, if you're only

trying to sell to people who are predisposed to already be in agreement with your
way of thinking, you're really going to not have this issue, assuming that you're
nice to them.

© 2016 Frank Kern


Another example is committed functioning entrepreneurs who like direct

response will be cool with just about anything, except for lies and insult.

If I'm trying to sell my type of stuff to people and I have a choice of who to sell
to, the folks that I want are people who are highly committed to long term
thinking; that are doing real business; that are actually selling things on the

They're not the get-rich-quick, one-click-wonder type of people. They are true
entrepreneurs and they're students of direct response. These guys are going to
be pretty much cool with anything I do as long as I'm not dishonest with them or
as long as I don't insult them.

So let me ask you a question: Do you intend to be dishonest with people? Do

you intend to insult them? Of course not.

You can achieve this goal right here by simply avoiding the wrong people and
only preaching to the choir.

#2: Polarize Right from the Beginning

Step number two, interestingly enough, is going to be to polarize right from
the beginning.

Polarize and not being an asshole kind of don't really go together, because one
of the ways you polarize is you offend people. That's interesting, but think about
this. The more repulsive you are to people you don't want, the more magnetic you
will be to the people who you do want. Now doesn't that make sense? Of course
it does.

You don't have to be confrontational about this, but it's totally okay to become
confrontational if you want to be.

© 2016 Frank Kern


If you're polarizing, the people who are predisposed to like you are going to
like you more because you're saying, "Hey, this is not for..."

Now in the example I gave you earlier, let's say, "This is not for people who hate
exercise. This is not for people who want to sit on the couch and eat ice cream all
day. This is not for someone who's looking for an easy button. If you truly want to
take control of your health and your fitness, you need to be committed to doing
whatever it takes to extend your life, have the most energy you can, so you can take
better care of your family and enjoy the quality of life that you deserve. Now if you're
not that person then this isn't for you."

That little chunk right there is an example of polarizing.

Now the people who

want to sit on the couch
and eat Doritos all day,
who are going to hate you
anyway, are already going
to be turned off.

The people who are

going to be the choir,
metaphorically, they're going to like you even more.

Once you polarize and be ultra-magnetic to the

ones you want, you have a higher level of affinity
with them, which makes your closing process easier.

Yes, this is a training about closing. I'm trying to help you set up the stage for
the ultimate close.

© 2016 Frank Kern


Let me give you an example of this. A while back, I ran a survey to people who
had registered for some training online. I had about 25,000 people do it.

In the survey, I said, "Would you like me to show you how to turn advertising
into sales, as opposed to relying on affiliates
and stuff?"

The numbers were pretty impressive.

Most people really wanted to learn how to
create advertising into sales.

Here's how I used this to polarize.

Obviously, my choir, so to speak, is

someone who is predisposed to want to

My ultimate person is someone who actually has a business, who's into

advertising and they're not looking for an easy button. That's who I want to

If I know that people who don't want to advertise, who aren't serious about
business, who aren't really entrepreneurs, who are into get-rich-quick and all
that stuff, are the type of people that I really just don't want as customers… and
they're probably going to end up hating on me anyway because I'm telling them
the opposite of what they want to hear… I might as well get rid of them.

I might as well just try to push them away because that's going to be very
magnetic to the ones that I do want.

Here are two examples of how I did it. I tried two different ways.

© 2016 Frank Kern


The nice way was just to say:

"Hey, you know what, if you're in this little minority here who said, ‘I only care
about free traffic’… this 4.30%..., you know, this probably isn't for you. You're
probably not going to like my training. You might just want to leave the training

That got a little bit of response from the people who are on the training.
They're like, "Yes, you know, thanks so much for being forthcoming. I agree. I'm
committed. I'm an

Some people are like, "Hey,

you know what? I'm not into this.
Affiliate marketing's great. Free
traffic's wonderful."

I'm like, "Okay. Great. This isn't for you. Good luck with everything you do. I'm
glad we got this out of the way."

Now that was my old polarization. The next thing I did was I tested it again,
and I became very confrontational about it. I said:

"Listen, if you're one of these 4.30% who only cares about free traffic, I do not
want to help you and I refuse to do so, because the fact of the matter is you're not
really an entrepreneur. If you're not willing to put forth risk into your marketplace,
then you just aren't actually an entrepreneur. By sheer definition, an entrepreneur
is someone who takes risk. There's no risk in free traffic. Basically what you are is
you're a freeloader. The fact of the matter is I don't want to help you. Get off of my

© 2016 Frank Kern


I wish that you could've been there to see the reaction from that.

