Pragmatic Approach To Learning

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Ans: Defination of Learning:

It can be defined as, “a change in behavior as a result of experience.
This can be physical and overt, or it may involve complex intellectual or attitudinal changes
which affect behavior in more subtle ways. In spite of numerous theories and contrasting views,
psychologists generally agree on many common characteristics of learning.”
Learning is a combination of two basic approaches:

1) Behaviorism: It stresses the importance of having a particular form of behavior

reinforced by someone, other than the student, to shape or control what is done.

2) The cognitive theories: It focuses on what is going on inside the student’s mind.
Learning is not just a change in behavior; it is a change in the way a student thinks,
understands or feel.

Holistic Approach to Learning:

The most effective way to learning and develop a new skill or behavior
is to apply it and practice it on the-job, in education and in real-life situations.

The 70/ 20/10 formula:

 70% of learning and development takes place from real life and on the job experiences, tasks
and problem solving.
 20% comes from feedback and from observing and working with role models.
 10% of learning and development comes from formal training.

Pragmatic learning approach:

1. It is not subject centric, it is student centric.
2. It is not textbook/worksheet based. Involves theme-based learning
3. It does not label or track students into rigid ability groups.
4. Develops higher level thinking skills – analysis, synthesis, evaluation
5. It is not dependent on lecturing.
6. Intersects students’ personal concerns and social issues and, therefore, makes learning
relevant for students.
7. It is based on realism
8. Pragmatic learning give great importance to experiencing things
Pro’s of Pragmatic learning approach:
1. Less use memorization
2. Links and broadens disciplines
3. Emphasize individualism and personal choice
4. Less constraining environment for students
5. Recognize differing needs of children
6. Recognize diverse cultures

Target learning:
Learning involves change in behavior and it also done through the sharing of
knowledge, ideas, live examples of industries, examples corporate world, presentation of
examples, case studies, graphics, etc. supplementary material. It also plays a significant role in
knowing the pragmatic approach of learning.

Learning Environment and Training Climate:

The effective trainer is the one who can create a
positive learning climate for pragmatic approach to learning for the students or an employee.
Wherein it helps a lot in better and easy understanding of different process or approaches of

Six Important Benefits of Training are as follows:

1) Quality training.
2) Professional team.
3) Training evaluation.
4) Lasting result.
5) Initial consultation.
6) Training needs analysis.

S - Specific-says exactly what the learner will be able to do.

M – Measurable- can be observed by the end of the training session.

A - Attainable- for the participants within scheduled time and specified conditions.

R - Relevant- to the needs of the participant and the organization.

T - Time-framed- achievable by the end of the training session.

 Seven instructional event:

Gain attention:
It can be obtained in several ways: by making a proactive question, presenting an
interesting fact, presenting a problem of ommediate interest group.

Motivation is probably the dominant force which governs the student’s progress
and ability to learn. Motivation may be negative or positive, tangible or intangible, subtle and
difficult to identify, or it may be obvious.

Encorage performance:
Creating situation and providing conditions for the application of new

Describe the purpose:

Showing what the student will learn and how he will be able to see the new
knowledge. Show how the acquisition of knowledge will be evaluated.

By setting the degree of assimilation of new knowledge.

Encourage connection to prior knowledge:

Highlighting the relationship between the new and
the concepts already acquired.

Give feedbacks:
Showing immediate response to the degree of accuracy of the knowledge

Teaching Technique:
1) Questioning.
2) Explaining.
3) Demonstrating.
4) Collaborating.
5) Instructional technology.
6) Key points.
 Practical approach to learning:

Pragmatic approach to learning can also be done with the help of practical prior to theory reading
or with the help of live approaches:
For example: Every student or an employee start there process with the help of reading theory
and then approaching towards the practical process, instead of doing this, “Firstly, a student must
be given a practical approach prior to the theory reading, so that the student or an employee will
be more curious to know, what they has done practically” This helps in developing the pragmatic
approach to learning.

 Work experience:
“ One or Two year Job experience, prior to education is one of the best way for the pragmatic
approach to the learning ” This will help the post graduation student becoming more curious,
alert, knowledgeable and practical mind and keep them update about the recent things happening
in the world. It also plays a vital role in the field of education sector and other sectors as well.

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