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Critical Care Course Teaching plan

NURS 535 Principals of Teaching and Learning

West Coast University



Week 1: Introduction to Moderate and Deep sedation

Level of instruction

Junior Nursing Education Program Level

Method of Teaching Presentation

Audio-Visual PowerPoint Presentation

Learning Objectives

At the end of this class period, the students will understand:

 The meaning and history of sedation

 The involvement/regulation of nurses practicing sedation.

 The pharmacological principles of sedation and the basis for adjunct medications

 The considerations and patient assessment carried out before procedural sedation

 Overview of Pain assessment

 The planning of recovery and discharge for patients after sedation.


Content Outline

Week Meeting Time Content Key Areas to Cover

Week 1: Monday 0800-1200  Introduction to Moderate and  History of sedation

Introduction to 22-Feb-2020 Deep Sedation  Definitions of sedation

Sedation  Involvement of nurses in

 Pharmacological Principles in  Pharmacology basics of

Sedation sedation

 preemptive analgesia

 Drug interaction

 Benzodiazepines and reversal


 Opioids and reversal agents

 Other drugs for Deep sedation

 Adjunct Medications

 Local Anesthetics
 Pain Assessment and  Considerations and patient

Management Consideration assessment before procedural


 Overview of Pain assessment

 How to use pain to grade pain


 General population scales

 Special population scales

 Recovery and discharge


Teaching Strategies and Learning Activities

Teaching Strategies

Lectures Delivered through PowerPoint Presentation

Lectures for this class will be delivered through PowerPoint Presentations. The chapters of the

book as divided into seven weeks will be presented to the class as audio-visual PowerPoint

slides. The presentations will be delivered for the two meeting days in a week, each covering half

of the weekly outlines of the course. There will be a quiz at the end of every two weeks to test

the students' understanding of the concepts covered in the readings and presentations. The

presentations will be held every meeting time and will be built on concepts derived from the

reading material. The presentation will be designed to cover various learning styles to help the

students by including lectures, self-learning, graded group discussions, displays, and audiovisual



Lectures presented by the tutor as audio-visual PowerPoint slides will deliver the topics to the

students through different perspectives. In this lecture strategy, complex and intricate terms and

concepts will be explained to the students. Learning and teaching aids like pictures and video

will also be presented to the students to help them better appreciate the subject matter.


Through visualization, certain dull academic concepts can be brought to life by incorporating.

these audio-visuals in the presentation. This will help the students understand how the concepts

they are learning apply in a real clinical setting.


The audio-visual presentation teaching method presents the teacher with the challenge of

providing visual learning aids that represent the concepts being taught. When the visual slides are

poorly designed, irrelevant, or difficult to see and understand, the ability of the students to

understand the concepts becomes impeded. This hindrance occurs as the poorly designed or

inaccurate slides information rather obscure the information it was meant to clarify.

Cooperative Reading and Discussion

The students will be divided into groups and text chapters of the week will be assigned as

readings to the groups. The groups are required to complete the readings and then answer the

study questions following. Readings and study question answers will be completed at the end of

the week and discussed in the student's forum for marks to be awarded. Discussions will be

graded according to quality, conciseness, and appropriateness.


This teaching strategy will encourage the students of mixed abilities to come together and work

as a team by promoting small group class activities. The students will express their ideas on the

forum and also respond to other student’s ideas. By so doing, the students provide clarity to

fellow students and build their confidence.


Through expressing their ideas and also responding to other student’s ideas to provide clarity

where needed, the students can build their critical thinking ability and communication skills

through this method of teaching.


Sometimes in group discussions, the ideas of the students may come into a conflict, leading to

difficulties in arriving at a compromise. To avoid counterproductive situations like this, the

teacher should be available to moderate the discussions.

Use of Simulations and Modelling

The students will make use of simulations and modeling to better understand how moderate and

deep sedation is carried out in a clinical setting.


Simulations are instructional scenarios where the learner is placed in a "virtual environment"

defined by the tutor. Simulation represents a reality within which students interact for learning.

The tutor controls the parameters of this "virtual environment" and utilizes it to achieve the

desired instructional outcomes.


Simulations offer the critical care nursing students the chance to experience clinical nursing care

scenarios that depict actual events. Simulation offers a cheaper, safer, faster, and more efficient

way for nursing students to engage in clinical care settings so they can practice and learn.

Through simulations, students better understand how they are required to act in real-life critical

care settings.


Simulations may not always be able to perfectly model or re-create real critical care nursing

situations. Simulators can also be cost-intensive and may need to be constantly updated and

maintained. Simulation may also not always be able to model every critical care nursing

scenario. The teaching and learning outcomes and feedbacks from the use of simulation are only

as useful as the actual training delivered to the learners.

Plans for Individual Learning Differences

Fairness in teaching and learning does not imply that all students are taught with the same pattern

or method, instead, it means that the specific learning needs of each student are met, and the

curriculum is adjusted to satisfy the learning requirements or learning styles of each student.

Through differentiation in teaching method, the teacher aims to provide individual-specific

instructions by modifying the level, pace, and teaching style to suit the learning methods of each


Capitalize on learning styles. The classes will be structured with the understanding that

students learn in a variety of patterns. The classes will include visual components which will suit

visual learners who learn from visual information. The classes will also incorporate auditory

components which will be suitable for students who learn from verbal or audio presentations.