I had very little yip-yap from the undesirable folks, who were just freeloaders
that don't want to actually do real business.

But the real people that I did want… this group of people who genuinely
wanted to be able to better at advertising and run real businesses instead of just
get rich quick, dumb schemes… they went bonkers.

They loved it. They rallied around that principle like it was a rallying cry of
battle against those who were solely responsible for the decimation of society. It
was absolutely unbelievable. It's a classic example of polarization at work.

When you polarize and you're deliberately repulsive to the ones who are most
likely going to say no anyway… the ones who are most likely going to talk bad
about you anyway, and the ones who are most likely to not like you no matter
how cool you are… when you try to repel those people, the ones who you want
are going to be more magnetically attracted to your message, and they're going
to be more set up for when you go to make your pitch.

Yes, this is ultimately about making a pitch, so stay with me.

#3: Be Brutally Honest

Continuing down this vein, step number three is to be brutally honest.

If you have a bit of fear around, “What's going to happen if they find out when
I go in to make a pitch, are they going to get mad at me for selling or whatever?”
what you want to do is be straight up and brutally honest with them about the
fact that you're going to try to sell them something.

© 2016 Frank Kern


This makes it a lot less uncomfortable for you when it comes time to actually
make a pitch.

Even if this is a VSL or a webinar or a group sales presentation or whatever, if

they know going in that you're going to make an offer, you're not going to have
that pressure to try to be perfect at making the offer. You're not going to feel like
you're sneaking it in on them.

Let me give you some language examples around this that have really worked
for me.

“I think some of the best advice out there is, ‘Do unto others as you would have
them do unto you.’ I don't know about you, but I like it when people are up front
with me regarding their intentions.

If you and I were working together, I'd want you to be upfront with me about
your intentions. Because of that, I'm going to be really upfront with you about mine.

In this video [or webinar or letter or whatever], I'm going to show you X, Y, Z, so
when we're done, you'll
really know how to A, B, C.

Now obviously that's

just results and topics. I'm
just giving you a variable

At the end, I'm going to

offer you my product. I'm not going to be obnoxious or disrespectful about it, but
I'm going to do the best I can to show you how valuable it is so you'll try it.

© 2016 Frank Kern


Now some people don't like that. That's okay. I understand. If you're one of those
people, then just go ahead, hang up, or leave this page right now, or just be sure to
leave when I start talking about it.”

Here's what's interesting about that. That just gave me total permission to
really sell as aggressively as I want to sell, once I'm done doing our first critical
step – which is always deliver genuine value before you ever go in to make a pitch.

That way, you've genuinely helped people. You've demonstrated you can help
them by helping them. And it makes everything a lot easier.

If you do that, sure, some people who would've never bought from you
anyway are going to leave, or they're just not going to buy.

That's okay, because the ones who are the right people are going to appreciate
you that much more, because you're one of the only people – if not the single only
person in your marketplace – who was actually upfront and cool to them, which
is never done.

Remember, most buyers are very, very jaded. Everyone feels like they've been
mistreated. They're highly skeptical. So the cooler that we can be to them, the
greater their trust in us is going to be. It's like the circle of goodwill. It always
comes around.

Get Your Head Right: Haters

Now let's talk about haters. Another reason you might not be selling to the
best of your ability is fear of haters – people who are saying bad things about you,
or who might say bad things about you.

Apparently there are haters on the internet. Who knew? The internet is like
90% haters!
© 2016 Frank Kern

Well here's the deal. Unless you are completely invisible and totally unknown,
people are going to say bad things about you.

People have said bad things about Gandhi. They have said bad things about
Mother Teresa. If you pick the most beloved figures in history and start Googling
them, you will find people saying bad things about them.

Pick deity of choice, religious leader of choice, philanthropist of choice. It

doesn't matter who they are. There are people out there saying they're terrible

It doesn't matter what you do, there are going to people out
there that are going to say bad things about you.

Go figure. Especially on the internet where there's really no repercussions and

they can do so under the veil of anonymity.

Here's how to deal with it.

