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Data and Information Visualization

Day 01, 2021 August 20 04:00 pm – 05:15 pm

Introduction to CISC3015
Lecture 00
Dr. Kam Hou Vat
E11-4087 (Ext: 4476)
Office Hours:
Monday + Thursday 12:00 pm – 01:30 pm

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CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization
Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Outline Units
To Follow To Enhance Your Learning
Part 1 Course Description
Part 2 Course Texts and References
Part 3 Course Learning Objectives
Part 4 Course Intended Learning Outcomes
Part 5 Course Topics
Part 6 Course Assessment
Part 7 Course Grading Scheme and Study Hours
Part 8 Course Meetings and Instructor Contact
Part 9 Course Delivery
Part 10 Course Design Philosophy

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CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization
Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 1: Course Description

Catalog Description
3.0 credits (Weekly: 2 x 75 mins Contact Sessions -> 1 Lecture + 1 Tutorial)
This course introduces students to the discipline of data science, including the concept, techniques and tools of data visualization, via two
modules of learning:
• This first on the basics of data manipulation and cleaning techniques using the popular python pandas data science library and introduce
the abstraction of the Series and DataFrame as the central data structures for data analysis, along with tutorials on how to use functions
such as groupby, merge, and pivot tables effectively.
• The second on data visualization basics, with a focus on reporting and charting using the Python matplotlib library. This course emphasizes
on the practical aspects of data science with a focus on using Python programming language to process data, produce visualizations, and
interpret these visualizations.
• Students will learn the practice of data cleaning, reshaping of data, basic tabulations, aggregations and visual representation in order to
increase the understanding of complex data and models.
Course Type
• Free elective for Year 3 undergraduate students in Bachelor of Computer Science program

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CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization
Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 2: Course Texts and References

Suggested Text
• Chen, Daniel Y. (2018). Pandas for everyone: Python data analysis. Addison Wesley.

• Bruce, P. & Bruce, A. (2017). Practical statistics for data scientists: 50 essential concepts. O’Reilly Media.
• Downey, Allen. B. (2015). Think Python: How to think like a computer scientist
(, 2e. O'Reilly Media.
• Downey, Allen. B. (2014). Think Stats: Exploratory data analysis (, 2e.
O'Reilly Media.
• Galea, A. (2018). Beginning data science with Python and Jupyter: Use powerful tools to unlock actionable insights from data.
Packt Publishing.
• Harrison, Matt. (2016). Learning the Pandas Library: Python tools for data munging, analysis, and visualization. CreateSpace
Independent Publishing Platform.
• McKinney, W. (2017). Python for data analysis: Data wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython, 2nd edition. O’Reilly Media.

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CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization
Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 3: Course Learning Objectives

• CLO-01: To help students become literate in the fundamental understanding and
practice of data science associated with the big data era, including concepts of
data analysis and data visualization using modern-day examples.
• CLO-02: To encourage students to formulate and express their views on the
design of data science projects, through case study, written/programming work,
oral presentations and classroom discussions.
• CLO-03: To raise students' awareness of the impact of big data on modern living
and the wide-spread focus of data science and data visualization to computing
issues of various applications, through critical discourses of various data sources
for purposeful human endeavors.

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CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization
Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 4: Course Intended Learning Outcomes

• CILO-01: Describe the fundamental concepts and practices of data
science involving data analysis and data visualization.
• CILO-02: Identify different data science methods and techniques for
real-life projects.
• CILO-03: Use appropriate data analysis and data visualization tools for
practical purpose.
• CILO-04: Draw conclusion and formulate hypotheses from data
collected and visually presented.

