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A research plan fulfilled for Second Language Acquisition lecture

Lecturer: Dian Misesani, S.S., M.Pd.

Methildis Maryanti Nalu

Academic Year 2020/2021



Chapter I Introduction

Research Background

English is becoming an important language in the world. It is used as means of

communication between nations in the world and many mass media, printed or electronic,
and some scientific books written in English. That The presence of English makes it the most
recommended language to learn every country.
In the learning process there are two main skills that will be learned English students;
receptive skills and productive skills. Baruah (1991) stated Listening and reading are called
receptive skills because learners need to accept and understand the communication. In
addition, speaking and writing are called productive skills. Students take the initiative when
transmitting language.
Speaking is also considered the most difficult one because it requires the students to
master grammar, contents, forms and pronunciation, Clifford in Leong and Ahmadi (2017).
Speaking needs knowledge when the students produce words or sentences within an idea at
the same time with good English grammar. English grammar is also the difficult one for
learners. According to Larsen-Freeman in Mahdi (2018), grammar is a set of rules and
systems for sentences control without these rules, a sentence of clear and explicit meaning
cannot be formed. There are a lot of learners who make grammatical errors in their learning,
especially in sharing information, ideas or arguments. However, sometimes English learners
ignore the grammar and only focus on the ideas or arguemnts they want to say, Azar in
Mahdi (2018).
Second semester students also have difficulty speaking, especially by paying attention
to grammar, because they tend to only see the content of the conversation without paying
attention to grammar. We need a theory of grammar or languages which help us understand
how texts work. We need to know how text work so we can explicitly help learners learn how
to understand and produce text-spoken in various context for various purpose. Based on the
description above, the researcher is interested in conducting the research under the title “An
Analysis of Grammatical Errors on Speaking made by students of English Study Program at
2nd semester in Nusa Nipa University.

Research Question
1. What types of grammatical errors are found at ESP student‘s speaking?
2. What are factors influencing their grammatical errors?

Chapter II Review of Related Theories

The theory of SLA

SLA related to the Individual variation in second-language acquisition. It is the study
of why some people learn a second language better than others. Unlike children who acquire
a language, adults learning a second language rarely reach the same level of competence as
native speakers of that language.

According to Carroll and Sapon (2002) , language aptitude refers to a set of cognitive

abilities that are 'predictive of how well, relative to other individuals, an individual can learn
a foreign language in a given amount of time and under given conditions' ( Carroll and Sapon
2002 : 23). Motivation is the most used concept for explaining the failure or success of
a language learner. In research on motivation, it is considered to be an internal process that
gives behavior energy, direction and persistence in research (in other words, it gives behavior
strength, purpose, and sustainability).

The factors include vocabulary, grammar, and interference of mother tongue (L1),
self-efficacy and motivation. These factors are vital to research for the process of acquiring
second language. Language is composed of vocabulary words which are synchronized by
grammar affected by first language.

Researchers also indicate that personality traits influence learning in children.

Children with negative personality traits, such as introversion, pessimism and rebelliousness,
will not learn on the same pace as children with more positive personality traits.

The theory of language teaching and learning

This research use communicative approach. Communicative approach is based on the
idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning.
When learners are involved in real communication, their natural strategies for language
acquisition will be used, and this will allow them to learn to use the language. The main
principles of communicative approach include: 1) goal of effective communication, 2)
learning language by using it to communicate, 3) focus on meaning and appropriate usage, 4)
focus both on fluency and accuracy, 5) use of authentic materials to reflect real life situation,
and 6) integration of four skills. The approach is designed to motivate students to

Chapter III Research Method

Research Design

The method of this research is qualitative research. It is based on the research focus;
to analyze the grammatical errors of ELT Department students of IAIN Walisongo Semarang.
Qualitative research is an approach to the study of social phenomena; its various genres are
naturalistic and interpretative, and they draw on multiple methods of inquiry. Some
characteristics of qualitative research are: take places in the natural world, uses multiple
methods that are interactive and humanistic, it is emergent rather than prefigured and
fundamentally interpretative. Qualitative research has some purposes, are; describing, and
reporting the creation of key concepts, theory generation and testing. Kind of this research is
case study. Case study is the comprehensive explanation about some aspects of individual,
group, organization (community), program, or social situation. Case study in this research is
researcher wants to analyze directly the grammatical errors of 2 nd semester students of ESP in
Nusa Nipa University. this research also can be called as qualitative research type descriptive.
Descriptive research hasn‘t purpose to test the certain hypothesis, but just describes some
variable and condition naturally. Thus, descriptive qualitative method in this research has
purpose to describe about the grammatical errors made by 2 nd semester of ESP students in
Nusa Nipa University.

Research Participants
The participants of this research are the 2nd semester students of ESP in Nusa Nipa University.

Research Procedure
1. Observation
Observation can be defined as the systematic noting and recording of events,
behaviors, and artifacts (object) in the social setting chosen for the study. The
observational record is frequently referred to as field notes-detailed, nonjudgmental,
concrete descriptions of what has been observed. By doing the observation researcher
can see and record the students‘ speaking class and the process of learning speaking
2. Interview
Kahn and Cannel describe Interview as conversation with a purpose; it may be the
overall strategy or one of several methods employed in a study. Interviewing varies in
terms of a priori structure and in the latitude the interviewee has in responding to
In this research, researcher will do the interview with the students to show their errors
and ask them to find the correct one.
3. Documentation
By this method, researcher seeks the data about the grammatical errors of 2nd
semester of ESP students in Nusa Nipa University.
There are some processes in data analysis; the first process is recording their speaking
to know find there are some errors or not. Data analysis on the field was done when
collecting data and after collecting the data. The activities on the qualitative data were
done interactively and continue until complete.

Gass, Susan M. and L. Selinker. (2008). Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course. New
York: Routledge

Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar. New Jersey:
Prentice Hall Regents.
Jones, Leo. 1992. Communicative Grammar Practice; Activities for Intermediate Students of
English. The Edinburgh Building: Cambridge University Press.

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