Number one, make

sure they're not right. If
what you're selling is
genuinely good, and
you're honest and up
front about things, and
you're not being a butt
hole, then in the
inevitable event that you do make mistakes, you fix them, then they're not going
to be right, and you can basically ignore it.

© 2016 Frank Kern


Thing number two is if they are right, which is going to happen… you will
make a mistake eventually, we all do… If you do get hated on for screwing up and
you actually have screwed up, simple process.

Own it, "Damn, I screwed up." Fix it, "It's fixed now. Thanks for bringing it to
my attention." Boom. End of problem. There you go.

If they're not right and they're just hating on you, which is definitely going to
happen, then ignore it. It's not going to make you any money.

Don't be the guy who says to your children, "Hey congratulations, kids, on
getting into Harvard. Unfortunately, daddy can't pay the tuition, because he was
afraid that AssClown_69 might call him names on Twitter."

If you are letting this fear diminish your willingness to actually sell, then that's
essentially what you're doing.

You are deliberately making a choice not to do business to the best of your
ability because you have this fear of the inevitable people, acting typically under
the guise of anonymity, disagreeing with what you say… AKA hating on you on
the internet.

It's not going to kill you if they do, which is inevitable. Make sure they're not
right. If they're right, fix it. That's it. Simple, simple thing.

If you give into that fear, frankly, you deserve to lose.

If you give in to the fear of the haters and you deliberately

pull your punches, you deserve not to have the success. It is
actually a self-inflicted would.

© 2016 Frank Kern


Here's the deal. Success does not reward the weak. Period.

Don't be weak. Be strong.

Understand that people are going to hate on you. It doesn't matter. As long
as you're being cool, as long as you're taking good care of people, as long as
you're doing the right thing, as long as they're not right, move on. Proceed
anyway. Let your success be the best revenge.

Get Your Head Right: Fear of ‘No’

Another thing that can mess up your head here when it comes to selling is the
fear of “no.” It’s totally normal. It used to happen to me when I was a car salesman
back in the day.

I was the worst car salesman ever. Someone would come to the lot. I wouldn't
make the sale right when they were there. My job was to follow-up with them. I
would be terrified to follow-up with them, because I would be afraid that they
would say no, and I wouldn't have a deal working.

It was almost like having the illusion of a prospect who hadn't yet said no felt
better than getting that no. I just would never go for the sale, because I was afraid
of the no. For some reason, it was more rewarding to be doing all of this useless
work than just, "Hey, yes or no? Do you want it or not? We’ve got stuff to do."

It's normal if you have that fear.

Here's the thing. Most people are going to say no. We are in direct response.
That's what follow-up marketing and automation is for. If most people did not say
no, you would have a 51% conversion rate or better, which is basically unheard
of in direct response.

© 2016 Frank Kern


If you had that kind of conversion rate, David Ogilvy and Claude Hopkins
would rise from the grave and carry you into direct response heaven on a golden

Here's the thing… When it comes to selling stuff online, a no just means “Not
now,” or “Show me
something else,” or “I
need more value first.”

It does not mean, "Oh

my God. I hate you and I'm
going to kill you and I'm
never going to buy
anything from you again.

Half the time, a no just means, “I wasn't paying attention. I didn't even really
understand the offer.”

Don't be this guy: "Hey, sorry, mom, I can't pay for your in-home care, because
I was afraid people would say no, so I didn't really go for it, but hey, this nursing
home has great mashed potatoes. Enjoy yourself."

I know that's a little bit strong, but that's the reality of it.

If you let your fear get in the way, you are letting everybody down.

Everyone who depends on you is being let down

by your fear of people saying no.

Some are definitely going to say no. Just be nice to them and move on. It's okay.

© 2016 Frank Kern


2. Always Deliver Value Before the Pitch

Step number two in making the sale easier is to always deliver value before
the pitch. It's just normal and it helps your sale.

Here's how.

The more real value you give people in advance of

asking for the money, the more receptive they're going
to be to your offer, and ultimately, your close.

Think about this from a dating perspective. Let's say you're a single guy.
You're looking for a wife. You want to find the mother of your children. Do you
honestly think that you're going to go to a bar, get some girl drunk, and have sex
with her and then there you go, she's going to be the one? Probably not. You're
willing to invest the time in the right relationship.

