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This house believes that odd-even system is an effective way to reduce corona

Kontras :
- Covid-19 transmission will occur in public transportation if the movement of people
through private vehicles is limited by an even number. Now even with private
vehicles there are office clusters
- trace the source of transmission of the virus to find out where employees who tested
positive for Covid-19 contracted. Whether in offices, public transportation, or other
places. By knowing the source of the employee cluster emerged, the reason for
implementing the odd-even as 'emergency brake.Do not brake suddenly and do not
know the reason, whether because of public transportation or what. Browse first
- odd-even policy must still be abolished to recover The capital's economy contracted
minus 8.22 percent in the second quarter of 2020. Several counterproductive policies,
such as odd-even, were reviewed because they disrupted the economy, both from the
purchase of fuel and business activities
- The odd-even policy is difficult to implement by ASN DKI, because the supervision
seems unclear. The supervision by the provincial government seems half-hearted.
Limiting movement or running swab tests alone is not sufficient. It is necessary to
implement long-term strict health protocols and encourage surveillance in the field by
deploying state civil servants or ASN.
- online transportation drivers are still feeling the impact of the pandemic with the
lack of orders.By re-enforcing odd-even, the driver's income has dropped dramatically
again due to the limited space to move. "The DKI Regional Government should also
consider the conditions of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic which are not yet
fully normal.
- The spread of the Covid-19 case in Jakarta has actually increased in recent times.
THis condition has not improved from two weeks ago until now, you can say that the
conditions are relatively the same. This could help reduce covid 19

THW abolish Kampus merdeka dan merdeka belajar for student and collegian
- a data synchronization is needed to support student administration. Attendance and
courses taken from other study programs, even other universities, will complicate the
student's academic administration. In addition, the determination of the standard
values may differ between universities. For example, there is a university with a score
above 75 who can get an A, other universities can get an A.
- an understanding of introductory courses is needed in a study program. For example,
students from social and political science then in semester VI want to attend law
faculty will have difficulty because they do not have a basic understanding of the
introduction of law science. Or, closer to it, international relations study program
students if they want to take anthropology study programs must also understand the
basics of anthropology first. Is it possible for students in semester VI to take other
cross-major courses to take basic courses in that department? This point is a challenge
to formulate what courses cross-disciplinary students can take.
- difficulty in determining the competence of students who take courses across study
programs or even across faculties. Meanwhile, in the vision, mission, and learning
outcomes in each study program, it has been determined that students are able to
master certain fields of knowledge and become professionals in their respective
scientific fields. If the fourth policy of the Free Campus is implemented, it is feared
that the competence of graduates will not be specific according to their knowledge. It
is different if, for example, students are allowed to take courses in other study
programs that have the same knowledge clump. This can still happen as a student
elective course to greet each other between allied fields of knowledge.
Kontras :
- The policy of the Independent Campus is very good by opening scientific barriers in
a study program. The hope is that students understand cross-disciplinary knowledge
that can increase the benefits of the knowledge they have previously learned.
- Merdeka Campus policy is very good by opening the session box the ability to think
critically and creatively of students or students very appreciated. Not only that, it is
not only students or students who are forced to think critically, but also the teachers or
lecturers must precede it in order to get it teach it to pupils or students. Based on
research results The 2019 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)
shows the results of the assessment on Indonesian students only occupy the sixth
position from the bottom; for mathematics and literacy, Indonesia ranks 74th out of 79
Country. This is what makes our government make a buzz in assessment minimum
proficiency, including literacy, numeracy, and character curves. Literacy isn't it only
measuring reading ability, but also the ability to analyze content reading and
understanding the concept behind it. For numeracy skills, that is assessed not
mathematics lessons, but an assessment of students' abilities in applying numerical
concepts in real life. science in a study program. The hope is that students understand
cross-disciplinary knowledge that can increase the benefits of the knowledge they
have previously learned.

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