The courses will also include tactile-kinesthetic components which will be suitable for students

who learn from touching or moving learning materials as they take in information.

Using Computerized Instruction. Working with computers is one aspect of learning enjoyed by

most students. Learning with computer package and computer-aided simulations arouse the

interest of the students in coursework and help them to retain what they have learned for a long

period. Learning concepts for visual and tactile learners can be reinforced using computer

activities that incorporate materials from the course.

Grouping Students. When students are divided into groups to work together as a team and

accomplish some learning tasks, they are offered opportunities for their talents to be put together

in complementary ways. Such grouped tasks help to identify the strength and weaknesses of the

students. A student that did not do very well in one particular group may perform excellently

well in another group. By so doing, the teacher can identify the strengths and weaknesses of the

students and also understand ways to help them better.

Options for Outside Placement: Some of the students may have learning needs that may not be

met in the conventional classroom setting. To be sure these students are not left behind in the

teaching, placements in the actual critical care nursing floor are organized so the students can

appreciate what clinicians do to achieve moderate and deep sedation.

Evaluation Process

To Access Students’ Learning:

Formative Evaluation Strategy

Discussions: There will be two discussion sessions every week. The students will be divided into

four groups to take on discussion topics provided by the tutor at the end of each meeting. The

students will create audio-visual presentations on the assigned topic, post on the group, and

discuss with peers. At the end of the session, the tutor will grade the discussion for quality,

conciseness, and appropriateness. A total of 3.00 points is awarded for each discussion posting

and a total of 2.00 points for at least two replies to peers in the discussion forum. The discussions

will run 14 times (seven weeks) till the term ends.


Summative Evaluation Strategy

Assignment: The students will complete one written assignment essay in APA 7th edition format

every week throughout the seven weeks of the term. The essays will be limited to a 1000-word

count and will be evaluated for quality, conciseness, and originality using the rubric below. A

total of 4.00 points will be awarded for each of the essays.

Final Examination: The final examination for the class will come in the 8th week and will cover

all the concepts discussed in the class. The examination will be presented in two sections: section

A for MCQ and section B for the essay. A total of 50.00 points will be awarded for the exam.

A bonus of 1.00 points is awarded to the students for registering for the course and not missing a

class meeting.

To Evaluate Teaching Effectiveness:

The effectiveness of the teaching methods and styles will be evaluated by having the students

complete the Student Course Evaluation Questionnaire provided by the institution. This

questionnaire requires the student to evaluate the teaching approaches used by the teacher on a

simple 5-point rating scale for the convenience of the students.

Written Assignment

For this week’s assignment, write on The Guidelines for patients at discharge after sedation. This

assignment should be written in an essay format in APA 7th edition format and a maximum of

1000 words. All sources should be cited and referenced appropriately. See the rubrics below for

additional guidelines.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the

submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or

closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided

when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed

Grading Rubric for Written Assignments

Levels of Assessment

Criteria Inadequate=D Adequate=C Above Average=B Exemplary=

Less than 70% (70 % and above) (80% and above) (90% and abo

(Below Standard) (Meets Standard) (Exceeds Standard) (Far Exceeds Stan

Organization Writing lacks logical Writing is coherent and Writing is coherent and Writing shows a high d
organization. It shows logically organized. Some logically organized with attention to logic and
some coherence but points remain misplaced and transitions used between reasoning of points. Un
ideas lack unity. Serious stray from the topic. ideas and paragraphs to leads the reader to the
errors. create coherence. The conclusion and stirs th
Transitions evident but not overall unity of ideas is regarding the topic.
used throughout the essay. present.

Level of Content Shows some thinking Content indicates thinking Content indicates Content indicates synth
and reasoning but most and reasoning applied with original thinking and ideas, in-depth analysi
ideas are an original thought on a develops ideas with evidence original thou
underdeveloped and few ideas. sufficient and firm support for the topic.
unoriginal. evidence.

Development The main points lack The main points are present The main points well Main points well d
detailed development. with limited detail and developed with quality with high quality and
Ideas are vague with development. Some critical supporting details and support. Reveals high
little evidence of critical thinking is present. quantity. Critical thinking of critical thinking.
thinking. is weaved into points
Grammar & Spelling, punctuation, Most spelling, punctuation, Essay has few spelling, Essay is free of distrac
Mechanics and grammatical errors and grammar correct allowing punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, a
create distraction, reader to progress though grammatical errors grammatical errors; ab
making reading essay. Some errors remain. allowing reader to follow fragments, comma spli
difficult; fragments, ideas clearly. Very few run-ons.
comma splices, run-ons fragments or run-ons.

Sources The submission does The submission includes in- The submission The submission includ
not include both in-text text citations for sources that includes incomplete text citations for sourc
citations and a are used and a reference list; in-text citations for are used and a referenc
reference list for however, the citations or sources used and a that accurately identifi
sources used. reference list is incomplete or reference list; author, date, title, and
inaccurate. location as available.

Format Fails to follow format Meets format and assignment Meets format and Meets all formal and
and assignment requirements; generally assignment requirements; assignment requiremen
requirements; incorrect correct margins, spacing, and margins, spacing, and evidences attention to
margins, spacing and indentations; essay is neat but indentations are correct; all margins, spacing an
indentation; neatness of may have some assembly essay is neat and indentations are correc
essay needs attention. errors. correctly assembled. is neat and correctly as
with professional look

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