You need to view every business transaction as being worth that much effort,
being worth the right relationship.

You should always deliver value before the pitch. You don't have to go and
grab people by the throat and say, "Buy right now or else everything's going to be
terrible." That's not necessary. Online we have the ability to follow-up so much.

I'll give you a hypothetical situation. We're going to try to close a business
owner. I'm me, basically. I want to sell automation stuff to someone with a
business, who wants to sell online.

What I should really do, A, is recognize, if the guy wants to sell stuff online,
there's all kinds of stuff I can help him do.

© 2016 Frank Kern


There's all kinds of things he needs to do in order to sell stuff online. He needs
to get traffic. He needs to capture leads. He needs to create compelling offers.

Let's say that I showed him how to do these three things. He's opted in for a
free report, I give him some videos, “Here's how to get some more traffic. By the
way, now that you’ve got some traffic, it's probably a good idea to capture some
leads instead of just sending
them straight to a buy page; it
usually works better. If you're
going to try to sell them
something, here's a way to
structure those offers so that
they're compelling.”

If I help him do all of this stuff, the next logical thing that he's going to need to
do and likely want to do is now start automating his sales and his fulfillment and

If I help him get all of these in advance of the sale, he is going to, by very virtue
of gravity, want this from me. I could be like, "Hey, how's all that stuff going?"
"Pretty good." "You know what. How would you like it if it was automated now,
so you can make everything a little bit more consistent?"

"Man, that would be great." "Okay, you want me to help you do it?" "Sure."
That would be the whole pitch. It would be relatively simple. Guess what? You
can actually do all of this stuff. You should do all of this stuff.

The fact of the matter is people online don't usually buy immediately. People
on webinars don't usually buy immediately. Have you ever done a webinar and
closed most of them? Probably not. It's normal. They need more value.

© 2016 Frank Kern


The more value you give people in advance of the sale,

the easier that sale is going to be.

3. Know the Objections Beforehand

The third step is to know your objections beforehand. Everybody's going to
have objections. Fact.

Here's the thing. If you don't address them before you make your offer and
before the close, all they're going to be thinking about while you're selling is the

You could be showing them the coolest things ever and they could be
unbelievable, and their entire mind is going to be focused on, "Yeah, but what
about this? What about that?"

Here's the thing. You want to address them before the close. You do it during
that part where you're actually delivering value. You can also address them in the
close itself and you'll definitely address them after the close in the stacks that I
show you in a separate

By the way, if I were

trying to sell you a course
on how to close things, I
just did it to you.

I just brought up your

objections: “What if they
get mad at me? What if they say bad things about me on the internet? What if they
say, ‘No’?” Those are the three biggest objections when it comes to sales.
© 2016 Frank Kern

This entire chunk here could be modeled and turned into a pre-pitch value
delivery, which is 100% overcoming the objections.

The name of this is to really understand what their objections are and
overcome those objections before you make the pitch, otherwise, they're going to
be worried about the objections.

Summary of Steps
Here's how I did it by the way.

First of all, get your head right.

Number one reason you don't close it is because you're afraid, “What if they
get mad? What if they say something bad about me on Facebook? What if they say

I demonize these objections, by the way. Pulling your punches because you're
afraid people will get mad at you for trying to make a living is like sitting down
and writing them a check. You're stealing money from your family when you do

Rule number two, some people are going to get mad. Next thing you're afraid
of is people saying bad things about you. Unless you're completely invisible and
totally unknown, people are definitely going to say bad things about you.

Don't be the guy that says, "Congratulations on getting into Harvard, honey.
Daddy can't pay the tuition, because he was afraid AssClown_69 might call him
names on Twitter."

I'm demonizing that objection. I'm also genuinely helping you overcome it.
Hopefully, this helps you not worry about haters as much.

© 2016 Frank Kern


Same with fear of no. If they didn't say no, you'd have a 51% conversion rate
or better. That makes that objection a lot easier. You're like, "Oh gosh. Maybe
everybody else has the same problem I do. It's not so bad."

Of course, it's not so bad. No one gets a 51% conversion rate or better. That's

I'm helping you overcome those objections before making the pitch. Now I
assure you, there is no pitch in this presentation, but I really set you up for one.
That's how you do that.

Part #2: The Close Formula

Now let's talk about the formula for engineering a close.

