CR IPDS v2 395 PCV Seating Capacity v3.0

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1 Change Request / Verification Note (to be filled by TATA AIG)

CR-IPDS-V2- Change Request 02-09-2021

Web Prompt/DMT tool ID
395 (CR) Date
Ajinkya Khot Department / Motor
Change Initiated By
CR Title PCV IPDS v2 Seating capacity Change logic

Revision Control Information:

Revision History

Ver No. Prepared / Reviewed By Review Date Brief Review Comment

Updated by
1.0 Ajinkya Khot, Draft CR
Chetan Karkera Shubham Sodani
2.0 Ajinkya Khot, Carrying capacity change added
Chetan Karkera Shubham Sodani
3.0 Ajinkya Khot, Approach update
Chetan Karkera Shubham Sodani

Document Review and Approval Status:

Name Position/Role BRD Sign-off Date
Garima C Periwal Deputy Vice President - Auto
Vice President & Head - Auto & Actuarial
Navneet Bhatt
Raajiv S Deputy Vice President - Product & Strategy
Vice President – Head Branch Operations &
Sameer Mathur

Criticality - The requirements in this document are prioritized as follows:

Value Rating Description

1 Critical This requirement is critical to the success of the project. The project will not be
possible without this requirement.
2 High This requirement is high priority, but the project can be implemented at a bare
minimum without this requirement.
3 Medium This requirement is somewhat important, as it provides some value, but the project
can proceed without it.
4 Low This is a low priority requirement or a “nice to have” feature, if time and cost allow it.

5 Future This requirement is out of scope for this project and has been included here for a
possible future release.

CR Description (in detail)

I. Background:
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Version No: 1.0
Passenger carrying commercial vehicles contains seating capacity and carrying capacity based on
which the premium for the policy gets calculated.

II. Objectives:

Objective of this CR is to enhance the PCV BRE product by make the field for seating capacity and
carrying capacity editable and to setup logic for allowable changes in both the fields. The CR also
details out the impact of this change on other systems

III. Applicable Products:

Motor product – BRE PCV

IV. Systems:

 IPDS v2

V. Business Type:

 New Business
 Rollover

VI. Policy Plan:

Sr no Product Product Name Policy plans

1 3188 BRE PCV 1+1,0+1

VII. Not in Scope:

 Products other than BRE PCV

 PDFs wont be affected as a part of this CR

VIII. Future scoping:

 Renewals

IX. Assumptions:

Endorsement from SPA

- In SPA for changing seating capacity and carrying capacity as apart of Non Nil endorsement,
SPA will be utilizing field level validations from v2

X. Dependencies:

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Version No: 1.0
Not applicable

XI. Constraints:

Not applicable

XII. Success Criterion:

User must be able to edit the seating capacity and carrying capacity under the provided limits

XIII. Target audience / stakeholders

1. Users

 Sales
 Ops

2. Beneficiaries

 Sales
 Ops

3. Other impacted parties

 Not Applicable

XIV. Current Process


 Carrying capacity and Seating capacity fields are non editable on IPDS v2 front end.
 Seating capacity value is by default auto populated.
 Carrying capacity value is auto populated

XV. To be Process

The field for seating capacity and carrying capacity will be auto-populated but editable in IPDS v2.

The auto population of seating capacity will be as per variant selected (similar to the current auto

Auto population of carrying capacity will be seating capacity -1. (IPDS v2 will populate this)

User can make changes to both these fields.

IPDS v2 to have field level validation for allowable change in seating capacity and carrying capacity.
(Provided in functional requirement)

When the case is submitted for premium calculation, IPDS v2 will pass seating capacity and carrying
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Version No: 1.0
capacity so that BRE can checks if the changed value requires UW referral

XVI. Functional Requirement:

FR.1 Making Seating capacity Editable in IPDS v2

New business and Roll over cases

 For new business and rollover cases,

o Seating capacity field will be auto populated in IPDS v2 front end as per the selected
model variant but editable.
o Carrying capacity will be a editable field with default value as ‘seating capacity -1’
calculated by ipds v2
 If user changes the seating capacity value it will be as per below validation:
o IPDS v2 will check in which bucket the default seating capacity falls into and
accordingly provide the validations for changes made to seating capacity

Bucket Front end value and input Front end validation

Seating capacity will be auto
populated as per master, no
7-10 change allowed No change allowed

Seating capacity auto populate as 1) only +/- 1 changes is allowed.

per master but editable to the 2) Modifiaction Value <11 and
11-18 user >18 not allowed

Seating capacity auto populate as 1) only +/- 2 changes is allowed.

per master but editable to the 2) Modifiaction Value <19 and
19-36 user >36 not allowed

