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Virendra Swarup Memorial Public School

Practice paper


All questions are compulsory

Question 1 Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
It is often said that India has got the third largest pool of scientific and
technological manpower in the world. The harsh truth is that except for a few
selected areas, breakthrough in technology including drive for indigenization have
met with limited success. There are neither adequate resources nor proper support
to carryout fundamental research, development of indigenous technology or
commercialization of new technology by the Indian industries. The choice of
technology and its source is an important aspect as it relates to quality and price of
technology. The actual goal of transfer of technology is the establishment of
scientific and technological capabilities rather than the mere transfer of plant and
equipment. Technology transfer consists of three major components; technology
assessment, technology acquisition and assimilation and technology diffusion to
local industries after incorporating the necessary degree of modifications.
Organisation may lack the professional skills to select a technology that is suited to
local operating conditions and to acquire it on favourable terms. They are guided by
past relations, current affiliations and terms and conditions set in the aid package.
Thus the technology transfer process becomes often too costly and ineffective.
The technologies, which are latest in the field are usually non negotiable and least
available for acquisition. Unless the importing organisation ensures the availability
of qualified personnel and resources, the technology transfer is bound to suffer or
may prove ineffective. Technology transfer could be a multi-edged weapon which,
if handled wrongly, may result in expensive/unwanted imports, hurting the
technological progress and ultimately may lead to disaster. Interaction between
industry, engineering consultancy organisation, R&D centres and academic
institutions is very limited. Industrial/engineering consultants have limitations of
time. By the time a technology is developed, it becomes very costly and sometimes
outdated. Due to this reason, industry/engineering consultants have a tendency to
avoid academic institutions and R&D centres. As academic institutions and R&D
centres do not receive due attention of industries, they prefer working in isolation.
The fact remains that the academics who do not understand the corporate world
cannot survive and the corporate world that does not use good academic input
can’t grow. There has to be a mutual appreciation, instead of competing, they
should complement each other.

I. Given below are five words from the passage along with four options for each.
Choose the option which has a similar meaning in the passage.
1. Indigenization:
describing democracy

bringing under dominance

showing autocracy

being just

2. Affiliations:



all of them

3. Equipment:
real objects




4. Personnel:




5. Isolation:




II. With each of the five words given below, choose the correct sentence that uses the
word in a different meaning from that which it carries in the passage.
1. Resources:
Sometimes anger is the only resource left in a situation like this.

There are many resources available in library.

Kindly refer to the attached resources for good articles.

Activities like mining deplete our resources

2. Assimilation:
The reason we say we need that critical mass is the issue around assimilation.

Despite his early assimilation of modernists methods, he has long been


Bee pollen is used to improve assimilation process.

The process of assimilation was one sided

3. Acquisition:
Program was designed based on findings from language acquisition research.

Behaviour therapy may help autistic children process in speech acquisition.

The legacy will be used for new acquisitions.

His acquisitions on computer skills were appreciated.

4. Appreciation:
Rita began to clap in appreciation

He found yet another appreciation for her

There has been little appreciation in the value of property recently.

Political circumstances naturally led to an ever increasing appreciation of that person.

5. Lead
Lead is considered to be a cheap metal

She was annoyed because she feared it would lead to unhappiness.These

rights lead to prosperity and security.

His overconfidence has lead him into his failure

III. Choose the correct option for the questions given below:

1. The author seems to agree best with which of the following, as made out by the
passage ?
The actual goal of technology transfer is the establishment of scientific and
technological capabilities, rather than merely transferring plants and equipment.

The technologies that are latest in the field are usually negotiable.

Industry / engineering consultants take academic institutions and R & D centres into

As industries recognize academic institutions and R & D centres, working in

isolation is ruled out.
2. According to the passage, technology transfer:
could be a multi-edged weapon, which if handled wrongly, could hurt the
technological process disastrously.

involves skilled and qualified personnel

consists of three major components

All of the above.

