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Activity 2.

5 Political Caricature/ Public Campaign

1. Land for the Landless

Land for the Landless! For a long time, the private sector controlled most of
the land in the Philippines. We now live in a society in which rural people are more
oppressed, and their rights to land and resources are being eroded. As a citizen, I have
the right to speak out about such concerns and to raise awareness for Filipinos who
are having trouble acquiring and owning land to support their livelihood. Farmers
should be given priority by the government since they provide agricultural food, and
funding should be collected to help the unfortunate farmers. During the American
occupation, agrarian rights were created, but only a few efforts were taken.
Large land owners dominated the Philippines' agrarian system for a long time.
The rights to land and other natural resources are being fought for by small farmers in
the Philippines. Agrarian reforms took a long time to implement. The reason for this
was a lack of political will on the part of the government. It took a long time for land
to be redistributed. On the 10th of June 1988, President Corazon C. Aquino signed
Philippine Republic Act No. 6657, also known as the Comprehensive Agrarian
Reform Law. The law is in charge of putting the Philippines' comprehensive
agricultural reform policy into action. The comprehensive agrarian reform law goal is
to successfully device land reform in the Philippines. On the 23rd of August,
President Arroyo signed Executive Order 456 renaming the Department of Land
Reform as the Department of Agrarian Reform.
To conclude, a farmer must have the appropriate equipment to harvest his
crops as well as marketing skills in order to sell them. Even if a poor farmer is given
the privilege to own land, he will not be able to improve his financial situation since
what is handed to him is insufficient. Concerning the CARP's flaws, I am hopeful that
the adoption of the CARP would eliminate the problem of estate redistribution
avoidance. The new CARP should address the flaws in the prior program and ensure
that the implementation is better this time than before.

2. Quality Education

As a student striving to a better life in the near future, I use my student rights
to obtain a high-quality education. A high-quality education equips all students with
the skills they need to become economically productive, establish sustainable
livelihoods, contribute to peaceful and democratic societies, and improve personal
Education has the potential to transform our lives. A desire to improve the educational
system should exist. For learning and human development, high-quality education is
required. It is critical that schools provide high-quality education. By investing in it,
each person will have the opportunity to learn and grow. Moreover, Education is one
of the cornerstones of economic progress and the fight against poverty. Providing
high-quality education is one of the most effective ways to ensure a country's
democracy and good governance.

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