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Format Rancangan Pemberian Tugas Tutorial


NIM : 857000746

Kode dan Nama Mata kuliah : PDGK 4304/ Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD

Pokok Bahasan : Personal information,article,daily routines.Family relationship


Modul 1, 2,3
Masa Tutorial : 2020. 2

Rentang Skor : 10 - 100

Kompetensi Khusus/TIK : Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran mahasiswa

1. Menyapa atau memberi salam
2. Menjawab sapaan dari orang lain
3. Menanyakan kabar orang lain
4. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang kabar dan kesehatan
5. Menggunakan article
6. Menjelaskan kegiatan sehari hari
7. Menulis paragraph sederhana tentang pekerjaan routines
8. Menjelaskan keterangan waktu
9. Menjawab pertanyaan jumlah keluarga
10. Menjelaskan ciri phisik keluarga
Uraian Tugas :
1. Greet your friends when you meet them in the morning !
2. Lia : Hello, Dia , Good evening ? Dia :........
3. Sapto; How is your mother, Rina ? Rina :..........................
4. How are you today, Tom ? Tom :........................
5. use the ,a,an for this sentence. My father buys................egg
6. Expalain your daily activities. !
7. Make a short paragraph about your daily routines !
8. What time do you usually get up everyday ?
9. How many sisters do you have ?
10. Descrice your father ?

1. Hallo, putri ,Good morning, how are you.?

2. Dia : Hello, Lia, Good evening too.
3. Rina : my mom is fine,sapto.
4. Tom :I’am fine and you.?
5. My father buys a eeg everyday
6. My activities are : making the bed, bath, cook, sweep the house, mop
the house, eat, study, watch tv, sharing parents and friends, and
7. ‘’ My paragraph routines’’
My name is sucita wulandari, my dally routine is after waking up
in the morning I clean and tidy up my bed, after that I take a shower,
after taking ashower I help my mother to cook and the eat with my
family. After that I clean the house like sweeping and mopping, during
the dayI spend time to study, here Iam now a student and have to
study, the modules given, after I finish Iam refresh by watching then
sharing with family and friends around .
That’s about my dally losses.
8. I wake up at 5 o’lock ( five o’clock ) in the morning,
9. I have two sisters
10. ‘’My father’’
My father is a gret man, he is a man who is though, patient and
strong , for the sake of supporting his family, everything he does, he
is always there for the family,wether it’s hard or happy. Dad is the
person who always supports ne in everything and reminds me off the
good things, my dad is my hero.

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