The Management of Flail Chest: Brian L. Pettiford, MD, James D. Luketich, MD, Rodney J. Landreneau, MD

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Thorac Surg Clin 17 (2007) 25–33

The Management of Flail Chest

Brian L. Pettiford, MD, James D. Luketich, MD,
Rodney J. Landreneau, MD*
Heart, Lung and Esophageal Surgery Institute, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
Shadyside Medical Center, Suit 715, 5200 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA

Thoracic trauma is quite common in the Pathophysiology

United States, with a broad injury profile that
A common result of compressive injury to the
ranges from abrasions and contusions to aortic
thoracic cage is rib fracture. The fracture location is
transection with exsanguinating hemorrhage. The
influenced by the angle of impact. Rib fractures
cause of thoracic trauma is legion and includes
tend to occur anteriorly at 60-degree rotation from
motor vehicle crashes, assaults, falls, occupa-
the sternum [7]. Frontal and lateral impact, how-
tional-related crush accidents, and sports injuries.
ever, may result in multiple anterior and posterior
Motor vehicle crash accounts for over 43,000
rib fracture points. Severe anterior compressive
accidental injuries in the United States each year
forces may cause sternochondral disruption and
[1]. It is the most common cause of thoracic
a subsequent sternal flail. Flail chest occurs in
trauma, accounting for nearly 80% of reported
10% of thoracic trauma cases and has a reported
chest wall injuries in some series [2,3]. Thoracic
mortality rate between 10% and 15% [2,8–10].
trauma has serious implications, accounting for
Flail chest is defined as the fracture of four or
nearly 20% of all trauma deaths in the United
more consecutive ribs in at least two places. This is
States [4].
accompanied by paradoxical motion of the affected
Most thoracic injury sustained in motor vehi-
chest wall segment during respiration such that the
cle crash is blunt in nature [5]. The three main
flail segment collapses during inspiration and
types of blunt injury forces are (1) compression,
expands during expiration (Fig. 1). During inspira-
(2) shearing, and (3) blast. Steering wheel contact
tion, the flail segment decreases the negative intra-
with the thoracic cage contributes to compressive
thoracic forces required for adequate ipsilateral
chest wall or thoracic organ injury. Acute deceler-
lung expansion. The lateral motion of the flail seg-
ation from a head-on or lateral impact motor
ment lessens the positive intrathoracic pressure
vehicle crash may cause a shearing injury. This
needed during expiration. Flail chest can be subdi-
force may also occur after a fall and may lead to
vided into anterior and posterior flail chest depend-
aortic transection. The concussive force from
ing on the presence of fractures along the anterior
a blast is most commonly associated with high-
or posterior rib angles, respectively (Fig. 2). Bor-
energy explosives usually seen in a military set-
relly and Aazami [11] reported that contraction of
ting. The distance between the victim and the blast
the serratus anterior muscle digitations pulls the
epicenter may affect the extent of injury [6]. Large
flail segment posteriorly and superiorly. Canine
stationary objects between the victim and the blast
flail chest experiments have also shown that the de-
source may absorb a considerable amount of en-
gree of inward inspiratory displacement is related
ergy and subsequently decrease the extent of
to force differences between intrapleural pressure
and parasternal muscle activity [12].

Initial evaluation
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: The diagnosis of flail chest is clinical and
(R.J. Landreneau). requires evaluation of the injury mechanism,
1547-4127/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
26 PETTIFORD et al

Fig. 1. Schematic of flail chest physiology. (From Mayberry J, Trunkey D. The fractured rib in chest wall trauma. Chest
Surg Clin N Am 1997;7:253; with permission.)

physical examination, and radiographic studies chest. Emergency medical personnel reports of
including plain film chest radiograph. With regard steering wheel deformity, high speed frontal or
to injury mechanism, motor vehicle crash is lateral crash, and the presence or absence of front
a major contributor to the development of flail and side airbags is useful during patient triage.

Fig. 2. (A) Anterior and posterior flail segments schematic. Note the location of the anterior and posterior fractures
along the anterior and posterior rib angles, respectively. (B, C) Preoperative and postoperative chest radiograph of ante-
rolateral flail segment. (D, E) Preoperative and postoperative chest radiograph of posterolateral flail segment. (From
Borrelly J, Aazami M. New insights into the pathophysiology of flail segment: the implication of anterior serratus muscle
in parietal failure. Eur J Cardiothor Surg 2005;28:743; with permission. Copyright Ó 2005, European Organization for
Cardio-Thoracic Surgery.)

