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DATE: 03-25-21
SCHEDULE: MTH (07:00 AM – 10:00 AM)



What I have learned in Ethics is a lot. First, in the story of The Ring of Gyges. I’ve learned on
that story that even people have given the chance to have a power, we should always think
what’s the right for us. And we should give it importance on our power that we have and use it in
the right way. We should always choose to be a just person. That story reminds us that even if
we have power, we should not use it in a harmful way or in other words we should not use it to
harm other people. Except for Gyges, we should not imitate from his doings.
Second, in the Challenge of Cultural Relativism, I have learned that we really have different
opinions. And all of us if ever we don’t like or agree that their culture is like that, we should
never criticize them. Because it’s better for us to not interfere with others because they
themselves know what is right and wrong. Even if we have different cultures but we are all
equal. Because cultural relativism it is the ability to understand a culture on its own terms and
not to make any judgements using the standards of one’s own culture.
Third, I also learned the different strength and weaknesses of Filipino values. Just like “Respect
for the Elderly”, it is the strength of Filipino values which is we always do. And one of the
example for this is “pagmamano”, it is one of the most well known practice for us Filipino. And
the weakness of Filipino values is like “Kanya-kanya syndrome”, this is also what people used or
practice today. Just like for example, someone who is pregnant and its still studying or she still a
high school or college student. And people immediately gossip about it. They even make any
judgements because of that. But they shouldn’t do that such things because that is not their
obligation. Except if they help, not because there is nothing to do but gossip.
Fourth, in this Ethics subject I’ve also learned about different types of ethics and also the fields
of applied ethics which is the business ethics, environmental ethics, and social ethics. We also
study here in this subject about the rightness or wrongness of human action. And I also learned
about the difference of moral standards and non-moral ones. And it tackled that all of us have
different moral beliefs. And in non-moral standards, we don’t have the right to impose on others.
While moral standards, such as not harming people, then we may have the right to force others to
act accordingly. Moral standards are norms that individuals or groups have about the kinds of
actions believed to be morally right or wrong, as well as the values placed on what we believed
to be morally good or morally bad. And moral standards, we have norms and values. The norms
is the general rules about actions or behaviors. For example, killing innocent people is absolutely
wrong. And in values, it enduring beliefs about what is good and desirable, or not. For example,
helping the poor people is good.
And in non-moral standards it refer to standards by which we judge what is good or bad.
Lastly, I’ve also learned about what Aristotle say, he said that the highest human good is
happiness. And ethics help us to determine how to achieve happiness. We also have the golden
mean which is the vice of defect or what we called cowardice and the vice of excess which is
overconfidence. And we all know that we have lots of topics that we tackled here in Ethics, and
that’s a big help for all of us students because we can learn from what we have not yet learned.

That’s all and Thank you!

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