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Environmental factors
Culture of countries

Home country or Parent Country Nationals (PCNs)

Home Country Nationals is the employees of the organization and these are the citizens of the

country where the headquarter of the corporation is established.

Host Country Nationals (HCNs)

Host Country Nationals are the people of the country where the subsidiary is located.

Factors of the socio-cultural environment: Each country in the world has a distinct
culture and cultural characteristics of each country that affect people's thinking and actions in
socio-economic life. association of that country. Therefore, socio-cultural issues such as lifestyle,
human rights, ethnicity, to save and consume of the population, attitudes towards the quality of
life, the role of women in society... have a certain influence on the production and business
activities of enterprises in general and human resource management in particular.
Industry characteristics:
Industry is a component of business that is related to the production of goods. It has some
distinct characteristics such as production, utility creation, economic activity, etc.
Industry characteristics affect human resources. It is an important standard for the manager to hire
and train their employee.
A corporation can only operate properly when its human resources are suitable for the Industry.

Competitive environment
In a market economy, managers not only compete on products but also compete
on personnel. Human resources are the core of management activities. There is no way to survive
and develop by effectively managing human resources. Human resources are the most valuable
resource, so enterprises must preserve, maintain and develop. To do this, enterprises must have a
reasonable human resource policy, know how to lead, motivate and reward timely. In addition,
enterprises must have a salary regime sufficient to keep employees working with them, improve
the working environment, and improve welfare. If enterprises do not implement human resource
policies well, competitors will take advantage of and entice qualified people and thus enterprises
will lose talents.
IHRM policies and practices
A human resource management plan is a detailed description of the activities that
businesses need to do to optimize human resources, to ensure they can best serve the
organization's tasks and goals. position in the present and the future.
Human Resource Management Plan will mainly revolve around 3 key factors, which are
quantity, quality, cost and adaptability:

The goal of quantity will revolve around the active positions in the business. Missing too
many important personnel can affect the ability to operate as well as work productivity.
However, over-recruitment causes the organization to waste its economic and resource resources.
The quality objective is the plan to ensure that the staff is fully equipped with the
necessary knowledge and capabilities to work and develop in the current and future environment.
The goal of costs is optimizing payments for the staff. If these costs are too high, it'll
affect company profits. On the contrary, if these costs are too low, they do not meet the needs of
employees, leading to low productivity.
In general, if the above 3 goals are fully met, a human resource management plan will
help businesses ensure their workforce meets business strategies and long-term development


Improved Productivity
The importance of staffing in Human resources is its contribution to the staffing process. Staffing
the corporation recruits the best human resources for different roles in the organization. Staffing
mostly focuses on recruitment, training, and development. And This helps the organization
improve its productivity.
Development of Human Capital
Staffing is concerned with getting the right people for the right job. This provides HR managers
time to plan in advance for the recruitment of staff. Staffing also needs to deal with the
development and quantity of the old and new staff. Not only it helps in the career building of the
staff, but it also contributes to the pool of existing human capital which benefits the organization
for a long time.
Building Attitude and Motivation 
 Staffing not only deals with the recruitment of staff, but it also assesses their performance and
rewarding them. They can be rewarded which can help build their attitude and motivations.
Staffing helps to develop uniform principles for performance assessment and evaluation of staff
and brings uniformity in the process. 


Efficient compensation management benefits both the employer and the employee.
 Employees who receive a reasonable salary, benefits, in return for their work are much more
likely to stay at their job, maintain a high work performance.
Effective compensation management leads to the satisfaction of the employee and the
company's success.

Effective compensation management improve company culture

Compensation management leads to the financial success and wellbeing of both the employer
and employee make both happy. Employers reward employees with market-range salaries, well-
deserved bonuses, and incentives to improve employee satisfaction. The employees will feel
more motivated and engaged and would be more productive in their role. This c relationship
between employer and employer is necessary to create a company culture composed of
enthusiastic employees.

Employee (Employer) relations

When employees have a good relationship with their employers, the whole corporate benefits.
Research show that employees who have mutually respectful relationships with employers are
more happy, loyal and productive. 
Employee Royalness

Losing an employee to a competitor could be devastating, but unfortunately, employees who do

not have a good relationship with their employers have a right to leave. 
Comfortable Workplace

When a person enjoys being around their manager and colleagues would create a comfortable
an employee who has a positive relationship with their boss is more productive, and the more
productive the employees are, the more beneficial corporate are.

Help employees be aware of their work capacity
The performance appraisal system of employees will give results about the progress or errors of
employees in the process. perform the work. And this result will be evidence for employees to
self-assess whether they have done a good job and deserved the salary they are receiving; from
which employees can identify and correct their mistakes and weaknesses.
Enhance the employee's ability to complete work
The performance evaluation sheet will be the basis to help employees be motivated to complete
the assigned tasks and better understand their working capacity when they can see for
themselves. See your own progress or make competitive comparisons with other colleagues.
Creating motivation and enhancing the cooperation when doing work

When the management department does a good job of assessing the ability to perform the work
of an employee or department, it will contribute to helping employees clearly see the activities
going on and detect mistakes in time, motivating them to work more effectively.
Help businesses see and objectively evaluate employees
The establishment of a formal performance evaluation system will be a basis for reducing the
above difference.
The employee performance appraisal system is a tool to encourage managers to give necessary or
appropriate feedback to the department, subordinates, and to help employees make adjustments.
timely, right in the direction that is most beneficial to themselves as well as the common goals of
the business in which they are operating.

Training and development

According to a survey in 2015, 38% of HR professionals cited employee training and

development as their biggest concern.

Training programs to improve, enhance & maintain employee performance

Supporting and providing ongoing training opportunities shows the company's commitment to
the employee, training opportunities may be announced as this is a crucial point of the
employment contract. 

Learn by collaborating and interacting with colleagues

The modern workplace will provide employees with a way to collaborate on work projects and
interact with each other regardless of their location.
Social media engagement tools help find answers, find skills and experience, and interact with
friends in the company.
Communication tool for coaching opportunities

Communication channels in a digital work environment that are synchronous (such as chat and
video conferencing) or asynchronous (such as chats and forums) can be used to enhance the
coaching experience and training for all employees, regardless of their position.

Identifying training needs

An internal survey will help HR Managers identify gaps in employee skills & competencies,
thereby knowing how to build an appropriate training model.

Corporate strtegic issues

Global competitive strategy
Fit between corporate and HRM strategy
Internationalization strategy
Centre subsidiary relations

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