3. According to the passage, academic institutions and industries:

cannot function together.
should complement each other, instead of competing.

should have exchange visits of their key personnel.

both require governmental attention

4. As per the passage, which of the following cannot be the reason for India not
achieving the desired level of success in technological breakthrough?
Lack of adequate resources and proper support to carry fundamental research.

Transfer of technology becoming a costly and an ineffective process.

Commercialisation of the technology by the Indian industries has not taken place tothe
desired level.

None of the above.

5. The interaction between R & D centres and industries is very limited which, as
per the passage, is because :
the perception of an academician in the R & D centre is different from an

by the time the technology is developed, it is costly and outdated..

the laws of the land act as a binding factor for the industrialist to patronisetechnology.

there is no demand for technology.

6. Which of the following goes against what the author has to state in relation to
the passage?
the transfer of technology has three components.

Industrial development heavily depends on indigenous technology.

The choice of technology has nothing to do with quality and price.

India has the third largest pool of scientific and technological manpower in theworld.
7. All of the following are false, as per the passage, except that:
technologies, which are latest in the field, are usually non-negotiable and least

academicians can survive without understanding the corporate world.

the revamping of the Indian economy is not possibly by merely investing in

industrial and infrastructural sector.

industries need not have a good academic inputs for their growth.

8. The passage relates to:


research & development

technology transfer market


9. A suitable title for the passage is:

Industry and Academics

Technology Transfer–a Must for Developing Countries.

Proper Utilisation of Scientific and Technological Manpower.

Pricing the Technology

10. The author has handled the passage in a manner which

the statement of facts




Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that
Question: 2. follow
I wish I could say that doing something about what matters most is just as simple as following
the outlined principles. An interesting phenomenon takes place in most people’s lives when
they decide to accomplish something important. The decision may be little or big. After
making those decisions, we often experience a battle with what I call our demons. It’s almost as
if little devils sit on our shoulders and speak words of discouragement and defeatism into our
ears. These demons seem to dispense all the reasons for your not doing what you’ve just decided
to do. The most effective tool I have discovered in whipping the demons is to have regular
victories in my life every single day. When you do something right, take a moment and savour
the feeling. Even a little victory does wonders for your confidence and motivation. Make a
conscious effort to successfully complete some task each day related to something that really
matters to you. That’ll help keep the demons at bay. There are many types of diseases that afflict
the human body, and we spend millions and perhaps billions of dollars trying to find cures. But
there is one disease of epidemic proportions in our society on which we spend little or no
money or effort-the crippling disease called fear of failure. One of the biggest things that
keeps people from achieving what matters most to them is this kind of fear. Suppose I really
identify what matters most to me. Then I’ll have to come face to face with what I’m not doing
about what matters most to me, and I may see that as failure and I don’t want to fail. I don’t
want to go through the ugly feelings that failure can sometimes bring. Therefore, I won’t take
the time to sit down and go through any of this stuff because knowing what matters most to
me is going to open up the possibility of failing. Fear like that can extinguish the human spirit.
Don’t let it immobilize you in your quest to do something about the things that matter most to
you. In his wonderfully motivating book ‘Release Your Brakes’, James Newmantalks about
comfort zones, those places and conditions we gravitate to by the paths of least resistance,
usually by default. Leaving our comfort zones can be difficult unless, as Newman counsels, we
realize that doing so can be an adventure, a rejuvenating and exhilarating experience. If we can
consider leaving comfort zones as adventures, then we won’t be afraid to ail and can understand
that we might fail many times before we eventually succeed. Remember, failing is nothing more
than a lesson for the next and greater battle. We learn by our experience. We learn by mistakes.
We learn by failing. We learn by attempting something. Sometimes it works and sometimes it
doesn’t, but we find the better way. Do whatever it takes to get the fear of failure out of your
system. Failure is a marvellous, magnificent blessing that teaches us how to grow. The processes
and principles we’ve talked about are powerful and proven tools that will help you identify
what you want to do and how to do it.
(i) Given below are five words from the passage along with four options each.Choose the
option which has a similar meaning in the passage.

