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Editorial Notes

Set up of editorial
Background on Laws

Roe v Wade (1973) could be Planned Parenthood of SE PA Whole Woman’s Health V

used as the first case to show v. Casey (1992) could be used Hellerstedt (2016) could be
the original decision on in order to show the used in order to show that the
abortion laws. This case sets developments made in laws against abortions are
up and shows the precedent abortion laws and that courts uncinstitutional. This could
on abortion laws and many still sided with the original also strengthen the Roe v
courts followed the outcome decision in Roe v. Wade. Wade argument because they
of this case. sided with it again.
Roe v. Wade (1973) - Court struck down the criminal ban of
abortions in Texas and held that women
have the right to terminate a pregnancy.
This right is a “fundamental right” and
the ability to decide is fundamental to a
woman’s “personal liberty”
- Court made the laws on abortions strict
while recognizing the interests of the
potential life and the woman’s health
This shows that the courts agree that women
have the fundamental right to an abortion. By
Overview and how it supports stricking down the criminal ban on abortions the
argument. Courts are setting a precendant for future laws
in relation to abortion. These laws cannot be
ones banning abortions
- Says that the idea that a woman would
need the consent of her husband is an
Planned undue burden therefore invalid
- A law is held as unconstitutional if it

Parenthood of Se poses an undue burden on a woman at a

stage of her pregnancy before the fetus

Pa v. Casey (1992)
has become viable.
- Justice O’Conner wrote that the essence
of Roe was that a woman’s right to have
an abortion is fundamental
This further proves the point because the
Courts once again sided with the decision in Roe
Overview and how it relates v. Wade. The Courts set up a woman's right to
privacy in relation to abortions. This shows that
a womans abortion is for her and her alone.
- Court struck down a texas law thar was
designed to shut down abortion clinnics with
unneccissary restrictions

Whole Woman’s - Texas instated laws that singles out women’s

health care providers with the efforts of

Health v. -
driving them out of practice
Texas gov Rick Perry “an ideal world is one

Hellerstedt (2016)
without abortion. Until then, we will continue
to pass laws to ensure they are as rare as
- Courts once again sided with the original
decision made in Roe v. Wade
This decision further established womens
Overview and how it relates
right to an abortion by placing protections
over those who provide them.
Counterargument Refuting
One big counter argument is that is The reason people think it is immoral is often in
immoral. Another counter argument often relation to their religion. That is their own choice but
religion must be kept separate from state. Every
present is that is murder. Some also say
person also has a right to moral agency.
adoption is an option.
To refute the murder argumet, the fact that the fetus
is not viable in legal abortions could be brought up.
The Supreme Court set up a guide on when abortions
are legal to protect the viable fetus.

While adoption is an option, some women do not

have the funds to carry out their pregnancy. The
government does not support women who are
pregnant financially, so why should they be forced to
go into financial debt?
Reasons women get abortions

- Economic - Rape
- Many women get abortions for economic - Many women who get raped do not want to
reasons. They do not have the money to carry the baby because they do not want to
carry out a pregnancy or take care of a child. relive the trauma that they endured.
The government does not support them - Other
throughout their pregnancy. - Women have many other reasons to get an
- Health abortion. There are many factors to be
- Many women have health issues that cause discovered and it does not matter.
them to be unable to carry a child to term or
to give birth.

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