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CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization
Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat
Part 5: Course Topics
• Introduction: What is Data Science? Data Analysis? Data Visualization?
• Module 1: Introduction to Data Science in Python - Topics (1, 2, 3, 4)
• Topic 1: Python Fundamentals
• Topic 2: Basic Data Processing with Pandas
• Topic 3: Advanced Python Pandas
• Topic 4: Statistical Analysis in Python
• Module 2: Applied Plotting, Charting and Data Representation in Python – Topics (5, 6, 7, 8)
• Topic 5: Principles of Data Visualization
• Topic 6: Basic Charting
• Topic 7: Charting Revisit
• Topic 8: Applied Visualizations
• Supplementary Topics
• Topic 9: Learning the Jupyter Notebook
• Topic 10: Learning IPython for Interactive Computing

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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 6: Course Assessment

Item for Assessment Total Semester Percentage (100%)
Individual Assignment 10%
Pair Assignment 10%
Project Assignment 20%
Online Quizzes and Reflective Practices 10%
Mid-Term Exam 20%
Final Exam 30%
Bonus Suggested Exercises + Online Participation 5% x 2

Attendance Requirements for Writing Final Exam: at least 80% present during the semester

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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 7: Course Grading Scheme – Letter Grade

Percentage Letter Grade Percentage Letter Grade

100 - 93 A 92 - 88 A-

87 - 83 B+ 82 - 78 B

77 - 73 B- 72 - 68 C+

67 - 63 C 62 - 58 C-

57 - 53 D+ 52 - 50 D

• Below
WWW50 proliferates atFa 341,634% annual growth rate of service

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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 7: Course Study Hours

Study Item Hours Expected throughout the Semester

Lectures 30 hours

Tutorials 20 hours

Self-Study 20 hours

Assignments 10 hours

Project Work 10 hours

Total Study Effort 90 hours

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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat
Number of Students (Total = 10) Grade
0 A
1 A-
Statistics – 5 B+
2018/2019 1 B
0 B-
2 C+
1 C
0 C-
WWW proliferates at a 341,634% annual growth rate of

0 D
0 F
0 Withdrawal
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CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization
Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat
Number of Students (Total = 27) Grade
3 A
6 A-
Statistics – 6 B+
2019/2020 1 B
2 B-
1 C+
2 C
0 C-
WWW proliferates at a 341,634% annual growth rate of

2 D
0 F
3 Withdrawal
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CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization
Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat
Number of Students (Total = 27) Grade
3 A
6 A-
Statistics – 6 B+
2020/2021 1 B
2 B-
1 C+
2 C
0 C-
WWW proliferates at a 341,634% annual growth rate of

2 D
0 F
3 Withdrawal
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CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization
Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 8: Course Meeting Time and Venue

Instructor Dr. Kam H. Vat

Meeting Hours Tuesday + Friday 04:00 pm – 05:15 pm

Classroom E11-1015

Course UMMoodle Site

Zoom Lessons TBC

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CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization
Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 8: Course Instructor Contact

Instructor Dr. Kam H. Vat

Office Hours Monday + Thursday 12:00 pm – 01:30 pm

Office E11-4087

Office Phone +853 8822-4476

Zoom Appointments TBA


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CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization
Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Homework Policy
The completion of homework is a powerful learning experience; therefore:
• There will be two homework assignments in the semester.
• Homework is due on specific dates from the UMMoodle course site unless
otherwise noted.
• No late homework is accepted, unless an application is filed prior to
submission with valid reason(s).
• The course grade will partly be based on the average of the homework
• proliferates at a 341,634% annual growth rate of service

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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Attendance Policy
Students are obliged to attend class lectures and tutorials on time
during the semester. Attention should be paid to the following:
• Any students with a cumulative attendance of less than 80% for the
semester will not have their final exam scores counted in their
semester scorecard.
• Any student being late for any class (lecture or tutorial) for more than
15 minutes will be counted as absent from that class. Attendance will
be recorded at the 15-minute point after the beginning of each class.
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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Bonus Work Policy – Suggested Exercises
Students are encouraged to attempt and submit their completed suggested
exercises released throughout the semester. Attention should be paid to the
• Suggested Exercises are optional coursework and are NOT compulsory for
submission. Such exercises are installed to enhance your course learning,
with the bonus score arrangement to stimulate active learning.
• Any submission of the suggested exercises should be done on time. No
late submission will be eligible for earning the bonus score allocated
towards the end of the semester.

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CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization
Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
OBTL represents a learner-centered approach to curriculum and
course design that focuses on what the students are expected to learn
and to do.
Operationally, OBTL is mainly powered up through the constructive
alignment of three important elements in actions: ILO’s (intended
learning outcomes), TLA’s (teaching and learning activities), and AT’s
(assessment tasks), including the provision of assessment rubrics.

