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Nama : Rani Ristia Lanvi (2131060165)

Rida Rahmawati (2131060169)

Kelas : C

Prodi : Psikologi islam

Asking and giving apinion about fruits and veggies

Rani : ’’ What do you think about junk food?’’

Rida : ’’ I think junk food is fast food that is not healthy if it is often consumed ’’

Rani : ’’ If junk food is not healthy , why do people now consume it?’’

Rida : ’’ I think it’s because junk food has a delicious and has many variants’’

Rani : ’’ I get you point but I think the main reason many people consume junk food is
because junk food is not only affordable , junk food is also fast and easy to serve
so it saves time’’

Rida : ’’ I'd go along with that l personally feel especially now that many people are busy
working and they don't want to be bothered with food so they prefer fast and easy
junk food’’

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