Seating capacity auto populate as 1) only +/- 4 changes is allowed.

per master but editable to the 2) Modifiaction Value <37 and
37-99 user >99 not allowed
Example 1: If Make model is selected by user where default seating capacity (Variant master
prescribed) is 24 (i.e falls in bucket 19-36). User will be allowed to modify seating capacity between 22
to 26 only

Example 2: If Make model is selected by user where default seating capacity (Variant master
prescribed) is 9 (i.e falls in bucket 7-10). User will not be allowed to modify seating capacity

Example 3: If Make model is selected by user where default seating capacity (Variant master
prescribed) is 18 (i.e falls in bucket 11-18). User will be allowed to modify seating capacity between 17
to 18 only.

Example 4: If Make model is selected by user where default seating capacity(Variant master
prescribed) is 38 (i.e falls in bucket 37-99). User will be allowed to modify seating capacity between 37
to 42 only.

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Version No: 1.0
Rules for allowable change in carrying capacity

 Based on the seating capacity field value. System will provide the allowable change for the
carrying capacity values in form of message
 IPDS v2 to identify the seating capacity bucket and accordingly check that entered carrying
capacity value is not outside the allowable change

Allowable carrying
Bucket capacity Default value Front end validation message
seating capacity -1,
seating capacity - 2, Carrying capacity value can be seating
7-10 seating capacity - 3 seating capacity -1 capacity – 1 or 2 or3
seating capacity -1,
seating capacity - 2, Carrying capacity value can be seating
11-18 seating capacity - 3 seating capacity -1 capacity – 1 or 2 or3
seating capacity -1,
seating capacity - 2,
seating capacity - 3, Carrying capacity value can be seating
19-36 seating capacity - 4 seating capacity -1 capacity – 1 or 2 or3 or 4
seating capacity -1,
seating capacity - 2,
seating capacity - 3, Carrying capacity value can be seating
37-99 seating capacity - 4 seating capacity -1 capacity – 1 or 2 or3 or 4

Example 1: If the seating capacity is 24 (i.e. falls in bucket 19-36), allowable values of carrying
capacity will be 20,21,22,23 only with default as 23

Example 2 : If the seating capacity is 18 (i.e. falls in bucket 11-18), allowable values of carrying
capacity will be 15,16,17 only with default as 17

Example 3 : If the seating capacity is 38 (i.e. falls in bucket 37-99), allowable values of carrying
capacity will be 34,35,36,37 with default as 37

 IPDS v2 will be sending the new values to BRE for premium generation as usual. BRE
will be checking if UW referral is required.

Note: Both seating capacity and carrying capacity validation will be configurable

FR.2 Front end UI changes in IPDS v2 (Applicable for PCV, GCV & MISCD)

 For New business and rollover the front end UI display Seating capacity field above and
below that carrying capacity field must be displayed

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Version No: 1.0
 Quote review page, Review Proposal page and Finalize proposal page must display the
below fields under vehicle details section
o Seating capacity
o Carrying capacity

Example for review quote, same needs to be done for review proposal and finalize proposal

capacity and

Review Proposal

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Finalize proposal

capacity and

FR.3 UWCRM value matching for PCV

 V2 will match the seating capacity and carrying capacity value in IPDS v2 against the seating
capacity and carrying capacity value in UWCRM ticket where deviation is triggered.

FR.4 Vahan integration impact for PCV

Vahan integration impact will be covered as a part of below CR


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Version No: 1.0
XVII. Impact/Change in Services:

Not changes in tag, IPDS v2 will be sending carrying capacity value as a part of the request while
calling BRE for premium calculation

XVIII. Validations & Security:

Not applicable

XIX. GC & CCM Output Document

Not applicable

XX. Reports:

Not applicable

XXI. Impact on Accounting:

Not applicable

XXII. Impact on UEPR:

Not applicable

XXIII. Impact on Claims:

Not applicable

XXIV. Impact on Endorsement/Cancellation/Reinstatement:

Not applicable, Since Endorsement for IPDS v2 will be covered as a part of SPA

XXV. Impact on Renewal:

Renewal related changes are covered as a part of FR.1

XXVI. Impact on Communication:

Not Applicable

XXVII. Impact on Roles and Rights:

Not Applicable

XXVIII. Impact on RI:

Not Applicable

XXIX. Commission:

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Version No: 1.0
Not Applicable

XXX. Impact on Underwriting:

Not applicable

XXXI. Open Points:

Not applicable

XXXII. Test Cases

Not applicable

XXXIII. CR MOM & Call journal details

PCV Seating capacity

_Charter and MoM.xlsx

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Version No: 1.0

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