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CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization
Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO’s) are what students are expected to be able to
do at the end of a lecture, a course, a project, a field trip or a program of study.
• They are expressed from the student perspective, in the form of some action
verbs (identifying the learning outcomes) and related to criteria for assessing
student performance.
• They are referred to as ILO’s because in good learning environments, students
may also learn many additional things about the academic subject, working with
others, dealing with difficult people, teamwork, and other living and learning
skills such as adaptability with emerging Web technologies and social media,
which are not necessarily included in the ILO’s.

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CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization
Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
Teaching and Learning Activities (TLA’s) are activities designed by academic staff
(course instructors) to help students achieve the learning outcomes of the course,
of the tutorials, of the lab sessions, of the lectures, of the projects, or of the field
The TLA’s must be explicitly related to each ILO. For example, if an ILO is that
students will develop the ability to solve particular types of problems, lecturing
students about how to solve such problems will not be sufficient. Students will
need practice, support and feedback in solving such problems.
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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
Assessment Tasks (AT’s) are procedures designed to assess the related ILO’s after the
specific TLA’s are identified that will help students achieve the ILO’s.
• Oftentimes, creating the appropriate AT’s is an iterative process involving different
levels of review, revision, and development. For example, if an ILO is that students
will develop skills in oral communication, then asking student to write an essay
about oral communication does not assess the related ILO. Students need to engage
in an act of oral communication which is assessed accordingly.
• Thereby, AT’s could come in various forms such as essay-type assignments, projects,
presentations, quizzes, role-plays, e-portfolio collection, and many others, our
teachers ask students to do to demonstrate evidence that a particular ILO has been
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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
Assessment Rubrics (AR’s) are standards (or criteria) explicitly devised to measure the
performance of student achievement in the context of ILO’s.
• They must be developed after the AT’s have been identified. For example, a course
of study might define an ‘A’ as showing evidence of original thought or being able to
critically analyze evidence, but a ‘D’ as being able to reproduce what was taught
with no evidence of critical analysis or original thought.
• Each grade needs to have a grade descriptor, describing explicit differences between
the grades. And grades, as a form of criterion-referenced assessment, are meant to
describe what students can or cannot do rather than how their performance
compares to other students.

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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
TLA’s – Lectures and Tutorials
• This is a typical lecture setting but efforts are made to insert short
questions regarding the lesson so that students have opportunities to
discuss with one another.
• From time to time, students are asked to discuss among themselves
for couple of minutes regarding a topic that has been taught and are
invited to pose their answers online through the UMMoodle course
environment (online forum). This is to give students some space to
relax between topics and provide a review of the lesson.
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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
TLA’s – Small Group Discussion
• This includes the case of group-based discussion involving only two
students. Students develop and practice higher-order cognitive skills as
they explain, analyze, reflect, evaluate and theorize the working and
trends underpinning issues of data science projects in today’s world,
especially regarding impact on our daily living.
• Each discussion group is normally equipped with a scribe volunteered by
one of the group members to keep track of the learning issues raised, for
subsequent class sharing. Typical in-class length for this TLA varies ranging
from 15 to 30 minutes.
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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
TLA’s – Student-Led Class Forum
• This is an extension of project presentation, in which selected groups of
students will be responsible for leading a whole class discussion, based on
a specific topic of interest.
• The group leading the forum is equipped with a moderator, a scribe, one
to two discussants, depending on the group size, as well as a reporter or
camera person to video-record the forum episodes. Typical length for this
TLA varies ranging from 30 to 45 minutes.
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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
TLA’s – Online Activities
• These activities are mainly performed online with Internet access to search for
materials, to identify resources, to complete assignments, to finish project tasks,
and to housekeep important findings for subsequent learning, such as for getting
ready for all the TLA’s mentioned.
• Such activities may be performed during class hours, and/or outside of class
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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
TLA’s – Learning-by-Doing Activities
• These are mainly assignment or project-based work designed to integrate
student skills and knowledge accrued up to a certain point of the semester
learning. They include work assigned for an individual, pair-based, or
teamwork completion.
• Such activities are designed to enhance interaction between teacher and
students, and among students themselves, such as inter-group meetings,
to prepare for project work.
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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
AT’s – In-Class Participation and Online Discussion (5%)
• Students are required to critically discuss, share, and present the assigned topics online
and inside the classroom. Students may work individually, pair up, or in group as advised
to participate in the discussion topics and issues.
• They are expected to think and learn how to engage in an exchange of ideas to construct
their understanding of knowledge and not just to memorize facts, and to regurgitate the
• Students are expected to point out agreements or disagreements, to raise appropriate
questions and to brainstorm solutions to problems. UMMoodle resources (forums,
journals, wikis, and blogs) are required to track the discussion details, progress, and/or
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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
AT’s – Homework Exercises and Assignments (20%)
• Homework exercises and assignments are given to students to assess student
understanding and knowledge on topics listed in the course schedule.
• There will be individual, pair, and team-based exercises and assignments to complete
throughout the semester. All the assignments must be submitted through our
UMMoodle course environment, and some must be completed directly in our
UMMoodle course site, too.

