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Nama : Maharani Friska Marsanda

Kelas : A1/D4K3

Npm : 217052869

Simple present tense

1. (active) cristiano ronaldo kicks the ball (cristiano ronaldo menendang bola itu)

(passive) the ball is kicked by cristiano ronaldo (bola itu ditendang oleh cristiano ronaldo)

2. (active) anies Baswedan reads an english article fluently (sebuah artikel bahasa inggris
dibaca oleh anies baswedan dengan lancer

(passive)  an english article is read by Anies Baswedan fluently. (Sebuah artikel Bahasa Inggris
dibaca Anies Baswedan dengan lancar.)

Present tense

3. (active voice) i bought this shoes yesterday. (Aku membeli sepatu ini kemarin)

(passive voice) this shoes was bought by me yesterday. (Sepatu ini dibeli olehku kemarin)

4. (active voice) she called me everyday after that. (Dia menelponku setiap hari setelah
kejadian itu)

(passive voice) i was called everyday by her after that incident. (Aku ditelpon setiap hari
olehnya setelah kejadian itu)

Perfect tense

5. (active voice) bambang has started catfish bussines after that day. (Bambang memulai
bisnis lele mulai hari itu)

(passive voice) catfish bussines have been started by Bambang after that day. (Bisnis lele
dimulai oleh Bambang setelah hari itu)

6. (active voice) i have already remembered her name. (Aku sudah mengingat namanya

(passive voice) her name has already been remembered by me now. (Namanya sudah
aku ingat sekarang)

Past continuous

7. (active voice) i was watching a movie when she called me. (Aku sedang menonton film
ketika dia menelpon)

(passive voice) a movie was being watched by me when she called me. (Film sedang
ditonton olehku ketika dia menelponku)

8. (active voice) they were making soup when I slept. (Mereka sedang membuat sup
ketika aku tidur)

(passive voice) the soup was being maked by them when I slept. (Sup sedang dibuat
oleh mereka ketika aku tidur)

Past tense

9. (active voice) she sent me a message around 9 pm. (Dia mengirim pesan padaku
sekitar jam 9 malam)
(passive voice) i was sent a message by her around 9 pm. (Aku dikirimi pesan olehnya
sekitar jam 9 malam)

10. (active voice) dibyo played soccer yesterday. (Dibyo bermain sepak bola kemarin)

(passive voice) Soccer was played by Dibyo yesterday. (Sepak bola dimainkan
oleh Dibyo kemarin)

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