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Digital Electronics -I.

Time: 180 minutes Marks: 100

In~tructions for the students :

1) All questions are compulsory.
2) "Long Answer type Question (LAQ)" is a supply type question of 20 marks
which requires a typical answer of about 60-80 lines in about 32-40 minutes.
3) "Short Answer type Question {SAQ)" is a supply type question of 5 marks
which requires a typical answer of about 15-20 lines in about 08-10 minutes.
4) Use of a non-programmable type of scientific calculator is allowed.
5) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
6) Assume suitable data if necessary .

a. No. Question (a) Question

Long Answer type Questions'(LA,Q's)

1. a) Write octal numbers from 6t?8to 1108- " 5

b) Write hexadecimal numbers from DD16 to 10116- 5

c) Draw the IEC symbols for an inverter, AND, and OR gate- 5

d) Explain enabling I disabling of the foUowinggates : 5

.NAND -- ," ,
2. a) Reduce the following expressionsJuse any method) "1:5
, --
i) AC +AB ii) A:BC + ABC + B

iii) ABC + ABC + ABC iv) ABC +AC + C

b) Design a circuit to implement the following tabJe using K-map 5

N-521 11ESO51flE~~20080211:I (P.T.O.)

a. No. Question (a) Question

3. a) Draw the logic diagram of a 4-bit BCD adder . 10

b) Perform the following subtractions using the 2's ~omplement. 10

method :
i) 11000000-11000001
ii) 11010011- 00101101
iii) 01101100-10010010
iv) 01111101-00110010 , "
4. a) Rank the following according to speed, in descending order : 5
b) Draw the schematic diagram of three open-collect(fr inverters, 5
7406s, tied to a pull"up resistor {)f 5 k;Q and a power supply of
c) Write a short note ~n the 'surface mount technology 0' ."' j
d) What are the various voltage levels in theTTL family ? What is j
noise m.argin ? Show using a simple diagram.
Short Answer type Questions (SAQ1S)
5. Write the truth table for : 5

.Three-input AND gate

.Three-input NOR gate
6. State and prove De Morgan's theorems. 5

7. Draw the logic diagram of a 4-bit 2!8 complement adder f8ub8tractor . 5

8. Draw and explain a TTL two-input NAND gate. 5


N-521 rESO5l1EE/20080211:2 .75


Digital Electronics -II

Time: 180 minutes Marks: 100

Instructions for the students :

1) All questions are compulsory .
2) "Long Answer type Question (LAQ)" is a supply type question of 20 marks
which requires a typical answer of about 60-80 lines in about 32-40 minutes.
3) "Short Answer type Question (SAQ)" is a supply type question of 5 marks
which requires a typical answer of about 15-20 lines in about 08-10 minutes.
4) Use of a non-programmable type of scientific calculator is allowed.
5) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. ~
6) Assume suitable data if necessary.

a. No. Question (a) Question


Long Answer type Questions (LAQ's)

I. a) Drawa &t -~ flip-flop logic diagram using NAND gates. 5

b) Draw a logic diagram of a transparent D flip-flop using NAND 5

c) Draw the logic diagram for a JK master slave flip-flop using a 5
NAND gate and give the truth table for the same.
d) Draw a logic diagram of a delayedclock and shift counter 5
which will repeat every loop.
2. 'a) Draw the logic diagram for' a 5 bit shirt: register using JK 5
b) Explain the oper~tion of the 74190 counter IC. 5

c) Draw the waveforms for the down counter in number '5'. 5

d) Explain a synchronous down counter . 5

3. a) Explain the charging and discharging of a capacitor and prove 10
that T c = 0.69 (RB+RA) C and TDC= 0.69 CRB
b) Which analog to digital conversion method will be the fastest 5
for all values of voltages to be converted ?
c) What would be the voltage increment 6 V of a 5 bit binary 5
ladder with voltage supply of 15.5V ? ,
4. a) Explain the operation and use of decorders. 10
b) Describe the use oftristate gates with compu~er buses. 5
c) What is a mnemonic code ? What are the four main parts of 5
computers ?