Shoulder harness seatbelt use may also provide At present, most patients with isolated flail
information about the possibility of sternal or rib chest are admitted to a trauma ICU and receive
fracture versus chest wall contusion. aggressive pulmonary toilet and pain control. In
Patients with flail chest should undergo a stan- patients with an isolated flail chest injury, ade-
dard initial trauma resuscitation including airway, quate analgesia greatly facilitates pulmonary toi-
breathing, and circulation assessment. Physical let and early patient mobilization. Systemic
examination generally reveals a paradoxical mo- opioids, such as intravenous fentanyl or morphine
tion of the flail chest wall segment with normal sulfate, may provide adequate pain relief. Patient-
respiration. The flail segment becomes depressed controlled anesthesia is also effective. Patient-
with inspiration and moves laterally with expira- controlled anesthesia with a continuous infusion
tion. The awake patient usually complains of has been shown to improve pain scores; however,
severe chest wall pain and may manifest signs of respiratory depression may result. Bupivacaine
respiratory insufficiency including tachypnea and intercostal nerve block is useful for pain manage-
splinting. Decreased breath sounds may indicate ment of isolated rib fracture. Multiple rib frac-
a pneumothorax, pulmonary contusion, or hemo- tures require several injections, however, and may
thorax. Radiographic evaluation begins with result in additional chest wall pain, pneumotho-
a portable anteroposterior chest radiograph. rax, and even local anesthetic toxicity [19].
This may not reveal an underlying rib fracture Epidural analgesia has proved extremely effec-
along the lateral and more posterior aspects of the tive in managing the acute pain from chest wall
rib. Given the severity of the accident and injury. Splinting and paradoxical chest wall mo-
concomitant intra-abdominal injuries, most pa- tions are improved to near normal levels. Epidural
tients undergo a chest and abdominal CT scan. use improves pulmonary toilet by enabling the
This study better identifies rib fractures and patient to breathe deeply, cough effectively, and
further defines additional intrathoracic injury, actively participate in chest physiotherapy [20–22].
such as aortic dissection-transection, hemothorax, Adverse effects, such as hypotension in the underre-
and anterior pneumothorax. suscitated patient, respiratory depression, and epi-
dural infection, can limit its effectiveness [21]. In
addition, epidurals can hinder diagnosis of intra-
Medical management
abdominal injuries in critically ill trauma patients
The initial management of flail chest focuses [23]. Despite these potential complications, epidu-
primarily on maintaining adequate ventilation. ral analgesia remains central in the management
Intermittent positive pressure ventilation was first of flail chest.
successfully used to manage flail chest in the mid Thoracic paravertebral block is a technique
1950s [13]. Cullen and colleagues [14] further sup- whereby local anesthetic is injected along the
ported the use of intermittent mechanical ventila- thoracic vertebrae. This modality provides ipsilat-
tion in the treatment of flail chest. During the late eral analgesia over a dermatomal distribution and,
1960s and early 1970s, flail chest was managed unlike epidural anesthesia, minimizes hypotension
with early tracheostomy and mechanical ventila- secondary to a unilateral sympathetic blockade
tion. It was believed that the hypoxia, decreased [24–26]. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
compliance, increased work of breathing, and de- such as ketorolac and indomethacin, are effective
cline in pulmonary function testing were solely in the management of mild to moderate chest wall
caused by the flail segment. At that time, only pain. They are particularly useful when used as an
the paradoxical motion of the flail segment char- adjunct to patient-controlled anesthesia or epidu-
acterized flail chest, with no consideration for un- ral analgesia. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
derlying pulmonary contusion [15–17]. Trinkle drug use is limited in many trauma patients who
and colleagues [18], however, recommended pri- may have acute renal failure or stress gastric ulcers.
mary treatment of the underlying lung injury
with a combination of fluid restriction, corticoste-
Outcome and prognosis
roids, aggressive pulmonary toilet, and pain con-
trol. They described a decrease in mortality rate The high mortality rate is primarily caused by
from 21% to 0%, a 5-fold decrease in morbidity, associated injuries, such as pulmonary contusion
and a nearly 3.5-fold decrease in hospital stay in and intra-abdominal or intracranial injury. In one
these patients when compared with those under- series, 100% mortality was observed in patients
going tracheostomy and mechanical ventilation. with flail chest and concomitant head injuries [27].
28 PETTIFORD et al

