A Movie Review of Heneral Luna by Jerrold Tarog

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Tubig, Loraine A.


Readings in Philippine History

Prof. Erwin De Macale


General Luna is one of the best Philippine historical films ever created.

It comprises all of the information and facts obtained by General Luna and

his group previously. The film is really strong and eye-opening as I watched it

because it is based on our history. I had no idea how fiercely our Filipino

warriors battled to defend our country. The director wants us to know that

General Luna fought till the end, despite the fact that other Generals and

high-ranking government officials failed to help him. Filipinos can fight the

Americans even without supplies, equipment, teamwork, or leadership.

Another example in the film is bravery. He also shows his vengeance against

cowards and traitors on his side, as well as his love for the country he adores.

From what I've seen of the film General Luna, it appears to be a one-

sided story, as it primarily focuses on the life of General Antonio Luna, one

of the best generals who led the Filipinos in the battle against the Americans.

At their cabinet meeting, the officials got into a disagreement, which started

the story. The president at the time, Emilio Aguinaldo, Apolinario Mabini,

General Mascardo, Felipe Buencamino, Pedro Paterno, and General Antonio

Luna were among them. Some leaders believed that the Americans would

contribute in the growth of the Philippine economy, while others, like General

Luna, thought that the Americans would be the cause of the Philippines'

collapse. A few days later, Filipino soldiers approached the American forces,

and the Americans opened fire on them. As a result, General Luna was in

charge of the battles against America, which lasted for a long period. Many

Filipinos killed in these wars, and many soldiers escaped for their lives.

Seeing this film of General Luna who accomplished for this iconic

person in Philippine history was incredible. Luna was a true gentleman and a
true patriot, willing to fight and die for his nation. He showed his opponents,

even those more powerful than him, that he was not scared while fighting a

revolution against those attempting to invade his country. While his men

cheered him on, he made some internal enemies among those who did not share

his patriotism values. However, in modern environment, especially in the face

of pandemic and recession, Filipinos demonstrate their bravery in the face of

epidemic. We're still battling, despite the fact that we're having a lot of

challenges as a result of the circumstance we're in.

General Emilio Aguinaldo is a traitor in my opinion. He was a betrayer,

a real politician who played both sides well but ultimately benefited only

himself. He always had hidden agendas that did not benefit the Katipunan

cause, which is really the only true for Filipinos and by Filipinos movement and

by criticizing and executing General Luna, he ensured the defeat of the

Philippine revolution.

It is reasonable to believe that General Luna was killed by fellow

Filipinos because he was a severe and uncompromising Filipino follower. He is

so intelligent that it shows in his work. It also makes him have a lot of angry

coworkers and employees. Luna's strong personality and frequent criticism of

the government's strategy posed a danger to the first president, Emilio

Aguinaldo's, authority. He was escorted to a chapel in Cabanatuan, where the

general's assassination took place. This was carried out by his angry

employees, who were allegedly directed by Aguinaldo to silence Luna, a former


General Luna is one of the few Filipino films that is both entertaining

and thrilling to see. The film is based on Antonio Luna, a Filipino general who

believes he can change the outcome of the fight against the attacking

Americans at the time. It confirms the lack of depth and comprehension

among Filipinos. That's why his intentions as a General fell across one, not

even the President, could appreciate him. The film General Luna, which has

earned a lot of appreciation from critics and audiences, is famous for its

commitment to portraying Antonio.

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