N-522 TESO52/EEt20080213: (P.T.O.)

N-522 TESO52/EEf20080213:2 260

Microprocessors- I

Time: 180 minutes Marks: 100

Instructions for the students :

1) All questions are compulsory.
2) "Long Answer type Question (LAQ)" is a supply type question of 20 marks
which requires a typical ~swer of about 60-80 lines in ab'out 32-40 minutes.
3) "Short Answer type Question (SAQ)" is a supply type question of 5 marks
which requires a typica,l answer of about 15-20 lines in about 08-10 minutes.
4) Use of a non-programmable type of scientific calculator is allowed.
5) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
6) Assume suitable data if necessary .

a. No. Question (a) Question

Long Answer type Questions (LAQ's)
I. a) Describe how an assembly language program is developed and 10
debugged using system tools such as editors, assemblers,
linkers, locators, emulators and debuggers.
b) What is the advantage of using a CPU register for temporary 5
data storage over using a memory location ? ,
c) Describe the difference between the instructions MOV AX, 5
2437H and MOV AX, [2437H] .
2. a) Draw a flowchart of a delay routine of 500flS. Write also an 10
Assembly language program in 8086 for a delay routine of
500flS with a 500MHz clock.
b) What is difference between procedures and macros ? 5
c) Explain reentrant and recursive procedures with an example. 5

3. a) What are assembly language directives ? Explain any five 10

assembler directives.
Describe the use of CASO, CAS1, CAS2 lines in a system with .
b) 5
a cascaded 8259. .

c) Explain the mode 3 of 8254 with wavefortns. 5

4. a) Describe memory mapped I/O and direct JJO. Give the main 10
advantage and disadvantage of each.
b) Draw a block diagram of a simple logic analyzer and briefly 10
describe how it operates. Explain the function of the clock and
function of the trigger.

N-523 TESO53/EE/20080215:1 (P.T.O.)

a. No. Question (a) Question

Short Answer type Questions (SAQ's)

5. Describe the operation of following instruction in 8086. 5

6. What additional instructions would you have to add to an addition 5
program so that it correctly adds two BCD bytes ?
7. Explain the RORinstruction in 8086with an example, 5

8. What are the functions of 8086 DT/R and DEN signals 5

N-523 TESO53/EE/20080215:2 230



Time: 180 minutes Marks: 100

Instructions for the students :

1) All questions are compulsory.
2) "Long Answer type Question (LAQ)" is a supply type question of 20 marks
which requires a typical answer of about 60.;80lines in about 32-40 minutes.
3) "Short Answer type Question (SAQ)" is a supply type question of 5 marks
which requires a typical answer of about 15-20 lines in about 08-10 minutes.
4! Use of a non-programmable type of scientific calculator is allowed.
5) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
6) Assume suitable data if necessary.

a. No. Question (a) Question

Long Answer type Questions (LAQ's)
1. a) Draw the interfacing diagram of 8255 and keyboard (4 x 4 matrix). 10
Draw the'flow chart for key detection.
b) Why
a gray.code, rat~er
position shaftthan a straight binary . code used on
encoders. 5

c) What are the major disadvantages of mechanical relays ? How 5

do solid state relays solve these problems ?
2. 5


3. 5

4. a) What are the different serial data standards ? Explain any-two of 10

b) What is the difference between a base band network and a broad 5
band network ?
c) For what p-urposewas GPIB design~d ? Give the names for the 5
three types of devices which GPIB define~.

N-524 TESO54/EE/20080217 : 1 (P.T.O.)

a. No. Question (a) Question

Short Answer typ~ Questions (SAQ's)

5. Explain how a stepper motor can be interfaced with a microprocessor 5
with a block diagram. ~---
6. Why must a 12 bit D/A converter have latches on its i/p if it is to be 5
connected to 8 bit ports ? --
7. What is difference between a microprocessor and a math coprocessor? 5
Why is a math coprocessor used in the design of a graphics processor
system ? .-
8. Describe how a CCD camera produces a pixel data whicb can be stored 5
in a computer's me~ory. -.-'c.--~

TESO54/EE/20080217:2 285

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