The Injury Severity Score has been a useful contusion increases risk for the development of
marker for determining the effects of associated pneumonia and is associated with prolonged
injuries on outcome in patients with flail chest. An mechanical ventilation and higher mortality rate
increased Injury Severity Score has been related to in flail chest victims [33,34]. Functional residual
an increased morbidity and mortality in patients capacity is also decreased in flail chest patients
with flail chest [2,27]. who survive pulmonary contusions [35]. A subset
Early mechanical ventilatory assistance is pro- of these patients become progressively more diffi-
vided to patients with severe concomitant injuries. cult to oxygenate and may require pressure con-
An Injury Severity Score greater than 23, head or trol ventilation. Combined differential lung
truncal organ injury, shock on admission, and ventilation with inhaled nitric oxide may also be
blood transfusions within the first 24 hours have used in the management of flail chest complicated
all been associated with the need for mechanical by severe pulmonary contusion [36]. Extracorpo-
ventilation. The mortality rate of patients with real membranous oxygenation may be used in iso-
severe associated injuries may be decreased from lated cases of pulmonary contusion that is
50% to 6% if mechanical ventilation is instituted refractory to the previously mentioned measures
within 24 hours of injury. The mortality rate can [37–39]. Such factors as intracranial hemorrhage,
exceed 90%, however, for patients with flail chest sepsis, and poor overall prognosis limit the use
and hypotension who develop hypoxia for a period of this therapeutic modality. Treatment of pa-
of more than 24 hours [27]. tients with flail chest and severe pulmonary contu-
Internal pneumatic stabilization may allow for sion is difficult. Prolonged mechanical ventilation
fibrous chest wall stability. In addition, pulmo- with early tracheostomy is the rule when manag-
nary toilet can be provided by flexible bronchos- ing this patient group.
copy. Even so, the incidence of pneumonia
progressively increases with the duration of in-
Surgical management
tubation and mechanical assistance [28]. Other
pneumatic stabilization measures, such as contin- The surgical management of flail chest has
uous positive airway pressure (CPAP), may de- traditionally been reserved for the following in-
crease atelectasis in awake, spontaneously dications: (1) patients with flail chest who require
breathing patients and improve outcome in the thoracotomy for other intrathoracic injury, (2)
critically ill and in trauma patients [29–31]. In those who are unable to be successfully weaned
a prospective randomized study comparing from mechanical ventilatory assistance, (3) severe
CPAP with mechanical ventilation with intermit- chest wall instability, (4) persistent pain secondary
tent positive pressure ventilation, Gunduz and to fracture malunion, and (5) persistent or pro-
colleagues [32] demonstrated a lower mortality gressive loss of pulmonary function [40,41]. Land-
and lower nosocomial infection rate. There was reneau and colleagues [42] demonstrated that
no difference in oxygenation and ICU length of Luque rod strut fixation of extensive flail chest
stay. The authors supported the use of CPAP as resulted in restoration of normal volume of the
initial treatment of flail chest. affected hemithorax. This external fixation
Some patients with flail chest progress to approach allowed for successful ventilator wean-
develop respiratory failure manifested by an in- ing after several weeks of continued ventilator
creased work of breathing, progressive hypox- support (Fig. 3). Furthermore, the strut fixation
emia, and hypercarbia. Other patients have apparatus was easily removed at the bedside using
serious concomitant injuries, such as brain minimal sedation. Tanaka and colleagues [43], in
trauma, that dictate intubation and mechanical a randomized prospective study of surgical versus
ventilation. Those patients who are mechanically internal pneumatic stabilization of flail chest,
ventilated may be maintained on synchronized demonstrated less ventilatory support, low pneu-
intermittent mandatory ventilation setting with monia incidence, and a shorter ICU stay in patients
pressure support or positive end-expiratory pres- undergoing surgical stabilization. Furthermore,
sure if their hemodynamic status permits. Patients surgical stabilization was associated with a lower
with flail chest and pulmonary contusion may medical cost and a faster return to employment.
develop a clinical profile similar to acute respira- Internal fixation techniques including plate
tory distress syndrome, with progressive hypox- stabilization, wire cerclage, intramedullary fixa-
emia, elevated airway pressures, and a progressive tion, and vertical bridging have all been used in
infiltrate in the affected lung. Pulmonary the management of flail chest. Haasler [44]

Fig. 3. (A) Chest radiograph of Luque rod fixation of posterolateral flail chest stabilized with orthopedic external fix-
ation devices. (B) Plain film approximately 3 months after device removal. (From Landreneau R, Hinson J, Hazelrigg S,
et al. Strut fixation of an extensive flail chest. Ann Thorac Surg 1991;51:474; with permission. Copyright Ó 1991, The
Society of Thoracic Surgeons.)