The Carltonian Formula

I'd like to call this one the Carltonian Formula. John Carlton taught me this
years and years ago when I was struggling with wrapping up a sales letter.

He was like, "Dude, it's the easiest formula: Here's what I’ve got; Here's what
it will do for you; Here's what I want you to do next."

It was a little more complex than that, but I really boiled it down to those
basics, and it works:

 Here's what I’ve got.

 Here's what it will do for you.
 Here's what I want you to do next.

After that, I started expanding on that formula, mainly because he was like,
"You know what? You left out some stuff."
© 2016 Frank Kern

The Carlton/Kern™ Formula

This eventually evolved to the Carlton/Kern formula. It should really just be
the Carlton Formula Expanded. I'm putting my name here for purely egotistical
reasons. Most of this was his idea.

Here's the formula:

 Here's what I’ve got.

 Here's what it will do for you.
 Here's how it works.
 Here's what I want you to do next.
 Here's why you should do it now.
 Here's why it's safe and smart. (This is where you would do a
guarantee or an anti-guarantee.)
 (Optional) Add bonuses or boosters such as price reduction.
 (Optional) Add scarcity.
 Finally, recap what you just said.

Here’s What I’ve Got

Let's go over each little chunk here. The “Here's what I’ve got” is basically
where you introduce your offer.

If I was selling a tomato

planter, I would say, "Today I
want to tell you about an exciting
new way to plant rows of tomato

I'm leading into, “Here's what

I’ve got.”
© 2016 Frank Kern

"It's a new machine called InstaRow. If you want more tomatoes with less
digging, this is for you." I'm literally now stating the name of the product. Here's
what I’ve got, a new machine called InstaRow.

Here’s What It’ll Do for You

The next phase here is, “Here's what it’ll do for you.” "What's great about
InstaRow is you just hold it where you want the plant to go and it does all the
digging, setting, and covering for you, and it does it faster than you could do it on
your own."

All we're doing here in this section is just stating benefits.

"This lets you plant more

tomatoes in less time without
having to do any manual labor. In
fact, it's so easy to use, you get
your stir-crazy grandkids out of
the house working in your garden
with you, and they'd actually
enjoy it.”

Here’s How It Works

Next thing we want to do is we really want to expand on how these benefits
are attained. It's never really good enough to say, "Here are all the benefits you're
going to receive," because people don't believe us.

We need to demonstrate how those benefits are actually gotten.

© 2016 Frank Kern


In this case, we'll say, "InstaRow's a simple five-pound machine that uses the
sun, gravity, and robotic engineering to plant tomatoes automatically while you

"You simply place the tip of the machine where you want the seedling to go and
press the green button. InstaRow's solar power battery powers the unit's entire
robotic system that actually digs the hole, plants the seed, mist the soil, and covers
it up for you.”

“The average seedling takes

12 seconds to plan automatically,
which is seven times faster than
planting the seedling by hand.
Plus, you're not bent over in the
sun with a sore back and blisters
on your hands. It's so light and
simple that it's safe even for grandkids five and over."

What I did there is I just explained how the benefits are going to be fulfilled.

It's not enough to say InstaRow plants tomato seeds for you automatically.
I've got to tell them how it works.

If you're selling information and it’s a multi-module course, you're going to

say, "Here are the modules you get."

Then you want to tell them how they get the benefits in each module.

Whatever it is, you really want to go deep into

how the benefits are gotten.

© 2016 Frank Kern


Here’s What I Want You to Do Next

The next phase is, of course, “Here's what I want you to do next.” This is where
we actually tell them to buy something.

"If you want more tomatoes and less callouses and backaches, I want to send
you an InstaRow today. The price is just $197 and that includes shipping. Right
below this video, you'll see a button that says, ‘Yes, I want more tomatoes.’ Click it
and tell me where to send your InstaRow. When you've done that, tell me how you'd
like to pay for it, and I'll rush it to
you right away."

I'm literally telling the buyer

exactly what to do.

First… “I want to send you an

InstaRow today.” That is a
friendlier way of saying, "I want
you to buy this."

They're both still dependent on the purchase. Everybody knows that.

The price is $197 and that includes shipping and here's where we're telling
them specifically what to do.