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CISC3015 Data and Information Visualization
Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
AT’s – Group Project (20%)
• This is the semester project requiring group-based collaborative work covering also both
pair and individual work. It is truly a holistic exercise requiring personal responsibility,
pair accountability, and team-based collaboration, in order to complete the respective
portions of the same.
• It is an exercise designed to assess the integrative ability of the individual student, the
pair, and the team as a whole, in the form of constructed responses, to be documented
online through the UMMoodle environment. The assessment is based on the artifacts
produced (findings, report, presentation, digital story) and made available online in the
UMMoodle course site.

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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
AT’s – Reading and Reflective Learning Efforts (5%)
• The assessment of reading and reflective learning efforts is done on a per exercise basis.
Essentially, all the class work (in-class participation and discussion) and homework
assignments are done or submitted through the UMMoodle course site.
• In regard to how excellently and consistently such work have been completed, the
earned score will be assigned accordingly based on the assessment requirement to be
elaborated on each exercise.

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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
AT’s – Mid-Term Test (20%)
• This mid-term exam is scheduled on TWO 75-minute class sessions, lasting for
about 140 minutes. It is to be written on the UMMoodle course site, designed to
measure the students’ grasp of the key concepts, skills and knowledge
elaborated throughout the first half of the semester.

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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 9: Course Delivery

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
AT’s – Final Exam (30%)
• The final exam is a three-hour examination to be written on the UMMoodle
environment. It comprises essay-type questions in data analysis and data
visualization, requiring programming skills in Python, and students are required
to provide constructed responses, mostly based on some mini-case studies.

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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 10: Course Design Philosophy

The learning design in CISC3015 is performed with several pedagogical
objectives in mind, including:
• develop student responsibility in active learning
• make learning meaningful to student future study or vocational goals
• promote overt knowledge construction with down-to-earth practices
• perform learner assessment to stimulate further learning
• showcase learner achievements in terms of accessible records
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Part 10: Course Design Philosophy

Pedagogy – Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
• Think critically and be able to analyze and solve complex, real-world
• Find, evaluate, and use appropriate learning resources
• Work cooperatively in teams (4 students) and small groups (2 students)
• Demonstrate versatile and effective communication skills, both verbal and
• Use content knowledge and intellectual skills acquired to become lifelong
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Part 10: Course Design Philosophy

Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
• At the heart of PBL are some real-world problems (or scenarios) used
to motivate students to identify and research the issues and
principles they need to know to work through those problems.
• Students learn more effectively when they are presented with a
problem to solve rather than just being given instructions to absorb.
• Pedagogically, it is important that students be given opportunities to
identify and search for the knowledge they need to approach the

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Part 10: Course Design Philosophy

PBL – An Iterative Learning in Action
• Problem Analysis Stage
• Information Gathering Stage
• Synthesis Stage
• Abstraction Stage
• Reflection Stage
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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 10: Course Design Philosophy

PBL – An Iterative Learning in Action
Problem Analysis Stage
• Students, divided into small groups, are respectively presented a
problem scenario to explore, without much instruction given.
• Students generate ideas about possible solutions to the problem
based on what they already know.
• Students then define what they need to know by identifying the key
learning issues and formulate an action plan to tackle the problem.

