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Prof ram Sharma’S PhySicS Private tuitionS

2. Mechanical properties of fluids

1. Pressure due to a liquid column P = h  g
Absolute pressure = P0 + h  g
P0 = atmospheric pressure ; h= height of liquid column ; = density of liquid .

2. Equation of continuity: A1 1 V1 = A2 2 V2
For an incompressible fluid, A1 V1 = A2 V2
A1 and A2 are areas of orifice/apertures 1 and 2 respectively.
V1 and V2 are velocities of liquid at orifice/apertures 1 and 2 respectively.

F1 F
3. By Pascal’s Law: = A2
A1 2
F1 and F2 are forces at input and output respectively .
A1 and A2 are areas at input and output respectively
4. F = η A dx
F: Viscous force; : coefficient of viscosity ; : velocity gradient

5. By Stoke’s Law, force on a spherical body is F = 6rv

F : viscous force r : radius of body v: velocity of drop

2 2    g
6. Terminal velocity V = r
9 
r : radius of body
 : density of body ; σ : density of surrounding medium

Vc  D
7. Reynold’s no. N =

Vc = critical velocity ; D : diameter of pipe

8. By bernoulli’s theorem
1 P 1
P + 2v2 + gy = constant or ρ + 2v2 + gy = constant

2ρ gh
9. Venturimeter: Vinlet = √ A m 2
ρ[( 1 ) −1]

m = density of mercury
 = density of liquid

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Prof ram Sharma’S PhySicS Private tuitionS

10. Velocity of efflux For a tank open to atmosphere, V = √2gh

11. (A) T = Ɩ : length of line of contact

a) For a needle Ɩ = 2L where L : length of needle

b) for a thin ring Ɩ = 2( 2 r ) where r : radius of ring

c) For a thick ring Ɩ = 2 r1 , + 2 r2 where r1 & r2 are inner & outer radius of ring

d) For a rectangular frame Ɩ = 2 [2(L + b)]

e) For a rectangular block Ɩ = 2(L+ b)

f) For a disc Ɩ = 2 r

12 . T  (N/m)

dW : change in surface energy or work done

dA : change in surface area.

13. a) Work done in blowing a soap bubble by increasing its radius from r1 to r2,

W=8T(𝑟22 − 𝑟12 )

b) Work done in blowing a soap bubble completely = 8  r 2T

14. When n drops (each of radius r) coalesce into a single drop of radius R, or a single drop of radius R
breaks into n drops (each of radius r).

R3 = nr3

15. For a cavity (gas bubble inside a liquid), Excess pressure i.e. p – p0 = .

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Prof ram Sharma’S PhySicS Private tuitionS

16. For a soap bubble, Excess pressure i.e. p – p0 = 𝑅

2𝑇𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃 hr  g
17. ℎ = , 0r T=
𝜌𝑟𝑔 2cos

18. T = T0(1 - )

To : surface tension at 00C

T : surface tension at  0

 : constant

19. (a) surface area of a soap film = 2 (L x b)

(b) surface area of a soap bubble = 2  4 r 2 

(c) surface area of a drop = 4 r 2

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