“Right below this video, you'll see a button that says, ‘Yes, I want more tomatoes.’
Click it and tell me where to send your InstaRow. When you've done that, tell me
how you'd like to pay for it and I'll rush it to you right away.”

Here’s Why You Should Do It Now

Our next step, we can't just tell them what to do. We have to give them an
incentive for doing it right now.

© 2016 Frank Kern


Otherwise, the human nature of procrastination will win. We are always

subject to gravity. In this case, gravity is human nature. The overwhelming human
nature when it comes to buying stuff is going to be procrastination.

It's also going to be self-doubt. Right now, we want to get rid of

procrastination, so we say, "Here's why you should do it now."

We could use price as one reason why. If we're using price, we would say,
"This is part of a special promotion. This price is going to go up in XX days."

Now if you're going to use something like that, any sort of deadline based
thing, you need to make sure that the deadline is actually real. You don't want to
have a fake deadline.

Another way to do it is you

could put a countdown timer on
your page that actually redirects
someone to an expired thing
when the countdown timer hits

There are several little applications like that out there, Countdown Monkey
being one of them.

Whatever it is, it's got to be real. If it's not real, you're probably violating some
regulations, and you're going to lose credibility with your audience. Deadlines
work but you always want to make them real.

One thing is going to be price. Another thing might be supply. This doesn't
involve a deadline. It does, however, need to be real.

© 2016 Frank Kern


You would say, "We only have a limited number of InstaRows in stock. They take
roughly five months to produce because they're built by hand. If you delay, you
might not be able to get this opportunity again for another five months and tomato
season will be over by then."

In this case, we're giving them an implied time constraint based on supply. If
it's logical and it's true… it's got to be true, obviously… if it's logical and true, use
it. You need to use everything you can.

In this case, we're using supply as a reason they should order right now. We
could actually stack these two. You could give a discount and you could talk about
the limited supply. Now that's making both of these two not double in power but
compound, which is great.

Another thing is to appeal to ego. Let's say we're selling education, “Here's why
you should enroll today to prove to yourself and your family you're not a talker or a
dreamer, but a doer.”

Another one is to sell against frustration. You can say, "Sure you can put this
off, but what's that going to get you? More callouses on your hands? More
backaches? Less plants? Less tomatoes? A smaller crop? Not as many fresh salads?
Not as many cans of tomatoes for the fall or for the winter?"

You get the idea. We sell against the thing that they don't want to do.

Here’s Why It’s Safe and Smart

Our next phase here after we've said, "Here's why you should do it now," we
need to reassure the buyer that it's a good idea to do it now.

This phase is basically, “Here's why it's safe and smart.”

© 2016 Frank Kern


One way we can do it is we could say, "Plus InstaRow offers you an

unconditional 100 plant guarantee. Use it to plant 100 seedlings and, if you can bear
to part with it, send it back for a full refund. We'll even cover the shipping." That's
a classic money back guarantee.

Notice that we're not saying,

"You have 30 days to check this
out." I'm actually going really
deeper into the guarantee.

Instead of saying, "Your

satisfaction is guaranteed." I'm saying, "Use it to plant 100 seedlings and, if you can
bear to part with it, send it back for a full refund. We'll even cover the shipping."

Always try to make it one better than you possibly could make it. Put yourself
in the shoes of your prospect and find out:

 How you're going to be able to put that person at ease.

 How you're going to be able to make them happy.
 How you’re going to be able to make them feel safe in that ordering

For selling something like this tomato planter, and as you can tell by the copy,
which is of course demonstration copy, it was designed to sell typically to an older
person with grandchildren. Well they don't want to be hassled by having to pay
for shipping.

They’ve heard 30 day guarantees before. We're making it more tangible. “Try
it for 100 plants and if you can bear to part with it, we'll even pick up the shipping
cost.” Always do your best when you’re writing the copy.

© 2016 Frank Kern


Alt: The Anti-Guarantee

Now what if you don't want to offer a guarantee? What if you want to be
repulsive to be people you don't want and magnetic to the people you do?

In some industries, there are people that buy stuff fully planning on getting a
refund. They buy it anyway, because they like it and they want to satiate their
curiosity, and they move on to the next one.

The "internet marketing" world often is synonymous with the “get rich quick”
world. In that world, lots of people like to just buy things, read them and never do
anything, get a refund so they can continue to buy the next one.