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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 10: Course Design Philosophy

PBL – An Iterative Learning in Action
Information Gathering Stage
• A period of self-directed learning follows.
• Students are responsible for searching for relevant information.
• Students are largely engaged in just-in-time learning as they are
seeking for information when their need to know is greatest..
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Part 10: Course Design Philosophy

PBL – An Iterative Learning in Action
Synthesis Stage
• After a specified period of self-directed learning, students reconvene
and reassess the problem based on their newly acquired knowledge.
• Students become their own experts to teach one another in the
group; they use their learning to re-examine the problem.
• In the process, students are constructing knowledge by anchoring
their new findings on their existing knowledge base.

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Part 10: Course Design Philosophy

PBL – An Iterative Learning in Action
Abstraction Stage
• Once the students feel that the problem task has been
successfully completed, they discuss the problem in relation to
similar and dissimilar problems in order to form generalizations.

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Part 10: Course Design Philosophy

PBL – An Iterative Learning in Action
Reflection Stage
• At this stage, students review their problem-solving process
through conducting a self- and/or peer-evaluation.
• This stage is meant to help students’ meta-cognitive ability as
they discuss the process and reflect on their newly acquired

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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Part 10: Course Design Philosophy

PBL – In a Nutshell
• Essentially, PBL revolves around a focal problem, group work,
feedback, and class discussion, accompanied by skill
development and continuous reporting.
• The instructor’s role, after the upfront lectures, is to organize
and pilot this cycle of learning activity, guiding, probing and
supporting student initiatives along the way so as to empower
them to be responsible in their own learning.
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Part 10: Course Design Philosophy

PBL – Assessment Measures of Student Learning
• Learning is an active and engaged process.
• Learning is a process of knowledge construction.
• Learners function at a meta-cognitive level.
• Learning involves social negotiation.

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Part 10: Course Design Philosophy

PBL – Assessment Measures of Student Learning
Learning is an active and engaged process
• Instead of being told what to do or how to solve problems, students
within a PBL atmosphere are to generate their own learning issues.
• It is expected that a sense of ownership should be born leading to
greater cognitive engagement.
• Students are actively engaged in working at tasks situated in an
authentic setting which should lead to greater ability in transfer to
other real-world contexts.
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Part 10: Course Design Philosophy

PBL – Assessment Measures of Student Learning
Learning is a process of knowledge construction
• PBL purports that learners construct their own knowledge.
• The constructivist epistemology states that the known is internal to the
knower and is subjectively constructed based on individual responses to
• Thus, in order to harness the reality of learning, students need to consider
the opportunity to find knowledge for themselves, contrast their
understanding of that knowledge with others’ understanding, and then
refine or re-structure knowledge as more relevant experience is gained.
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Part 10: Course Design Philosophy

PBL – Assessment Measures of Student Learning
Learners function at a meta-cognitive level
• Constructivist learning focuses on initiative thinking activities rather than working
on the right answer the teacher wants.
• Students generate their own strategies for problem formulation and possible
solutions. The instructor’s role is that of a facilitator, a guide or a coach, probing
students’ thinking, monitoring their activities, and generally keeping the process
• Thus, PBL should promote meta-cognition through encouraging students to reflect
upon the problem-solving process. It is believed that reflection on recent
experiences is an effective method of learning.

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Part 10: Course Design Philosophy

PBL – Assessment Measures of Student Learning
Learning involves social negotiation
• The constructivists accept that knowledge is socially negotiated.
• The quality or depth of students’ understanding can only be determined in a social
environment where they can see if their understanding can accommodate the
issues and views of others and to see if there are points of view which they could
usefully incorporate into their understanding.
• The important support of a learning community where ideas are shared and
discussed and understanding enriched is critical to the development of self-directed
learning among PBL students.

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In this Lecture 00, you have learned:
• CISC3015 Course Outline
• CISC3015 Course Information and Policies
• CISC3015 Course Delivery of OBTL
• CISC3015 Course Design Philosophy

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Introduction to CISC3015 Dr. Kam Hou Vat

Questions and Answers (Q & A)
Lecture 01 Message - 授人以魚不如授之以漁

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