1. Phenomenon:


scientific fact

none of them

2. Defeatism:




3. Crippling
causing a person to enable to walk

causing a person to enable to breathe

causing a person to enable to read

causing a person to enable to drink

4. Extinguish:
put out



dry up

5. Exhilarating:




ii) With each of the five words given below, choose the correct sentence that
uses the word in a different meaning from that which it carries in the passage.

1. Principles:
It was the basic fundamental principle of the way

Rice is the principle source of calories for about half the planet

No principle of judiciary was followed

Newton has revised the principle of conservation of the energy

2. Right:

You did the right thing by confronting her

Take the first street to the right.

She thinks she is always right

Sonia do whatever she thinks is right.

3. Matter:
There are three states of matter-solid, liquid and gas.

“You matter to me”, Sonia said to Jitesh.

It doesn’t matter in the least

Rahul asked the team, what matter them the most.

4. Kind:
What kind of a job do you have now?
Shweta is a very kind girl.

Alex doesn’t want this kind of life

Deepak said you were taking him to some kind of house race tomorrow.

5. Resistance:
The resistance phenomenon is difficult to understand.

The girl offered no resistance yesterday.

He didn’t want to go, so may be this was his expression of resistance.

She raised the other hand to his other cheek, sensing his resistance

b) Choose the correct option for the questions given below:

1. Which of the following would best agree with the author’s contention, asconveyed by
the passage?
Fear motivates a person to perform still better.

Fear prevents people from failing and is responsible for their success.

Fear of failure is not warranted and should be got rid of.

Fear is a desirable feeling, for it keeps people on check.

2. Which of the following is not a representation of the contents of the passage?

Life should comprise daily regular victories over the 'demons'.

Nobody really desires to fail and go through the ugly feelings.

Failing is nothing more than a lesson for the next and greater battle.

Failure shatters and destroys a person.

3. All of the following are false, with respect to the passage, except that:
fear of failure should not be cultivated but should be removed.

failure stifles the confidence of a person.

failure makes a person run away from challenges.

failure makes a believer an unbeliever.

4. The main theme of the passage is that:

hard work is the key to success and happiness.

failure is a magnificent blessing which teaches one how to grow

failure is a prime cause of demotivation and demoralization.

luck plays an important role in shaping the destiny of a person.

5. As per the passage, Newman feels that leaving the comfort

zone is :
difficult and foolish

is adventurous and thrilling if one accepts 'failure' in the proper spirit.

nothing to worry about as man learns to adapt favourably with the environment.

None of the above.

6. In the passage the author has expressed:



positive thinking

Utopian idea
7. A suitable title for the passage is:
Failure – A Stepping Stone to Success.

Suicides are Attributed to Sense of Failure.

Nothing Succeeds Like Success.

Failure is a Good Teacher

8. The author has handled the passage in a manner which is:




9. The passage is most likely an extract from:

the chapter on a book on improving the mind set and attitude towards changes in

an article containing tips on how to succeed.

a description of the feeling of elation on being successful.

musings on reasons of failure

10. A conclusion drawn from the passage is that:
fear of failure removes complacency in a person.

Fear of failure is necessary for one to value success.

failure is the growth factor as one learns from it and grows.

the loss of faith and hope is believed to arise from failure

Question 3 Answer sections (a), (b) and (c). In each of the

following items, asentence is given. Select the most

appropriate transformation of the givensentence out of

the given options:

1. Can any man, by taking thought, add a cubit to his stature? (Choose the
correct from of assertive sentence)
Any man can add a cubit to his stature

That is how one can add a cubit to his stature, by taking thought.No man

can, by taking a thought, add a cubit to his stature.

Everyone can add a cubit, by taking a thought, to his stature

2. As soon as the match was over, the players left the field.
No sooner had the match was over, the players left the field.

No sooner had the match been over than the players left the field.

No sooner has the match was over when the players left the field.