performed an open fixation using Adkins struts to cortical screws (Figs. 6 and 7). Special care is
stabilize the anterior and posterior fractures in taken to avoid neurovascular bundle injury. The
a patient with flail chest and refractory dyspnea main advantages of this technique are the speed
with minimal exertion (Fig. 4). The patient had of implantation and that plate extraction is not
resolution of her symptoms with normalization generally required.
of her pulmonary function testing profile at 1 A possible disadvantage of the metal prosthesis
year postoperatively. Judet struts and acetabular is that it absorbs most of the stress directed
reconstruction plates may be used to provide in- toward the affected rib, potentially resulting in
ternal fixation (Fig. 5). Oyarzun and colleagues delayed fracture healing. Furthermore, the rigidity
[45] described a technique of operative stabiliza- of metal prostheses exceeds that of the affected
tion using 3.5-mm acetabular reconstruction ribs and may result in screw loosening, plate
plates. The plates are contoured appropriately dislocation, or chronic chest wall pain, requiring
and secured along the long axis of the rib using subsequent removal [46]. Absorbable polylactide

Fig. 4. (A) Chest radiograph showing volume loss and rib cage deformity after multiple left-sided rib fractures. (B) Post-
operative film at 1 month following metallic strut placement. Note improved volume in the left hemithorax. (From Haas-
ler G. Open fixation of flail chest after blunt trauma. Ann Thorac Surg 1990;49:994; with permission. Copyright Ó 1990,
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.)
30 PETTIFORD et al

pressure load to the bone, which promotes frac-

ture healing. In addition, the absorbable proper-
ties preclude the need for prosthesis extraction
Surgical stabilization can effectively reduce the
duration of mechanical ventilatory support and
decrease ICU stay. The long-term benefits include
restoration of normal chest wall geometry and
improved pulmonary function testing. It should
be considered in most patients with flail chest who
cannot be weaned from the ventilator or have
persistent chest pain or chest wall instability
despite normal supportive measures. There is no
Fig. 5. Judet Struts and application pliers. (From Tanaka role, however, for surgical stabilization in patients
H, Yukioka T, Yamaguti Y, et al. Surgical stabilization of with severe pulmonary contusion. The degree of
internal pneumatic stabilization? A prospective random- respiratory failure is a function of the underlying
ized study of management of severe flail chest patients. lung injury rather than chest wall motion
J Trauma 2002;52:729; with permission.) mechanics.
polymer plates and screws combined with suture
cerclage have also been proposed for the manage- Summary
ment of flail chest (Fig. 8). Plate absorption is
Flail chest is an uncommon consequence of
believed to result in the gradual transfer of the
blunt trauma. It usually occurs in the setting of
a high-speed motor vehicle crash and can carry
a high morbidity and mortality. The outcome of
flail chest injury is a function of associated
injuries. Isolated flail chest may be successfully
managed with aggressive pulmonary toilet includ-
ing facemask oxygen, CPAP, and chest physio-
therapy. Adequate analgesia is of paramount
importance in patient recovery and may contrib-
ute to the return of normal respiratory mechanics.
Early intubation and mechanical ventilation is
paramount in patients with refractory respiratory
failure or other serious traumatic injuries. Pro-
longed mechanical ventilation is associated with
the development of pneumonia and a poor out-
come. Tracheotomy and frequent flexible bron-
choscopy should be considered to provide
effective pulmonary toilet.
Surgical stabilization is associated with a faster
ventilator wean, shorter ICU time, less hospital
cost, and recovery of pulmonary function in
a select group of patients with flail chest. Open
fixation is appropriate in patients who are unable
to be weaned from the ventilator secondary to
the mechanics of flail chest. Persistent pain,
severe chest wall instability, and a progressive
Fig. 6. Schematic of steps 1 through 6 for 3.5-mm ace-
decline in pulmonary function testing in a patient
tabular reconstruction plate fixation along each side of
the fracture site. (From Oyarzun J, Bush A, McCormick with flail chest are also indications for surgical
JR, et al. Use of 3.5-mm acetabular reconstruction plates stabilization. Open fixation is also indicated
for internal fixation of flail chest injuries. Ann Thorac for flail chest when thoracotomy is performed for
Surg 1998;65:1472; with permission. Copyright Ó 1998, other concomitant injuries. There is no role for
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.) surgical stabilization for patients with severe

Fig. 7. Chest films made (A) preoperatively, (B) immediately postoperatively, and (C) 1 year postoperatively. (From
Oyarzun J, Bush A, McCormick JR, et al. Use of 3.5-mm acetabular reconstruction plates for internal fixation of flail
chest injuries. Ann Thorac Surg 1998;65:1473; with permission. Copyright Ó 1998, The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.)

pulmonary contusion. The underlying lung injury

and respiratory failure preclude early ventilator
weaning. Supportive therapy and pneumatic sta-
bilization is the recommended approach for this
patient subset.

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