In that case, you want to be

repulsive to the customers you
don't want, you might use
something called the anti-

Here's how you word it for

the InstaRow buyers:
"InstaRow's for committed and serious gardeners only. If you're a dabbler or a
pretend gardener, who's not fully committed to this wonderful hobby, then it would
make sense to ask about a refund policy. We don't offer one, because the only reason
you wouldn't want to keep it is because you just didn't use it.

If you're not going to use it, please don't order. Let a real gardener have one
instead; they sure would appreciate it and so would we."

You'll notice there, we're being repulsive to people who aren't going to use
the machine but someone who views themselves as a serious tomato gardener

© 2016 Frank Kern


will be like, "I don't need that. I'm a real tomato gardener." It's almost like the
appeal to ego right there.

Those are your main steps of this Ultimate Close Formula.

Now we have ways of making this even better.

Optional – Bonuses and Boosters

Number one is bonuses and boosters. A bonus is obviously a bonus. A booster
is another reason why they should go ahead and order now. It's usually going to
be like a price cut or something. It boosts response, thus the name booster.

We can say something like, "But if you order today, I have great news. As part
of the special promotion, we're taking $50 off the already discounted price and
letting you have an InstaRow for just $147."

That's a booster. I have

dropped the price to boost the
response. It's not a bonus. It's a
booster. I've done something to
boost that response. That's
where we get the name booster.

Now we could also stack it. We could say, "Plus, when you take us up on this
generous offer, you'll get a second InstaRow for free."

Now I've added a bonus. I've cut price and added bonus after making the close,
which was preceded by goodwill and genuinely helping someone. You see how all
these stuff comes together now and really makes the selling process a lot more
effective? This is how it works.

© 2016 Frank Kern


Optional – Scarcity
Our next thing we can do is to add scarcity if you can do it legitimately. Please
don't make it up. If you're going to take the offer away, you have to really take it

You can do it in an automated fashion with deadline timers and Infusionsoft

funnels and cool stuff, and putting redirects on your pages and smart links and all
that kind of stuff.

Scarcity works. That's the bottom line. It works. That's why everybody uses it.
You just don't want to abuse it. Use it properly like you would want someone to
use it on you.

You would say in this case, "But there's a catch." We just presented our
InstaRow offer.

We presented the bonuses and stuff.

Now we say, "Hey, but there's a catch. This discount and the extra InstaRow for
free is only available for X days, minutes, weeks, etc."

For some reason, whenever I'm doing a deadline, I always do it for four days.
I have no rational reason for doing it for four days.

I've always just randomly chosen four days. It's always worked really, really

If you're ever wondering how long should I make the deadline for? Four days
has worked pretty good.

I never tested it against anything else of course, but it's always worked so well
that I never bothered to test it against anything else.
© 2016 Frank Kern

If we were to use the four days, we say, "But there's a catch. This discount and
the extra InstaRow for free is only available for four days."

Or you can limit the quantity.

You can say, "This offer is limited to the first 31 customers only because we don't
have enough inventory to match the demand for more."

You could also combine those and say, "This is limited to four days or the next
31 customers only, whichever comes first."

This formula right here is the ultimate formula for making an offer.

Now that we've broken it down into a little process, and you know how every
step works, and you've seen the scripting for each step, there's really no reason
why you just can't restructure an offer following this formula to get more sales

That’s especially if:

 You go into this offer not being afraid of the people are going to say no,
and not worrying about not making people mad.
 You precede making this offer by really helping the customer in
advance of trying to sell them something.

This InstaRow offer, obviously, we're using it as an example and if there's a

product called InstaRow, it's coincidental.

In this example, had I preceded making this pitch with a series of articles or
videos or even a webinar presentation about…

 How to choose the right soil

© 2016 Frank Kern


 What types of families of tomatoes are best in certain geographical

 Tips on when to water
 Tips on when to plant
 Tips on fertilizer for maximum yield, etc.

… and then made this pitch, of course my conversion would be a lot better,
because I would've whetted their appetite for more tomatoes.

I'd have gotten them really engaged in the hobby of gardening and I would've
demonstrated authority and capability and trustworthiness by genuinely helping

This offer formula by itself is great.

In combination with being of genuine value prior to asking for the sale, it's

I hope you enjoyed this training. I look forward to hearing your results from
it soon.

© 2016 Frank Kern

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