No sooner had the match been over when the players left the field.

3. The Miracle Garden is the loveliest garden I have ever seen.

No other garden I have ever seen is as lovely as the Miracle Garden.

No other garden I have seen is more lovelier than the Miracle Garden.

No other garden I have seen is lovely than the Miracle Garden.

The Miracle Garden is very loveliest garden.

4. She was sensible to do the right thing.
She was not sensible to do the right thing.

She did the right thing because she is not sensible

She was sensible enough to do the right thing.

To be sensible she will do right thing.

5. He is admittedly the greatest general of this country.
This is admission that he is the greatest general of this country

He is one of the greatest general.

It has been admitted that he is the greatest general of this country.

Admittedly the greatest general of this country is not he.

6.We must take care of all living species on Earth.

All living species are taken care of by us.

All living species on earth must be taken care of by us.

All living species on earth has been taken care of by us.

All living species on earth will be taken care of by us.

7.He said: "They will have finished the work by next week".

He said that they will finish the work by next week.

He said that they would have finished the work by the following week

He said that they had finished the work by the following week.

He said that we had finished the work by next week.

8. The teacher insists that the students' write neatly.
The teacher insists on the students' writing neatly. The

teacher insist the students' for writing neatly. The teacher

insisted that the students' wrote nearly.

The teacher insists in the students' for the neat writing.

9. No one but a fool could have thrown the book.
Fools throws the books

Fools threw the books

Only a fool could have thrown the book.

only fools could throw the books

10. My mother is too ignorant to look

after our business.

My mother is so ignorant to look after

My mother is very ignorant for look after our business

My mother is so ignorant that she could not look after our business.My

mother is so ignorant that she cannot look after our business

(B) Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank in the given sentences.
1.A good judge never gropes the conclusion.




2. My cousin has invested a lot of money farming.





3. We must keep something for the rainy day.




4. Only the blood-stained road was a witness his assassination.



5. The reward was not commensurate the work done by us.




6.He dispensed with the services his dishonest clerk.





7. Mt Abu is about five thousand feet the sea-level.





8. He behaves just like his father. He really takes him.





9. We are offering solutions a price almost anyone can afford.





10. Some people are ........prison for crimes they have not committed.




11. It was a long walk, so he began moving slowly the town.




12. There is no doubt that Adam is very good telling jokes.





13. Anandi hasn’t seen her older sister last April.





14. The Government aims rehabilitation of the affected victims in

the calamity.



15. The case was put ........ the judge and the judge decided it within a year.




C) Choose the correct option to fill in the blank in each sentence:

1. She her daughter to school before she goes to work.

will take

had taken

was taking

2. The old Neem tree which in our compound for fifty years suddenly
crashed to the ground last night.
had stood has

stood had



3. I know all about the film because I it twice.

have been watching

is watching

was watching

have watched

4. I for forty minutes to see the doctor before my name was announced.

have been waitinghad

been waiting was


will wait
5. He his breakfast when his friends arrived and asked him to come with them.
is just finishing

was just finishing

just finishes

had just finished

6. In the last quarter, the company made good profit but in this quarter
It well.
hasn't done

hadn't done

was doing

wasn't do

7. I didn’t know anyone in the city where I to settle.

did try

was trying

would try
have tried

8. He met me with the bird in his hand. It curiously at me.

was looking


has looked

has been looking

9. I a really interesting programme about men and women's brains

on TV last night.
am watching

was watching

were watching


10. Paul computer game, when unfortunately his boss came into the
is playing


was playing

11. Thomas can't play football with us next week because he
his leg.

has broken

was brokenis


12. What when the robbery took place?

do you do

were you doing

will you do

you did
13. When Hasan arrived at the cafe, I for him for half an hour.

had been waiting

has been waiting

would wait

14. Do not forget that if you to contact me sometime next week, I will
be staying at the Hilton Hotel.
will need



would need
15. I Arabic for seven years now.
was learning


have been learning


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